Chapter 1: Long Shin (Edited)

[Huaxia, Longjiang City]

The cobblestone streets of Longjiang bustled with life; it's quaint coastal charm drawing in tourists from far and wide.

Amidst the busyness, one could spot a young man walking slowly, a sense of dejection radiating off his figure. His jet-black hair was unkempt, but the messiness only served to make him look more handsome than usual. His captivating blood-red eyes were like two polished rubies, piercingly deep and giving off an enigmatic vibe. Two blade-like eyebrows cut across his forehead, perfectly framing his strong features that spoke of many untold stories. Even as he walked forward, slump-shouldered and aimless, others couldn't help but take notice of the alluring aura that surrounded him.

Long Shin eventually stumbled into a park full of lush greenery and towering trees. Birds chirped merrily in the background as he trailed further in; soon enough he reached a cliff on one of the smaller mountain ranges within the park. And there he stopped, looking up at the sky above with palpable melancholy etched onto his face.

'Why did she leave me,' Long Shin thought to himself, 'I did everything she asked me to and tried to treat her better. Why did the relationship that we built over the years just end so suddenly? She didn't even bat an eye when she said she wanted to end things between us. Were my feelings one-sided? Did she never truly love me?'

Shin felt the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. He gave a bitter half-smile at his own stupidity then shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't even know if I should laugh at my stupidity or cry for my lost."

He fondly thought back to their relationship. Long Shin had known Wang Ruoli since she transferred to his old city during lower education. he reminisced on the relationship he treasured for so many years. Even after they graduated secondary school and she returned to Longjiang City, he didn't think twice about following her there so they could pursue higher education at the same university. The two of them were inseparable, laughing and smiling through countless days spent together.

A wave of depression washed over him as he sank into despair. His heart felt heavy, like a rock dragging deep within his chest. Long Shin sat down on the grass and silently gazed up at the dark night sky, struggling to make sense of all that had happened. He couldn't believe she was gone, that she'd walked away without a second glance back. How could he forget something so profound, something that left such a deep scar on his heart?

As he sat there in the large dark expanse, something caught his attention – a small glimmer of light in the night sky. As he watched, it grew larger and brighter until it illuminated the whole landscape with its shimmering beauty. It was as if nature itself had come alive to remind him that even amidst such loss and pain, beauty still exists.

Long Shin broke out in a cold sweat as he felt something coming towards him at an alarming speed. Within seconds, it was close enough for him to make out its outlines.

"What is that?!" He thought in horror, his voice strangled with fear.

He had no time to think as the cliff behind him seemed ready to give way any moment.

"Damn it! I need to run or I'm done for!"

Long Shin scrambled forward like a madman, desperately trying to stay ahead of the faint light that was steadily approaching from behind. Suddenly, he heard a thunderous roar and felt the ground shudder beneath him. With a sharp gasp of relief, he realized he had avoided certain death when the cliff collapsed behind him. He stopped and looked back, gaping in wonder at the destruction that lay before him. The mountain range was now nothing but pitch black ash with flame still burning at some places. It was even worse than a large-scale forest fire.

Steeling himself for what might await, Long Shin began his descent down the mountain, following whatever left these tracks of destruction. Soon enough, he arrived at the end of the tracks and gasped in disbelief at what he saw.

The scorched land stretched out before Long Shin, a desolate wasteland of ash and smoke that seemed to go on forever. As he trudged forward, he spotted a deep pit, fifteen feet across. With a tentative step forward, he peered inside and instantly recoiled in shock - there was a rainbow colored crystal nestled at the bottom of the abyss. Its circular shape gleamed ominously in the night sky, and it had an otherworldly aura emanating from it that made him feel uneasy. He wondered silently how such a thing could have come from outer space - what secrets did it hold within its depths? Long Shin stared into the ebbing depths for what felt like eternity, mesmerized by the crystal.

Long Shin looked down into the crater, pondering on what he should do.

"Should I touch it? But what if it's something dangerous? To hell with it, we'll see what happens," he muttered to himself. After some hesitation, Long Shin decided to climb down and see what this mysterious crystal was.

He slowly climbed down the hole, his heart pounding with anticipation. He finally reached the bottom and came near the rainbow crystal. Even though he said he wasn't afraid, his hands started shaking a little as he extended them to touch it. The crystal was about the size of a baseball, but even more shocking was that it felt cold against his fingertips! He immediately withdrew his hand in surprise, then shook his head in confusion. How could something that fell from outer space at such high speeds feel cold?

