Chapter 8: Moving into the Allerton Palace

Keon stared at his biological father yet not even a hint of warmth can be seen from his eyes

He never thought that he would see his father again after he... some unpleasant memories were recalled by Keon and his face became even emotionless

The Emperor can see his own reflection from his son's eyes. Looking at Keon, he was greatly reminded of how his wife looks when they were younger

Keon inherited his mother's purple hair and eyes along with the facial features instead of the Emperor's blonde hair and golden eyes

The number of times he has seen Keon was very little even though his son is already almost at the adult age

"Your Majesty, I merely did what the Empress wanted. He slapped me because I punished a maid. Since he did that to me then the maid should be someone that even I, an Imperial Moon cannot easily touch, right?" Keon questioned emotionlessly and the Emperor narrowed his eyes

Why does he feel like his son is completely different from what he knows? Even if they almost never meet each other, everyone is still aware that Keon is a weak and meek child

How could a person like that talk to the Emperor in this way?

"1st Princess, are you rebelling right now?" The Emperor questioned dangerously

His presence tried to dominate the Princess but he was unsuccessful

"That is not my intention, Your Majesty but if the Empress were to teach me the proper way to behave, I would go according to his wishes" Keon replied with a hidden meaning that the Emperor can decipher

'Since the Empress wants even a maid to bully me then so be it' that is what Keon meant and that also means that the Imperial Family would continue to lose its prestige

"I understand. I will make it so that the Empress wouldn't be able to meet you as freely as before. From now on, you will move from the Empress' Palace to the Allerton Palace" the Emperor gave his decree and Keon bowed elegantly

"I thank His Majesty for his great gift"

The Imperial Palace is composed of one Main Palace for the Emperor to live and have meetings with the Nobles

Aside from the Main Palace, there are also 3 secondary Palaces that are mostly given to the Empress and Queens. Most of the time, the Imperial Moons and Suns would live in these Palace with their mothers just like Keon

Those 4 Palaces are the biggest and aside from them, there are also several minor Palaces

As Keon is the oldest among the Imperial Moons and Suns, he should have already had his own Palace but the Empress didn't allow that

After all, how could he easily bully his own son if Keon is living in another Palace?

The Allerton Palace might be average among the Minor Palaces and is not befitting for the 1st Imperial Moon but having one is still better than having none at all

"Then, I will stop imposing on Your Majesty's time anymore" Keon decided to excuse himself since he already got the thing he schemed for

If he were to stay in the Empress's Palace, he might not be able to stop his impulse to kill his own mother... again

Keon starts walking away without even looking back at the Emperor that he so badly wants to be close in the past

Javier notices the change of his son and although it might be a drastic change, it isn't completely surprising

"You have changed" Javier spoke out loud, causing Keon to stop in his tracks

Did he change? Of course, he does and he should have! There is no way in hell that Keon would continue letting anyone step on him

"You have reached your breaking point I suppose but... the Empress is still your mother" Javier continued and Keon almost laughed at that

Mother? Is someone that inflicts pain and trauma to their own child even deserve such a Noble title? How laughable

"Of course, he is" Keon answered but his words were completely empty and the Emperor knows that

The 1st Princess continue walking away as if the meeting with the Emperor is nothing much to him

"Your Majesty, why does the 1st Princess change this much?" The Emperor's loyal aide - Marquis Rezen Hammon can't help but ask

"Just like what I said earlier, he already reached his breaking point. I have thought that he would one day reach that point but I didn't expect that it would be this fast nor explosive. Did you think that he pass by this area coincidentally?"

The Emperor is the leader of the nation. His intellect and insight naturally can't be undermined

"T-the Princess did it on purpose?" The Marquis exclaimed and realization soon dawned upon his face

At this time of the day, the Princess should still be at the Academy. Even if he came back early, why did he use this specific path? This is not the way to the Empress' Palace!

"Y-Your Majesty you mean... this.. this is all planned?"

Javier nodded his head at that while turning his head to look at the retreating back of his son

"Whether his change is bad or good would depend on him" the Emperor muttered but deep inside him, he already knows the answer


Keon continued on his way as he reached the Allerton Palace. It was not big nor grand compared to the other Minor Palaces but it wasn't that bad

The Emperor can't give him a high-quality one as it would make the Empress dissatisfied. He also couldn't be given the lowest quality one as he has the most seniority among the Prince and Princesses

"P-princess, what brings you here?" The maids in the palace asked as soon as they saw the first Imperial Moon

"This Palace was bestowed to me by His Majesty. From now on, I will be living here" Keon answered casually and the maids look at each other

If a member of the Royal Family will live in this Palace, they don't want it to be the 1st Princess as this might put them in a bad light of the Empress

"Your Highness, are you lying to us? Why would His Majesty give this Palace to you?" One of the arrogant maids asked rather aggressively

He belongs to the people that enjoyed mistreating someone that could normally squash them to death

The news about Keon mercilessly punishing a maid still hasn't spread in the whole Palace and these low-status people still don't know how to act

People like this maid is someone that Keon is very familiar with to the point that they are 'boring' in his eyes

With a yawn, Keon placed his hand in front of him and a black magic circle has appeared

The magic circle releases black tentacles that wrapped themselves in the poor maid's body

"P-Princess! What are you doing?!" The arrogant maid asked both fearfully and angrily

Keon released another yawn before he raised his hand just to put it down in the next second

The dark tentacles followed Keon's will and they smashed the maid's body into the ground

All the remaining maids around couldn't help but step backward after seeing the bloody body of their fellow maid

He was still alive but he surely is in great pain


The maids shouted loudly from fear yet Keon acted as if he didn't hear them

"Are you accusing me, the 1st Imperial Moon of lying that even involves the Emperor's name? You sure have guts" Keon said with a sneer and he didn't know what's with this day but he heard yet another voice behind him


It was another voice that he is familiar with and Keon's entire being was instantly filled with killing intent that he didn't even mask

When Keon turned his body back, his eyes further darkened at seeing one of the Empire's Imperial Sun

The Sun that he once helped to be seated in the most coveted throne

"My dear brother, Lawrence Morningstar, fancy seeing you here" Keon said with a wide smile that once again didn't reach his eyes

Lawrence Morningstar, the Master of the Twilight Demons. A fearsome organization with unknown origins yet have the ability to shake the Empire

The Emperor has blonde hair and golden eyes yet the 7th Imperial Sun has pitch black hair and eyes that he also inherited from his deceased mother

"Keon, what are you doing?" Lawrence inquired. He is 100% sure that Keon also have memories of the past or more like, the future

This type of action is not something that the Keon at this point in the timeline would not do

He should still be shivering in fear and craving for affection. But now, Keon's eyes told Lawrence that the Princess has no need for love

It was something that the Princess would never ever desire again

Before, Keon only needs his brother's love and affection to the point that he dirtied his hands to give him the throne

But now, whether it be his parents or siblings' love, none of them matters to him!