Chapter 25

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Dejang looked at the scene from the corner and he stared at Shejin smiling like a fool to Yang. He must be very much enthralled to be in his presence ,to this unsettling extent.

" .. but why does that make me feel alone", he crossed his arms over his chest but as he peaked again he found Shejin facing in his direction and he immediately hid away.

He clasped his chest as if he was aching . He started to feel overwhelmed that his legs were getting heavier. His carotid artery throbbed and his jaws tensed . All of a sudden he felt like he had blast out running after being heavily sedated.

He rubbed over his eyes that were getting cloudy and his ears that were getting cumbersome.He exhaled deeply and he rested his head on the pillar that he had been peaking over.

He doesn't understand this reaction . It's almost like anxiety mixed with anger and boiled with fatigue and fear.but whatever it is is definitely a first for him. All the others he has felt but the latter is overbearingly extra. Furthermore it is almost as if it is born from nothing except his own thinking.

He peaked for the third time and saw that Shejin had disappeared. That realization replaced itself from that of unnecessary caution to that of a disappointment from a short-lived distraction. It felt like for a brief moment he knew what it meant to feel something different from his usual emotions but that quickly melted away and he can sense all the agony and everything running up to him but he can do nothing except just endure the feelings

It feels disoriented and chaotic however it feels different yet still sad. Another type of sadness,the kind beget from wanting to try but actually fearing to explore and feel something aside from the usual.

He clasped his hands together and he exploded into feathers. And flew to the east side of the palace...


" Somebody help!!",

The maid cried in the early peeks of the morning, a few hours from sunrise . Such a cry emitted from the care-center but the action and climax was outside the premise.

All guards hurried all the way there and when they got there ,the man from last night that Suyen had victimized, had transformed fully fleshed and was throttling two maids that were looking after him. In his perimeter five people were almost glued to the walls with their face buried on them , as if they don't want to breathe

The maids that he held , were in each hand and he was squeezing the living out of them. Best of all he had pinned them to the floor like a maniac and the poor girls were hanging to life by a weak thread.

What was scary was that he appeared arguably normal and more alive than a few minutes ago but what was mostly striking was that more than three quarters of his hair that was faded away and his nailbeds had been peeled off and all his finger tips were bleeding.It is like he had been pulled, plucked and shaved. His hair line was bleeding and the exposed patches of skin were visibly red and inflamed . The long ruffled hair that was at the back of his head was glistening under the dim light but it was actually blood. As he pressed on their necks , he bled from every angle .

The other girl stopped fighting and he let go of her. When guards arrived he used his other hand to press on the other girl's skull, crushing it while at the same time , he ripped off her esophagus, almost like he was separating her into two.The crowd cried at that and the other girl he previously let go off started to cough

Yang and his crew tried to reverted him but his deranged anger was unrealistic . It was really like he had loaned strength from drugs and alcohol. And it had turned him to a trichotillomania .

He went to the girl and he furiously stumped on her face and neck almost five times all over, per impulse.

Within seconds the men reached him but the girl was mutilated to the bridge of death. He tried to grab the nearest man but Yang quickly hit him with his spear but he didn't move. A warm line of blood withdraw and summoned him to turn slowly to his attacker with one goal in his mind and his cold and lethal stare, kill!

He went towards him.

The rescued guard grabbed his leg and another guard his other leg.They managed to restrain him successfully yet he didn't even struggle. Their touch was almost like a stop button and he came to an abrupt and unexpected arrest.

Everyone looked at him , with his ability to pull off someone's trachea, he could easily protest himself free from the clutches of these people.

While they were thinking that he is trying to scheme a death plan or pinpoint his next victim, out of nowhere he started to twist his shoulder and leg

" What are you doing?", A guard yelled at him and he finally opened his mouth and a lot of black blood spilled to the floor through his teeth.

That amount of blood could mean three things. One , he pulled out his teeth or tongue, the second he drank the blood or regurgitated it and third he is severely injured.

He continued to twist and as he did that people that he had pinned to the walls followed the same pattern.

The female twisted her head , the male his own waist and the two males twisted fell backwards into a downward bridge. On that mark, the other man twisted his waist and his head while the other his legs and arms. The final male started to pull his hair while he was face down on the walls

Someone screamed to tell him to stop and the guards panicked knowing that he might go and kill again if he was released.

" Please!!" The twisting people sang and even sounded like they were crying and begging for mercy.

