"I-I ... is that even possible?" Cain muttered but before he can receive any answer from Keon, he already answered his own question. "No, with your personality, you will make it happen for sure"

Hearing what his fiance said, Keon smirks as he comfortably sinks even deeper in his chair. "Seems like you are also smart. You finally realized it now" Keon said and Cain can only shake his head

"No wonder why you don't want me to kill Lawrence personally" Cain said with a sigh 

Although Cain is indeed stronger than Lawrence, that man is also slippery and formidable. He was not the type of person that could be easily killed even if it was Cain that wants to do it. If Cain were to kill Keon, it would surely create a large commotion and Cain would not be able to kill him while also keeping his identity a secret. If Cain were to be found killing a Royal then even if he is a Duke, he would still be charged with treason and be executed