He hadn't considered this in advance due to his shock, but he reasoned that an object falling with such speed should be scorching hot.

Long Shin took a deep breath and steeled himself for another touch. This time when he touched the crystal it began to glow with a deep rainbow light! Instinctively, Long Shin withdrew his hand again, this time in awe instead of confusion.

Long Shin's eyes widened in fear and he gasped, "What the-?" He frantically tried to fling The Crystal away from his palm, but it wouldn't budge. It was stuck to him like glue. Without warning, a deep, monotone voice reverberated through the air—emotionless and cold.

[Beep....beep... detecting a lifeform has come into contact with the orb of Primordial Chaos]

[beep... beep... detecting that the host is human and all other conditions meet the requirements. Starting activation process now.]

Another beep sounds, informing me that the process might take some time and I'll be unconscious during it. However,

[...detecting that the area is not suitable for the process, searching through host's memory to select a more convenient location for the activation to take place.]

[beeps... beep... beep... the system has chosen an appropriate location and initiates teleportation.]

'What in the world is happening?!' Long Shin exclaimed. He glanced down to see a brilliant rainbow crystalline glow radiating around him, engulfing him in its light. He squinted through slits, trying to comprehend the phenomenon unfolding before him. As he tried to make sense of what was happening, the crystal's light intensified and he could no longer keep his eyes open. With a deep breath, the light faded and he felt himself slowly levitate off the ground. Suddenly he disappeared in a blink of an eye, like a ghost slipping into the night.


Minutes later, choppers and vehicles flooded the abandoned crash site - a scene that would've taken Long Shin aback if he were still there. All of the aircrafts belonged to Huaxia's military or secret Investigation Department – an eerie reminder of the magnitude of what had just occurred.

The choppers were still flying in the air and lighting up the area of the crash while the armoured cars came to a halt.

From within them, some figures emerged - some in black suits, others in more casual clothing or ancient eastern cult attire. But one thing was clear to all who caught sight of them – they exuded an aura of incredible danger that not even an mindless animal would dare approach out of sheer instinct.

Amongst them, one stood out. He wore ancient eastern clothes that bore resemblance to those of cult followers. His name was Choi Han. His face retained its stoic expression as he spoke. "I don't know what it was that crashed here but whatever it was, it left an ancient and unfathomable aura behind." At his words, everyone frowned as they understood what he implied. One of the men in black suit stepped forward, his name Ma Gong.

'It must be something extremely powerful.' Ma thought as he let his gaze wander over the wreckage.

Ma Gong's countenance grew paler with each passing second as he spoke, "It is certainly a powerful treasure. I believe it can rank in the top tier of the most formidable artifacts in existence. There is a chance it might even be the strongest one out there."

The powerful aura of the treasure was so palpable, it alerted them without even having a master, they were also shocked when their radars detected an unidentified object breaking through their planet's atmosphere. This was enough to tell how extraordinary the said object truly was.

"If some unknown person has gotten their hands on this relic, then we must find it before 'Those' forces do," Choi Han said grimly. His expression showed just how serious the situation was.

"The people from 'Those' factions are already at each other's throats, and now an unforeseeable element has been thrown into the mix," he continued, his voice tinged with dread. "The Underworld, which has remained hidden from the mortals for thousands of years, may soon come to light again."

"And when that happens, the chaos will be unparalleled," added another man.

"I fear the worst," Choi Han spoke with a hint of despair in his voice. "If such treasure falls into the hands of those 'Heretics,' we could be doomed for good." The expression on everyone's face darkened at these words, knowing very well what 'They' were capable of.

Ma Gong looked around with fear in his eyes, "Can this information be kept hidden from others? At least for a while?"

Choi Han scoffed, "We may keep it under wraps for a few months, but even our organization doesn't have authority over all. We can't trust anyone."

"So, we'll work in secrecy until we find that Treasure," Ma Gong suggested with a determined gleam in his eyes.

All of them nodded their heads in agreement and started working towards their respective tasks, each one knowing the fate of the secular world rested on their shoulders.

The place was silent once again as they went about their work. But there was an eerie feeling in the air, as if something sinister was lurking just beyond the shadows.


