"Sir Geisler, we must put justice for our fellow investigastor!"

"If His Highness can kill the Viscount, doesn't that mean that he can also kill us?"

"The Viscount has always been against His Highness and he was killed like that. Wouldn't we suffer the same fate if one day, we also have to go against His Highness?"

The investigators that were normally in awe and fear of Keon spoke as if it was already proven that the Princess is a criminal that killed a Noble

They are giving the Baron an even bigger headache. He was already torn apart and is in a dilemma yet his fellow investigators is pushing him to choose their side right this instance

"I can't even sleep last night just by thinking about how aggrieved the Viscount has been for his sudden death!" Another investigator that is surely a hypocrite and his words made the Baron realize something 

The night that the Viscount has died, Baron Geisler completely felt like Keon was testing him