Keon's body floated with the large amount of mana surrounding his body. Even his purple hair fluttered in the wind as he glowed with a bright light

The magic formation that he had created encompasses an entire city. Every citizen of the Kingdom living in the Capital can see it. In fact, even those outside of the Capital can see it

With the massive size of that magic formation that covered an entire city, it was naturally an eye-catching thing

It has been a long time since any war happened in the Escarten Kingdom but even then, many of them are still aware of the implications of seeing a magic formation of that size. It was the sign of large-scale magic being activated 

It instantly causes many people to panic. Even those that do not know what the magic formation is still panicked. After all, such a large thing suddenly appeared in the skies. Even if you don't know what that is, wouldn't the normal human reaction be fear of the unknown?