In a stillness as thick as tar, Long Shin slowly opened his eyes. His vision adjusted to the darkness of his bedroom and he gasped in shock. How was it possible that he was here? The last thing he remembered was touching the rainbow crystal at the park -- an eighty kilometer journey from his apartment. He felt like waking up from an unexplainable dream, yet, he knew that what had happened was real.

Long Shin's room was filled with modern furnishings yet it still had an old world charm to it. The furniture was made from dark wood, giving the room a dignified atmosphere. A large mahogany desk stood in one corner, seemingly forgotten by time. Next to it was an armchair upholstered in velvet. On the other side of the room stood a bookshelf overflowing with books on various topics such as philosophy, science, history, and literature. lastly the room had a large comfortable king size bed.

[Beep...beep...teleportation complete...began to initiate system will be in an unconscious state in the process please be prepared...beep.]

"Wait! What's going on here?" Long Shin demanded, his voice trembling with fear. He was completely bewildered by the mysterious rainbow sphere hovering above him.

[Beep...beep....Starting the process in 3...2..1]

His eyes widened as he tried to move about, but found his limbs feeling like lead weights as a strange sensation engulfed him. Pressure built up in his head and he felt himself slipping away, despite still being conscious as he heard the words from the orb echo ominously around him. He closed his eyes and surrendered to the darkness, unaware of what it might bring.

While he kept sleeping, a trickle of unrest grew around the world, and a strange luminescence began to outshine from the Crystal. As it shone brighter by each passing second, it seemed to be transforming his blood molecules into life force, thus altering his very origin.

The rainbow orb that was also known as ‹Orb of the Primordial Chaos› hovered over him and began spinning clockwise. With every revolution around its axis, its speed kept increasing until after exactly 30 seconds the Orb stopped spinning while slowly crackling noises filled the room.

Crack! Crack!

The tiny cracks on its crystalline surface started to widen, showing no signs of stopping until it had covered every inch of the Orb's body.

Suddenly, with one last resonating craaaack! The rainbow Orb shattered into thousands of pieces.

The loud crack was followed by a brilliant explosion of rainbow glowing particles. They glittered and sparkled, shimmering like stars in galaxies far, far away. The particles drifted towards Long Shin, forming a cloud of sparkling dust that enveloped him.

The particles pierced through the fabric of his clothing, entering his body with no resistance whatsoever. His skin rippled as though something was coursing beneath it, and soon the particles had spread to every part of his being – from his organs to his soul.

His blood changed too, becoming a deep crimson with a hint of gold. The red particles fortified his organs, adding mass to his body in a way that made him look strong but not overly muscular or bulky. Every aspect of Long Shin had began to transform transformed.

His formerly short strands of hair began to lengthen, cascading freely down his back until it reached his waist. His eyebrows began to grow in a sharp and angular shape, as if someone had cut them with a sword. His transformation seemed almost divinely inspired; it was as if he had been sculpted by the heavens themselves.

When his physical transformation ended, the metamorphosis of his soul commenced. Energy from around him surged into his body: this energy was mana, and it kept coming until all the mana within a kilometer had been absorbed. The suction force extended even further, reaching up to 10 kilometers away, then 50 kilometers away—all the way to the nearby cities. No matter how much mana was taken in, the magical force only seemed to strengthen.

The sudden Mana phenomenon spread rapidly around the city like a wildfire, which even those big shots who were leaving the Longjiang city took notice of.

"What is this?!" they exclaimed in shock and disbelief.

Choi Han felt fear surging through his veins. He stuttered, "D-did you sense its location?"

Ma Gong shook his head with wide eyes. "No matter how much I keep trying, I can't seem to locate where this phenomenon is taking place," he said with cold sweat dropping continuously from his head. It was as if he had been thrown into a scalding hot volcano.

From weak evolvers to powerful ones, no one could pinpoint the exact location of Mana being devoured to. It was as though someone or something was consuming the Mana greedily, causing them to have goosebumps and feel their bodies go cold. They were horrified at such titanic power.

The masses reeled and staggered beneath an unseen, oppressive force. Even the secular world felt the soul-rending pressure as it enveloped them. Not only ordinary citizens from the Underworld, but even experts that had reached the apex of Silver and Bronze—all were left feeling helpless and tiny by this overwhelming pressure. Never before had any of them experienced anything to this magnitude; not even if they faced an enemy a layer above them. Whoever was behind such power must be beyond any imaginable comprehension.

