Three days later

Only after three days did Keon woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, his vision locked on the ceiling above him

His eyes and face looks lifeless and soulless as if he was tired of living in this world already

After three days of no beatings from his mother, Keon recovered quite a lot especially since Cain and his parents help does their best to heal him at the fastest speed they can 

They did not hold back in calling for mages, priests, using Holy Water and anything that would help speed up Keon

Fortunately, most of the wounds that Keon received were just surface wounds. He received beatings but he was not stab or anything

Yet even then, his soulless appearance seems to be the appearance of a person that underwent countless years of torture

While Keon was mindlessly staring at the ceiling, he suddenly felt a hand grabbing his own