Just thinking about Keon can have a taste of the sun that countless moons in the Empire wants to have already satisfied his vanity and it made him excited 

Keon didn't waste even a single second anymore as he tried to kiss the Young Duke in his lips

However, the thought of being kisses by such a vicious and black hearted person made Cain felt extremely repulse

Although his mind knows that he should just let Keon do whatever he wants to finish this matter, Cain's instincts still kicked in as he moved his face to the side, wanting to evade the devil's kiss

Keon wasn't really offended by the fact that Cain looks this disgusted. In his mind, he was only starting. Before this night ends, Cain surely couldn't get enough of him

However, just because Keon wasn't dishearted doesn't mean that Cain can continue acting in that way

To show his dominance, Keon raised his hand and...
