Chapter 11: Slapped

"Your Grace, can I have you for myself right now? I'm an easily jealous man, what would you do if you break my heart?" Keon asked in a 'low spirit'. He was still acting as a moon that is frail and fragile to the point that Cain had an urge to scold him for being too shameless

Even then, Cain doesn't have a choice. It would be bad for the innocent moons around if they were to be in Keon's presence for a long time

"C-can you please leave us alone first?" Cain asked and the moons looked at each other before bowing their heads

They can't quite comprehend the things that are happening right now and they are in dire need of a breather

With faces contorted with complicated expressions, the moons walked away, leaving the Imperial Moon and Young Duke alone

"Pfft! What's with their faces? They look like they just drank a whole jar of vinegar!" Keon commented with a laugh, not even waiting for the moons to go out from his sight

As such, the moons heard his words and they turn red from embarrassment. They wondered if the person they encounter is really the weak and easy to bully Imperial Moon

Why do they feel like Keon is not a princess but a street scoundrel?

The moons could only fasten their footsteps while seething with anger

Only when Cain couldn't see the moons anymore did he decide to confront Keon with eyes reflecting the rage inside him

"Do you really have to be such an asshole every day? Why are you even messing with innocent people?"

Cain never bullied someone nor he likes seeing a case like that. Well, since it was Keon that we are talking about, I guess he doesn't have any reason to be shocked

Not to mention bullying, this man could even kill thousands of people without batting an eye

Cain's words don't affect Keon that much. He was already used to receiving harsh words. In fact, the Young Duke's words were already on the lighter side

"Haaa, bye-bye! I still have a class" Keon said with a yawn. He already messed with Cain and those moons, he doesn't plan on staying any longer

With a laidback attitude, Keon starts walking away, much to Cain's fury

"Stay right there!" Cain said in a loud voice, almost shouting. He unconsciously used the Ring of Absolute Obedience and Keon's body stiffened as he become rooted to the ground

This is something that Cain immediately regretted. Aside from forcing Keon to help him stop Lawrence, he doesn't plan on using the ring's ability for other things

Despite not being the one under the influence of the ring, Cain still saw a lot of things in this world including how awful it is to be controlled by someone

No one would like it if someone were to control them especially if that person is Keon. His eyes darkened as he forced himself to move but the ring didn't let him

Seeing that futile struggle, Cain immediately removed the ring's restriction on Keon and the thing that he instantly received was a slap

Cain felt his head almost being thrown away. The audience they have around was completely shocked by this development

Their mouths formed an 'O' shape as they can't believe what happened

Did the Princess just slap the Young Duke? The students around murmured with each other

With eyes reflecting his anger, Keon step forward until he was directly in front of Cain

"Don't you ever use that ring on me again. If not, you will see what hell looks like!" Keon threatened. His eyes and face showed how serious he was

Cain doesn't know what Keon is feeling inside by using that ring against him. That mistake of Cain earned him Keon's genuine anger

"W-wait, i-it's not like what you think!" Cain desperately said, trying to clear his name. Too bad that Keon is too consumed by his anger to care about his explanation

"They all praised you as the aloof but also magnanimous Duke but you are not that much different compared to them" Keon said with venom in his tone

If there is a person in Keon's life that he genuinely praised at the bottom of his heart, it would be Cain

This man is a nice person but not the foolish kind. He doesn't hurt anyone at normal times but for the sake of the Duchy and the Empire, he won't hesitate to wield his sword to fight and kill

A person like that is better than people that are too foolishly kind like the past him. The type of kind person that would just let anyone do whatever they want without doing anything that people would be viewed as 'bad'

Unfortunately, it seems that all people in this world really sucks even the highly regarded Cain Ybra

Before the Young Duke could clear things up, Keon already walked away and he could only watch the man's retreating back

Cain stayed rooted in his place for quite a long time. He was completely clueless about what he should do now

If not for the arrival of his friend, he might stay in his position for an even longer amount of time

"My friend, what are you doing here?" The newly arrived man asked and he is the only friend that Cain has

Greve Edzel, a Sun from a Count's family. He was the only person that could endure Cain's personality that is viewed as cold most of the time

"You shocked me yesterday for suddenly walking out of the class- hiss!" Before Greve can even finish his sentence, a loud hiss already came out from his throat after seeing his friend's face

"What the... what happened to your face? Did someone slap you? Hahaha, who am I kidding? Who would even dare slap you?" Greve was confident that no one in this world would have the guts to slap his friend here

However, after seeing the change in Cain's expression, he unconsciously took a step back with an incredulous look on his face