Chapter 8

SheJin found DeJang s eyes normal as if what just happened never existed. He had soft , intense dark brown eyes just like everyone but that was not very clear tseeas he was wearing his hoodie and his bottle neck mask. But the part of his forehead that was revealed had color though not that clear. It was still very pale and glass looking as a corpse buried in ice.

SheJin felt the need to smile but truth be told he is still hung over the great sense of fear that had over took him. It's hard to pretend like he didn't just see DeJang looking like that but he will try , atleast so that he avoids getting scared again

He rotated full body and bowed to DeJang who was still in shock too, about what he just witnessed..

When their eyes met ,SheJin forced a feable smile that was very much brief and very lightly almost like he was trying hard to not to move his face. SheJin gyrated and he stepped up of the room. He exhaled in relief as soon as he stepped outside. He did it stealthy ,not showing too much that he is relieved to leave. But everyone outside was wondering how long it was going to take before SheJin left

These motions summoned DeJang to come back to reality and he placed the dish down on the table. He followed SheJin as they went outside to meet Yang

DeJang found SheJin standing in the region in front of Zhao Yang .

He had greeted him very ceremoniously like he is greeting a young king. And it's not surprising why.

SheJin looked at him like he was looking an expensive artifact. The reason is simple. In the novel he was described excellently and he is exactly the replica of that. Of course he shouldn't act like a mindless person but reading about MeiYang and then seeing him offers a different kind of satisfaction. And it's like he can see what the author saw. And the best part is this author really created a picture perfect existence.

The only son of the south sect s sect leader, Zhao LongWei, MeiYang cultivated to the highest junior level in three fields of cultivation at such a young age. But he mostly did well in ghost cultivation. He excels in a lot of different types of executing cultivation but his greatest strength is in weapons or inventory cultivation, the use of spell strips and other weapons. Which explains why his weapon is a double ended whip with the strength worth split the earth in the bilateral sections. The whip looks ordinary but that is all a masquerade. Reason being that it has a special metal embedded inside the rope . The alloy is crafted from chromium and steel that has been made malleable within the whip so as to allow mobility. The metal is good for directing pneuma and that is diabolical scenario for any creature that has to receive its wrath

SheJin felt honored to meet him. He can tell that from the stature of this young master that he is the best at what he does. He is reputed , resourceful, well mannered and to top it of he is also very appealing to the eye. The king is not unreasonable for wanting MinHee to marry Zhao MeiYang.

Feeling like he is gawking at MeiYang , SheJin reprimanded himself. He should act with manners in the face of such an honor.

As they were still standing there, someone s energy dressed the space in his presence. The people in front of SheJin more especially the guards bowed to very eloquently to the person.

SheJin and DeJang swerved to look at which high rank being warrants this kind of respect. Even from the peerless Zhao MeiYang

Who else could it be other than the second youngest male royal family member , Iseul. The one person in all of this dynasty that SheJin thinks stands a chance to rule this kingdom for many years and bring prosperity and tranquility forward. A lion that doesn't roar for respect, a sword that cuts without being drawn.

The first time SheJin came here, he didn't really look at him that much. In fact he doesn't remember looking at him at all. But his whole existence is very alluring. He is way quieter, way more isolated and way more friendless than anyone SheJin knows. He has smaller features than YongSun. His contours are very much soft , almost like a child.

Everything on him looks like they were measured before they implanted on his face because they were very much symmetrical. Delicate skin, beautiful cupid shaped lips that are quite small but very much noticeable, equally positioned straight eyes and medium sized eyebrows not forgetting the amazing straight eyelashes. The opportunity cost to extra-terrestrial ultra supreme beauty. He looks like he bathes in milk and white roses because he has the most clearest skin and the most straight and shiniest hair in all of the kingdom. To be honest , he must look beautiful if he smiled and he must be very electric if he laughed. And judging by the way maids whisper about him, they too must be curious.

Of course some people think that YongSun is more handsome but SheJin truly believes that everyone is handsome in their way. MeiYang and masked DeJang are both handsome and so is YongSun but they look nothing like one another. And the same goes for Iseul. After all beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And if that is the case then Iseul is definitely beautiful according to SheJin.

And despite him appearing so minute and over the top introverted , the white mountain incarnation does look like he would have a very interesting personality if he would open up more often or just once.

This cup of ice and sweets seldom talks but truth of the matter is his voice is really nice to hear. Like a peacock feather falling on a pool of peonies and white lavender. Once again , another mystery hangs on him because SheJin seriously doesn't remember a lot being mentioned about Iseul except that when he is present everyone is inclined to freeze up. Of course the first impression would be does everyone also include dream cultivator DeJang. And the answer is yes. Even DeJang gets almost intimidated. Otherwise why at this point is he also quiet and staring at him like he sees the governor of the heaven s celestial court?

Without a doubt this is very interesting to know. Anyone who scares the devil should be captivating to some point, right?

Too bad he is very difficult to socialize with as SheJin doesn't know anything about him except that he likes to be alone. That is how his personality has he authored, a complex being indeed

" I came to meet the king", he explained to everyone as they already know that Iseul wouldn't be here to see the cultivators or that he would be just casually walking around the palace.

" The King is not yet here", the guard at the door explained after bowing. He really feels intimidated by Iseul. Everyone he could not deny that the expressionless Iseul was really belittling in someway. Even though he is just a child, he seems like the prince of the galaxy. Nothing in this realm is above him.

Iseul half bowed and he steeped to walk away. SheJin looked at the two maids that followed behind him. they walked with heads bowed and one was carrying three books and the other a basket covered with a red cloth that had gold painted embroidery.

Obviously they were going to the library. that's the only place that Iseul ever goes. He wakes up, has breakfast, studies and he repeats the cycle.

He must really like reading. This is yet another important factor but he doesn't it wasn't mentioned in the novel so that was shocking to know. But given Iseul s character or his overall persona, it's not that surprising.

Anyway Yang told DeJang that they have to go and find a map.

" Don't they have one in the royal library?", DeJang asked MeiYang.

Everyone turned to face Iseul who stopped moving and he turned back. He could feel that they were asking the one person who almost could surpass the librarian about knowledge of the library.

" There is", he answered is in the highest level of honorific. And he turned to leave. the young cultivators looked to each other and DeJang followed him. MeiYang assumed that he is going to show them the direction of the library. Even though he didn't say so, he must be saying it's obvious. And if they don't follow someone will show them anyway

SheJin looked at them walking and he decided to wait for YongSun to return from wherever he is and as he turned to enter the room and bring the dish, he felt someone pull his coat.

He turned and he saw the young maid from a few minutes ago.

The maid bowed to SheJin and he pulled SheJin s forearm and placed the three books . She then bowed to him and she walked away without saying anything. SheJin was confused. He looked to the books then at the five people who were walking away in the Lang passage.

What should he do with these?