There were more than a hundred Knights present. Each of them was showing hatred for Keon as if he had just done the worst crime ever. Yet even with the accusation of high treason, Keon still remained calm as he stops Cain from attacking these cute little Knights

Not to mention a hundred, even if there are a thousand of them, they still would not be able to defeat Cain. Lawrence that Keon is sure to have something to do with this is also aware of that and he must only be trying to see how Keon would react

"Before anything else, may I know the crime that I allegedly did?" Keon questioned them as if he was the one with the upper hand even though by now, the majority of the Empire's citizens already think that he is the worst criminal ever

Since at the end of the day, Keon is still a Royal and even someone that holds a Ducal Title, the Knights still decided to answer his question