After more than a week, the date of Keon's execution arrived and just like he demanded, it would be done publicly

In the city square, hundreds to thousands of people have already gathered

At the center of these people, a platform was created with the guillotine in the middle of it

The citizens of the Empire both commoners and Nobility are already waiting for the criminal to arrive

Despite Keon having demands, it was not hard to comply with it

After all, the demand was merely for the execution to be done publicly and that the executioner should be the only surviving child of the current Emperor aside from Keon

For the Nobles, although Keon's demands were weird, it was not something that they can easily accept as long as the criminal did turn himself in. After all, if they were to have a civil war, with the military prowess that Keon's side has, the Empire would be in danger even if the Nobles were to win