Despite the Baron's gut feelings telling him that Cain coming here is not a good thing, he still decided to show politeness as the other person saved his life

"Young Duke, thank you for helping me deal with the assassin" the Baron said as he bowed his head before he remembered something and his eyes constricted

As he was fighting for his life earlier, the Baron forgot where the assassin came from. It was the master's bedroom of his Manor in which he and his wife are sleeping at!

The Baron's heart starts to beat anxiously again and he don't even care if he looks rude as he hurriedly entered his bedroom 

However, he saw that there was no one inside. His wife cannot be seen and that made him fearful

The Baron took a step back, fearing that the dead assassin or its colleagues took and killed his wife or even his children!

Suddenly, the Baron's back collided on something and his body jolted in shock and fear