Chapter 55

Despite the dreadful anticipation that Keon has towards the Manor, he still didn't say anything. If he were to show that he is currently afraid of Cain then wouldn't that make him lose face in front of the Young Duke again? Keon cannot afford to show such a weak side of himself ever again!

As a result, the two returned to the Manor with nothing much happening. However, as soon as the carriage stops, Cain immediately pulled Keon with him as they entered with quick foot movements 

"H-hey! What do you think you are doing?!" Keon asked angrily while sweating a bit

He already chose not to continue acting even though there are many maids nearby and his actions might be seen by the Duchess

To hell with that! Cain right now really made him feel the danger! He doesn't want to be with this sun at this moment!