The group of Evolvers stood in awe, as the raging energy in the air pushed and pulled them, and finally Ma Gong spoke.

"Is an expert is trying to break through to GOLD rank? It's only when an evolver tries to breakthrough, that a phenomenon like this appears," he said with surprise.

"I never expected such power from this small city. I thought it would be impossible for someone here to reach such a level," Choi Han remarked grimly. "It's alright if it's an expert trying to break through. What worries me is that the mysterious peerless treasure we were unable to locate before might have been the source of this power."

Ma Gong mused, "If your speculations are true then that is truly a peerless treasure indeed, one which can't be compared with the ones present on the ranking. Even hidden treasures of those sacred lands don't stand a chance against it."

Choi Han took a deep breath before speaking. "If even those hidden treasures can't compare with it then it probably has a will of its own, and has probably already chosen a master," he said grimly. Everyone exchanged worried glances as they realized what his words implied.

"The Underworld will most definitely face some chaotic times now," Choi Han continued, his voice heavy with dread. "It's important that we stay vigilant and be prepared for any possible outcome."

A deafening silence filled the air as everyone contemplated the dangerous road ahead. Suddenly, a chill ran down their spine; they were scared of what lay in store.

Ma Gong attempted to ease the anxious atmosphere by saying, "Don't panic, all of this is just our own ideas in the end."

Amidst the chaos and commotion of the Longjiang city, Long Shin remained oblivious to the uproarious events that were unfolding around him. Unbeknownst to him, a mysterious sparkle began to emit from his being, as if an unseen force was igniting his core. The particles transcended and evolved his spirit, transforming it into a euphoric state of ‹Divine Soul›. This spiritual transformation also allowed for the formation of an exclusive space, a vast dark space filled with infinite darkness, illuminated only by the glowing golden ocean known as the ‹Divine Sense Sea›.

Floating at the center of this sea was Long Shin's soul; which surprisingly resembled his physical form but with that of a one year old child. Suddenly the soul opened its eyes: two dark red pools that seemed to pierce through any who gazed upon them. The scene that lay before those eyes was more gruesome than anything imaginable; blood-stained skies and mountains made out of corpses surrounded an endless pool of crimson liquid. It was as if they had stepped foot onto a battlefield - an atrocious sight which would terrify even the strongest warrior. But what made this vision so alarming was its source - a freshly born soul should be pristine and without stain, yet here appeared to be the contrary.

The bond between human body and soul is one of life's essential elements.

The mortal body was formed by the ethereal and mysterious powers of yin and yang, two harmonious yet contrasting energies; it was the material existence composed of the tiniest particles of yin and yang's unfathomable forces. But, the soul was a force field - made up of innumerable interlocking layers of ether which gathered around a single point of energy, forming a soul. This soul granted sentient beings their ineffable identity as well as preserving their memories with each passing incarnation.

The soul was both particle-like and wave-like in nature, instilling it with enigmas that no being had been capable of unraveling. As for what truly created the soul or its origin, this remained concealed in an abyssal mystery - shrouded in puzzles whose answers could offer insight into mankind's seemingly unreachable inquiries about life itself!

At every realm of cultivation and enlightenment, all things carried a spirit. According to myths, plants, creatures, even stones - if they experienced long periods of time within incalculable coincidences - might eventually grow strong enough to reach godhood. The soul had its most elementary form – Soul Form - granting those who possessed it the aptitude to discard their physical vessels in order to manifest their true selves.

An evolver's ability to manipulate the soul was one of truly terrifying part of their talent. There were many variations to the uses of one's soul force; it could be used in a variety of ways, with a similar effect as utilizing mana. The most fundamental part of the soul was its soul force, it was the very basis of soul-type Disciplines, skills, and abilities.

When one's soul was powerful, there were all sorts of benefits. For instance, one's magic perception, alchemical ability, refining ability – all of this was related to one's soul. In the future, an evolver would not encounter bottlenecks when cultivating due to the insufficient strength of their soul spark.

After reaching Silver rank an evolver will be able to form their own knowledge sea, a space that held an evolver's spirit essence and soul together. It was the very core of one's being; without it they would be no different than vegetables.