It's easy to mimic a cry but as the lady twisted he neck, her fear dressed face was revealed. Her lips had been staked with wood and she was bleeding terribly. She was crying and her eyes reddened and blackened as if she was in the actual pain she seemed to be in.

Out of pittance and an instruction from the audience, the guards holding the man let go of him . Within the same second,he jumped to his fours like a non-human animal and be scurried towards the others who were afraid to touch him . As if by magic, the helpless people on the walls returned to silence while the ones on the floor just froze still.

Now these men's faces became clear. One had three wood piecing straight through his cheeks while the other had wooden stakes running through his mouth and out his mandible. Worst of all he had atmost six of such stakes. Both seemed to be in unspeakable pain and both were simply flooding waves of blood howbeit their blood wasn't as black as the ringleader's.

Just then the plucked man grabbed the skull-crashed female and instead of doing anything, he bit her neck attempting to pull out her veins then leaving her bleeding on the floor.

Shejin seeing this ,outburst towards the man and he grabbed his neck from behind.

" Jiulin ,", his girlfriend cried running towards him as well.

He did his best to hold him down but the man reached over and he clasped Shejin's hair and pulled viciously making him cry like a baby.

On that painful note, she kicked the man. Just like the first time ,he didn't flinched to the pain but instead he hit her forcing her to fall far away.

Shejin got enraged , pressing hard and he tried to pin him down but he quickly pulled Shejin to the ground by flying him over his head and slamming him by only holding his hair and head. Seconds later he sat on top of him and used both his hands to strangle him

The guards and his girlfriend moved closer to help him but then someone screamed that the people on the walls got further twisted once again. The more they tried to get close to the man , the more the others got bent.

Naturally they would just do it to let others live but those people were crying and begging for their salvation.

" Jiulin!!" She cried as she saw Shejin struggling to stay alive.

His face was paling and bluing, his veins protruding and pounding. The perpetrator was piercing deep into Shejin's neck and since he was supine, his hair was revealed from his face and all his beauty unhidden.moreover one couldn't literally see that his hyoid bone is seconds from snapping.

Without notice , a large stool hit the man across the face making him fall to the side and off Shejin.

Immediately when he landed, a rope clasped to his neck , tightened and he was pulled using that rope. Kicking and kicking like a dog, he was swepeed over the ground.

No one dare to say anything for they have never seen such aggression on the young beauty's face.

There was no mistaking that he was never going to let go of him.

A killer had been reincarnated and born within Yongsun and only the blood of this man would quench the thirst within. Eventually through his hideous acts, he would have been sentenced to some gruesome type of punishment . But that execution method, goes without saying that it is not to be performed by the prince. Nevertheless whoever dares to stop him would be asking for death.

He pulled with some type of loaned strength and he carried the rope to the nearest roof banister. After stringing over the wood, he pulled and the man raised to the roof while he was still hanging.

He fought to breathe and was actually trying to remove the rope but Yongsun wasn't listening.

" The prince is going to kill him.", People whispered and Yang went towards him to beg him to stop.

Howbeit he knew if he stopped the prince ,there is a high chance that the ringleader might summon the people to bend again.

Shejin started to try to restore his life and the lady was already on him checking if he was fine . But he was unresponsive because he could still feel his broken bones.

He turned his head and he saw Yongsun holding the rope but he also something else. A tree , almost like a willow tree pulling the rope but it seemed to be inside of Yongsun.

He squinted his eyes and he started to elevate thinking the thing was killing the monstrous man. As he started to crawl towards the prince , the tree shadow rotated to the side and held a red rope around Yongsun's neck . As Yongsun persisted holding the one killing the man, the tree pulled tighter on the one around Yongsun making him look like he is choking.

" Yongsun!!" He called him but his bones hurt so much . And his voicebox was still injured

He started to cry for the first time thinking Yongsun is about to die but just then the Zhao sect and a cloud of birds emerged .

Dejang was the first to run towards Yongsun but instead freed the man from the rope by cutting it.

Like he was simply tied and not asphyxiated , he tried to kill the nearest being but Meiyang slapped a paper to his chest and another on his head.

He rotated and looked to Meiyang.

He peeled off the paper and he looked to it as if he is mocking Meiyang . Just then he reached both his hands to Meiyang but Dejang pulled the short rope lagging behind on his neck. He began to choke again while Dejang stilled before stood in front of him.

They looked eyes and his man went into an unrealistic level of freezing. He stared dead cold into Dejang and Dejang into his.

Meiyang knew that look along with all other cultivators. Dejang was drinking his nightmare!! And in order to do that he must terrify the man to a semi-paralytic state .