Chapter 33

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍The outter parts of the kingdom are very remote and seem like a different world from the busy streets. Walking out here can be like treading forever regarding to how extremely unpopulated it is. All that is to see is acres of dried acres and hectares of large mountains.

Meiyang had decide to interrogate Enlai but in these far parts . The reason was that Dejang said he smelt nightmares around Enlai and the inn. Therefore Meiyang was brought him a carriage that is being driven by Haoran.

" Last we met, you said the bones are not of a child. I find it strange",

Enlai didn't respond to what Meiyang said and instead swayed as the cart was moving. Haoran was driving as he slowly could so this motion was to imply that Meiyang is trying to scald water with a stick.

Enlai: You are bad at baiting. Even I know what you are trying to fetch out of me.

Meiyang: you said that the miss is your friend then you must hate he condition she is in. Don't you feel she deserves a peace of mind?

Enlai : you speak as if she is dead

Meiyang: if we can't help her, she might as well be

Enlai: then go ahead

Meiyang: Mr Mang, we need a breakthrough. tell me about the child.

Enlai: She is Mr Yee's child . After she passed, she was cremated and buried away in the mountains. Because the madame was sad, Mr Yee had some monkey bones brought back and burried in the backyard. He thought it would bring closure to her until she begun saying her child was crying in the backyard. So they took her to the madhouse as she repeatedly wanted to dig the grounds with her bare hands.

Meiyang : How did the child die?

Enlai: Respiratory failure

Dejang: ZHAO YANG!!

Quickly Meiyang peaked outside and he was greeted by a person wailing an axe while blasting supernaturally at full speed towards their carriage at the same time surrounded by than twenty gremlins and Dejang's birds floating behind.

Haoran hit the saddle for the horses to sprint while Meiyang responded by retreating to get Enlai when already four toddlersized gremlin started to scratch and aggressively gnaw the outside of the carriage. After a few feet , ten more gremlins had started to attack the horse , sucking its internal energy.

Though Haoran tried to control the carriage , the horse let go and plunged nose first to the ground. Upon losing that stability, Meiyang pulled Enlai while Haoran flew out of the mechanical container. At that time , NaiWen had already arrived . By full thrust, she tried to slice open the carriage but Meiyang tossed Enlai to Haoran who caught him like a bouquet and threw his whip to tie her hands. Immediately then she begun to twist her head.

Liuhe: release her!!

Meiyang followed Liuhe's prompts but then she raised the axe and tried to slice off Meiyang's head .

Dejang threw the birds to encompass the axe but she struggled so much clinging onto the axe . He swang her around until she lost balance and landed far off.

Her body rolled on the mildew and just then she twisted and backflipped till she was standing. Black blood oozed from her mouth implying that her body is rejecting the medicine she is under . While looking at Meiyang ,she raised several needles and she stack them to her own neck.

Meiyang ran to her and she tried to dodge him but Liuhe's leaves were already tying her feet.

The area they contacted glowed red and her already tore feet got drenched in her black blood that leaked from her ankles. It was obvious that she was fighting around the thread despite the damage it was causing to her.

Just as Meiyang turned to look at Dejang who was fighting the gremlins , she twisted downwards and slithered to grabbed him by the shins. She burried her nails and teeth onto his flesh , visibly drawing blood as she was trying to rip his skin.

Meiyang almost screamed by the sudden surprise and astounding pain that his metallic whip turned blue . He swiftly covered his mouth before his tears flowed. Seeing this, Haoran practically spilled Enlai on the ground and jumped to viciously kicked her on the ribs . She didn't let go despite the groan for pain. With no resort and seeing Meiyang on the verge of tears , he summoned extra strength and he violently strangled her by pressing viciously on the back of neck. He squeezed as hard as he could and when Meiyang noted her rolling her eyes, he took over by thinning Haoran's meridians through holding Haoran's arm. He ignored him and instead multiplied the thread strength that Liuhe was using to try and pull her off. At the point her teeth commenced to raise off his flesh , Haoran bombarded her ribs with a thunderous kick resulting in her rolling once again and to further coil under Liuhe's thread once more .

Without a command, Liuhe pressurized her meridians to reduce the power surge and minimized the rejection phase she is undergoing. He went on to stabilize her blood pressure, improve the output of calming hormones and relax her muscles. He continued to channel a calmer amount of qi in her non-affected meridians that would become dominant awarding her to call down. The summary of these events called a green aura around Liuhe making him arguably very handsome .

Meiyang's shanks burned and that much was visible

from how red his face and inflamed his whole wounded areas were. Haoran tore off his dress to wrap them. With Meiyang seated , he looked at Haoran who unnaturally responded by grabbing Meiyang's cheeks and telling him he will be fine.

Dejang was still busy fighting and stabilizing the gremlins that came with her.Just like the beats when they first came into the kingdom, these creatures melted but they didn't produce a core meaning they are just nightmares. That must imply the nightmares he smelled around Enlai were actually NaiWen's.

As for Enlai , he was laying on the grass shivering and coughing at his sobbing. That is when everyone noticed him . Meiyang instructed Haoran to check on him . Reluctant as he was , he went and picked Enlai up . He propped and carried him to Meiyang.

As soon as he put him down he rushed back to Meiyang. Earlier he couldn't risk the wound healing qi transfer but now he has to . He, without Meiyang's permission directed qi into the wounds. Though they are different levels , the effort is still sweet plus the fact that Meiyang didn't reject it verbally or physically means that Haoran can try to get close to him again.

To put it briefly, a donor accepts qi the same way one gets hypnotized. They have to give consent , relax and adapt. Or they can be forced through the above-mentioned through alcohol or drugs. Therefore the energy flowing seamlessly into Meiyang means that he is relaxed. And him to be this quickly relaxed means he is still very welcome to him.