In truth, this 'sea' was more like a miniature dimension. The depth or width varied from person to person. As an evolver progressed further down their cultivation path, their knowledge sea would become even more refined and vast..

It was found on the brain, where their soul resided. Knowledge sea depended on the brain to exist, Divine soul on the other hand was an independent entity.

If someone with a feeble will were to catch a glimpse of Long Shin's spirit, they would likely succumb to terror.

Once the foundation of a ‹Knowledge Sea› had been laid, the ‹soul Sense› that is formed consequently would become accessible to an evolver as well. The most general use of this power enabled its wielder to peer into their surroundings beyond the reach of their five common senses with breathtaking insight, traveling distances that corresponded to the strength of one's soul. Such was the sensitivity of this ability that those gifted with it could detect minute fluctuations in energy and even trace the movement of ghosts within the area.

Venturing deeper, there stands a miniscule probability that an adept might create the ‹Mutated Knowledge Sea›, also known as the ‹Conflagrated Knowledge Sea›. Meanwhile, the ‹Divine Sense Sea› and ‹Divine Soul> are something straight out of legend, never has an evolver appeared in the earth star with Divine Soul.

When someone's body has been completely reduced to dust and ash, they may still have a chance of redemption if their soul remains unscathed. But it takes only the slightest crack in the ethereal vessel for all manner of unimaginable consequences to be unleashed upon them, and even supremely powerful figures who control an immeasurable amount of power are vigilant in protecting their souls from harm. Even the merest hint of danger can send them into frenzied panic.

As one steps foot within the sacred ‹Cycle of Samsara›, they feel a strange sensation engulfing their body. Their soul is then purified until all past attachments are removed, leaving them in a peaceful realm of nirvana. It is said that some can remember their past lives and thus preserve their soul from being forever washed away.

The process of preserving such soul is different than being reformed through the ‹Orb of the Primordial Chaos›.

Hours had passed since the changes began, but Long Shin was still unconscious. He remained that way until the sun rose on a new day. His eyelids slowly fluttered open and he mumbled groggily, "Ahh, what a peculiar dream."

He stretched his arms above his head while sitting up in bed. Little did he know, his physical form had drastically altered. Long Shin shambled into the bathroom and gazed into the mirror, only to be met with unspeakable shock. His own face stared back at him, but it was delightfully different.

"What the hell!?" he exclaimed as he stumbled back from the reflection. He stepped forward again to get another look and whispered in disbelief, "Is this really my face? How is this even possible?!" He took a moment to take it all in before realizing, "It wasn't just a dream - it really happened!"

Long Shin's appearance had become grander. His once slender frame was now powerfully built with taut, toned muscles and a broader chest. His body seemed to radiate an inexhaustible energy. his every movement radiated majesty and nobility, his short black hairs now cascaded down to his waist, creating an enchanting atmosphere as though time itself had suddenly ceased its forward motion just for him. The very air buzzed around him in anticipation of whatever may come next while hinting at the limitless potential contained within his figure - it almost felt like standing before some slumbering titan.

Thinking of the events that had unfolded yesterday, he was overwhelmed with a complex array of emotions.

He had spent years building up a relationship with 'that person', yet it was gone in an instant and replaced by heartbreak. He was then nearly hit by an enormous meteor, which upon closer inspection revealed its deep rainbow orb composition and abstract patterns, giving off an eerie aura as if the universe were trying to tell him something. Suddenly, he found himself teleported back to his own room, and now he became like this.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, "I'm really going crazy now."

[Are you awake Master?!] Long Shin heard a voice that sounded like a cute, baby-like creature. His attention was immediately alerted given the contrast from the monotone he heard yesterday.

"Who is it?!" He scanned his surroundings with utmost scrutiny, despite the voice coming from someone that seemed harmless. But there was nothing in his apartment - desolate and empty since Long Shin had ventured away from his family's home.

A faint whisper responded to him. [It's me, Master.] It seemed to come from every corner of the room yet still remain invisible. Long Shin was thoroughly confused as he couldn't see anything besides himself in the vast darkness of his apartment.

[I am the AI of the system which you activated Master,] A small white kitten materialized on his right shoulder, Long Shin was shocked to find that the kitten had literally popped out of thin air. He was immediately vigilant.

