Chapter 12

MeiYang found a guard talking to his colleague. The one being spoken to was massaging his shoulder so he probably got hit by a tile due to the slashing.

MeiYang s eyes shifted to the man who stood staring at the battlefield.

The man was dressed like the workers of the palace but his garments were a little bit more refined , showing that he belongs to a higher clade among his workers. Nonetheless he was dressed in commoner clothes, he still looks like a perfectionist went rouge in just creating him at general.

His visual were out of the ordinary as he had no competitor.Thin magenta lips, straight nose , prominent eyes , clear skin, long ,thin and full eyebrows , v shaped face and a youthful aura to it. All these define the beauty standards that are universally praised especially here. And the fact that he had all of them and so defined is really applaudable. The heaven managed to create sublimity like this .

People of his looks are liable to draw attention to themselves unintentionally and they tend to easily fall into everyone s good books without even trying. Thence if he asks for silver coins they might probably give him gold and jade pendants.

Now that he thinks about it, he was the man who was standing next to the door of the king s study room a few minutes ago.

That is a little perculiar. His looks make him appear to not be at the right age to be working for the palace. But since it's not likely that the human resource department was fooled by him, maybe his external appearance is just deceitful . Whatever the case, it is indisputable that this young is very stunning and probably the most alluring he had seen in the entire palace grounds.

If he had some sort of status, by now DeJang would have probably teased him as he tends to play off with people like that.

Come to think of it, DeJang emerged from the direction in close proximity from this man.

'What was he doing anyway? ' MeiYang conversed with his thoughts

" JiuLing, are you okay?" , a voice called behind SheJin making him turn to face the owner and it was the guard who was earlier in talking to the injured guard. He looked very much concerned but SheJin knows it's a fascade

Nevertheless SheJin replied yes and looked back to the grounds but what he found was an empty space. The young cultivator had disappeared into the air just like his colleagues.

SheJin turned back and he headed back to the tray that he had let swing out of his hands.

As he walking there his mind ran to the scene just unfolded in front of him. The harder he thought the more his eyes reddened.


Ten minutes later MeiYang landed on the outside of the palace wall . After attaining stability, he reached for his pockets and took out a piece of paper . He placed it in his left palm and used his right hand to trace down. He wrote down a combination of strokes in such an unnatural way. It was the Zhao PSIS.

Every sect has two such symbols. The CIS (common identication symbol) and PSIS (precise sect identication symbol) that are written on different papers, known as the seeker, due to the traits of each symbol.

The first is just a unique symbol that can be found anywhere and is not so secret. It is used to give the vague location of a sect member identified by that symbol.The CIS gives someone s general position

The output of the search would be in the form of cardinal points and it highlights all the points where such a member of the sect is. And then the seeking cultivator has to turn and face the direction of the sect member they want .

The paper will lead them to them. However the paper will shrivel fifty meters away from the sect member.

It's so inconvenient but it gives a general start that one can follow.

To counter this inconvince, a second symbol was made. The PSIS.

This is a stroke unique symbol. No matter how two symbols may look alike if their stroke order is not the same , they are not the same thing . Just like any other lock , every key is unique .As such it is important to follow the correct order to get the intended results.The symbols are not complex to make but the stroke order is the one that gives a nightmare

This second code is one which involves coordinates and pinpoint accuracy. It works exactly like the CIS but this one shrivels five meters overhead the person being seeked. And that shriveling is optional.

Because of this feature and its characterists in general, the PSIS is a sect secret in the sense that only those in the sect know the correct order of recreating it.

It's okay to work as a unit but privacy is still very important and so is being discreet.. That being said is that should a sect member be able to trace any other sect using their PSIS symbol, the punishment is really bad as the only credible reason is trespassing and encroaching of secrets.

That being that case if a sect member from for example A wants to find a sect members of a different clan for example B, they can just script down the common identification symbol.

One might ask what use is a CIS if a sect member wants to find someone yet it won't pinpoint exactly where they are.

The answer would be if the seeking sect member had no bad intentions and was working with the one they are seeking then that one would have told them where they are going. But if something happened to them and they are not at the place they had agreed , then the seeking sect member should contact the missing sect member s sect.

Anyway this is the case for everytime the seeker is used for one person. But there is a little complexity if it's searching for two or more people.

If there are more names in the paper then the seeker will search for those people in the order they were written. Each name would then be allocated a unique color.

If the people are in different places, the paper lights in the cardinal point with where the person is with respect to their identification and color.

This is part where the user of the seeker has to decide which cardinal point they want to follow. If they don't pick one the paper will float and self divide . Then each paper will head in all the directions that lit up.

This becomes difficult to follow because if any of paper reaches the person it was assigned to find , it begins to shrivel . Thanks to CIS paper.