The little kitten had a sleek, white fur over its body. It also had little tufts of hair at the base of its neck and curled whiskers like stripes that looked almost alive as they mirrored Long Shin's own movements perfectly. Its small eyes were sapphire which shone brightly in contrast to the dark hue surrounding it. The bright aura made it look even cuter - worthy enough to be mistaken for an angel from heaven itself!

[No need become so cautious master, I will not harm you,] the little kitten spoke in a gentle tone with its eyes glimmering like diamonds.

"Are you are one of those AI things that they show in those sci-fi movies?" Long Shin said without much thought as he got lost in its adorableness and innocence.

[Master don't compare me with those puny toys that mortals of this planet have made as I am different,] she said while her ears twitching slightly. Her words were full of pride yet somehow cute enough to make him smile.

When she heard him comparing her with those AI made by mortals, her face suddenly scrunched up into a pout then she said in a little angry tone. "Then tell me how are you different from them?" he asked amusingly.

The little kitten stood on two legs placing her front paw on her waist [well for starters, I possess a soul, something that human created toys will never have.] A confident smirk crossed her face as she added: [Plus, I'm obviously the cutest one!]

[Now that I have answered one of your question, shouldn't you do something for me as well] the little kitten opened her sapphire eyes and looked up at Long Shin, purring ever so sweetly. "And what should I do for you, little guy?" he asked with a chuckle, any trace of suspicion gone from his voice; whether it be due to her overflowing cuteness or her cheerful persona, the man was completely won over.

[Master, for starters,] the little feline meowed in a saccharine voice, [you need to give me a name.]

"Why is that?" Long Shin asked, frowning at the tiny kitten.

The kitten stared back, its beady eyes shining with a determined spark. [Master give me a name,] it mewed softly, yet firmly.

Shin shook his head. He had no idea why this little critter was so insistent on having a name. "But why should-alright" as he accepted it, the little kitten meowed joyfully with sparkling eyes.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his mind racing to come up with the perfect name for this little bundle of fluff. He looked closely at the kitten: its entire body was covered in snow white fur, and its eyes were tiny sapphire gems that glittered like stars in the night sky. He had never seen such a captivating creature before, and he knew he could not let it go unnamed.

"Hmm, how about Xiǎoxuě? this translates to 'little snow'", he suggested after a few moments of contemplation.

[Xue...Xue] she repeated the name, testing out its sound.

"Your fur is as white as snow so I thought it'd be appropriate to give you the name Snow," he explained with a warm smile.

A sparkle of joy lit up her eyes and Xiao Xue exclaimed excitedly, [Xue...Xue ,it's decided from today onwards I'll go by the name Xue!] Her mood was akin to that of a five-year-old girl who had just received a new toy; she hummed happily in delight.

Sensing her newfound contentment, Long Shin probed gently, "Now can you tell me what is this all about and how did I change this much?" He pointed at himself to emphasize his confusion.

[Yup, master was chosen as a host for the system that xue manages as an assistant, it was the system which changed you,] she said with a wave of her paw.

He furrowed his brows as he processed the information. "System?" He asked in bewilderment.

Xiǎoxuě's lips curved into a faint smile. [Master system can help you to grow in a truly powerful entity and xue is here to help master manage the system.] Pausing for effect, Xiǎoxuě continued her explanation.

"But why me?" confusion was apparent in his tone as he struggled to understand what had happened to him. He hadn't done anything which might give him something like a system.

[Because master touched the orb of primordial chaos,] Xiǎoxuě explained calmly.

His eyes widened in recognition. He remembered the glowing rainbow crystal he had found deep in the woods while out on a hike. "By orb of primordial Chaos do you mean that glowing rainbow crystal?"

[Yes master.] Xiǎoxuě nodded.

Long Shin grew a little excited, in the free time he had, he often used to read books, and he has read many systems genre novels where Main character gets a system which he uses to become strongest.

"Xiǎoxuě, what can the system do?" He asked with a mix of eagerness and enthusiasm. His excited eyes lit up as he waited for the response.

[Master,] Xiǎoxuě answered calmly, [the system has many different functions, and can be upgraded in the future to add even more. The most basic one is that you can get an update on your status at any time just by saying 'status' in your mind.]

Long Shin didn't waste a single second as he yelled out mentally, 'STATUS!!!'


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