Due to the inconvenient yet standard method, many searches conducted under such terms are unfruitful. As such cultivators opt to write the CIS on the paper used for PSIS for the sole goal that they can control whether or not it shrivels.

It's the best method but PSIS paper is really expensive so they use it with caution. However for the sects with major trading provinces, these paper is delivered to the them in bulks every two months so it's not such a cause for huge concern.

That is how the seeker works.

Primarily MeiYang was looking for DeJang and according to LiuHe, he is with Zhao .

If he didn't know where DeJang was , he would have had to draw the symbol of the sect that which DeJang is from, and that is the west sect.

However there is a problem. Whenever he uses that to look for DeJang he can't find him. So the last option is to write his birth name

If one is looking for someone they can use the sect sign but for civilians, they use their birth names as their courtesy are not yet acknowledged by a high priest unlike sect members . A birth name is special because people were given it before they knew the bad of the world and is directly linked to their soul as it's believed that when a child is just born, their soul is on display.

DeJang s birth name is KangYu but when he grew up he changed it to DeJang.

There is no meaning behind the name so no one knows why DeJang choose it. Speculations were that the meaning must be in his birth name and he must have wanted to get rid of it so bad. But then again when someone joins a sect they gain a courtesy name which can be used to find them .

But if MeiYang writes 'DeJang' which is approved ,on the paper , the seeker would just remain on his hand .. only by writing Liu KangYu does the paper react. That means that 'Liu KangYu' is DeJang s full birth name as the paper reacts to sect names and birth names. Isn't it bizarre that his birth family name is 'Liu'?

Anyway MeiYang used PSIS and DeJang s name. He wipped over it .

Incontinently after that , the papers s edges and corners joined together. This is a sign it's searching . The paper further folded into a bird and posed on top of MeiYang s palm. This shows that the people he is looking have been found and are in the same place. And if he throws the paper to the sky and follows it , it will lead him to them

He did that and the bird flew to the east side of the capital

The capital is really enormous and amazing.

The space is divided into five main units with the palace situated at the middle of the units. These are Central business zone (CBZ), residential plots, Administration Zone(AZ), General Life Services (GLS) and the manufacturer zone(MZ)

The CBZ covers the largest portion of the capital with over a hundred streets entwining everywhere. This place is main source of income for seventy percent of people living in the capital because for every three streets there are atleast five stalls and four services buildings. Service building include restaurants, hotels, bars , food shops, clothes shops, jewel shops and many more

These businesses hire a lot of people and receive a large number of customers on the daily. As such no matter what type of service they offer, it is without a doubt profitable.

To the furthest side of the capital is the residential plots .

Houses are not allowed to be close to the palace so they are very far away taking atleast four hours on foot to the nearest house and the furthest takes nine hours.

Though it passes as infuriating ,that is never really a bother because there are modes of transport like carts here that are used to travel. The prices for their use is not exorbitant so just about anyone can use them as they are literally scattered all over the capital . Each one follows a certain route all the time so people can and do commute. The upper class also use carts just that they have personal ones and private cart drivers. Their carts have their family name embedded on the outside.

Talking about the rich, their homes are to the same side as the lower classes homes but there some minor service stations and homes of the middle class dividing the two for reasons understood by the upper.

It's clear to see that standard of living are divided into the three . The lower ,upper and middle class..

The lower work in the CBZ and MZ, the middle work in the AC and the upper owner service shops in the CBZ and some in the AC as well as those in the GLS and MZ but majority other business belong to the king. Other upper class are not only business men but can be royal advisor , ministers or just basically anyone who has shared a cup of tea with the king.

The homes for the middle class are more closer to the AC like the rich to the palace and the lowered class to the GLS.

The AC has things like admin offices, migration offices , tax offices just to mention a few. This is where one can find lawyers, accountant and other workers like that.

GLS comprises of hospital, cremation centers , old-age homes , orphanages, schools basically anything that is considered for the welfare of the people .

Of course there are clinics in the middle of town but those clinics handle minor issues. Most likely one would find an outpatient setup and just beauty clinics. No critical patients found there since doctors and surgeons are always at the GLS.

The MZ is the furthest from everything as it causes the most pollution is all aspects. The MZ has lock smiths, charcoal makers , medicine makers , just anything that involves the making of products from raw materials. These products are then taken to the CBZ for sale.

This form of arrangement is really good because it enables control to be centralized . There is no need to keep restructuring the grounds to accommodate for squatter settlements.

It's important to note that there can be homes in places not meant for residence like for doctors who can't move from far away to tend to someone . Self-employed business people really don't want to go further away from their business so they opt to build in the CBZ. However except for workers of GLS, this arrangement is expensive so only the well financed afford to do so but other than that, every one is comfortable with the way things are .