Chapter 3: Primordial Chaos Scriptures: Earth's Tremor, Great Ones' Shock, Heaven's Wrath (Edited)

"Yes," Long Shin uttered the word with a firmness that resonated in the air. The system, bound to his will, responded promptly as if awaiting his command with bated breath. As he held the ancient scroll in his hands, a relic of knowledge and power, it didn't vanish like ordinary skill books would. Instead, a subtle vibration coursed through its surface, a palpable energy that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

The tremors within the scroll grew more pronounced with each passing moment, creating an almost hypnotic effect on Long Shin. He tried to maintain his grip on it, but the intensity of the vibrations became too much to bear. In a sudden twist of fate, the scroll slipped from his fingers, yet instead of plummeting to the ground as expected, it defied gravity and hovered weightlessly before him.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, Long Shin watched in awe as the ancient scroll floated in front of him, bathed in an ethereal glow. The soft illumination revealed intricate runes etched into its surface, pulsating with a mysterious energy that seemed to beckon him closer.

In that moment of suspended reality, a flood of thoughts raced through Long Shin's mind. What secrets lay hidden within these arcane symbols?

‹Ding! The comprehension process of ‹Primordial Chaos Scriptures› may take some time please wait patiently.

[Master, this technique has surpassed the realm where it can be instantly learned with the system's current ability]

Xiǎoxuě's usually composed demeanor shattered, her facade of indifference giving way to genuine astonishment. This unexpected display of emotion marked a rare moment of true bewilderment for her. However, Long Shin remained oblivious to her words. In fact, he found himself unable to even perceive the sound of her voice; a profound detachment gripped him entirely. Not only was he deaf to his surroundings, but he also lost himself within the intricate pages of the Primordial Chaos Scripture, his consciousness consumed by its enigmatic depths.

When Long Shin uttered a single word in affirmation, it was as though the ancient scroll itself stirred with life. In an instant, it seemed to possess a will of its own, drawing his very essence – his divine soul – into its mystical confines. The transition was seamless yet profound, as if the parchment and ink had conspired to claim him for their own.

As Long Shin slowly blinked his blood-red eyes open, a profound sense of disorientation washed over him. "Where the hell am I?" he muttered, his voice barely audible against the eerie silence that enveloped him.

Struggling to make sense of his surroundings, he extended his hand in front of him, only to be met with a void so deep it seemed to swallow even the concept of light itself. Panic threatened to claw its way into his chest until he flexed his fingers and felt the reassuring sensation of his own skin.

"Strange... I can't see a thing," Long Shin murmured to himself, the words hanging heavy in the empty expanse around him. It was not merely darkness that surrounded him; it was as if existence itself had been stripped away, leaving behind a vacuum of perception.

His mind raced with fragments of memory, disjointed pieces of a puzzle he couldn't quite assemble. "That scroll... the suction force..." His thoughts trailed off into the abyss before a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

"The scroll! Could it be... am I inside it?" The notion sent shivers down his spine, yet there was an undeniable thrill coursing through him at the prospect of such unfathomable possibilities.

With each passing moment in this surreal realm, Long Shin's senses sharpened, attuned to nuances beyond mere sight and touch. "This darkness... it's unlike anything I've ever encountered," he mused, his voice echoing faintly into the void.

As he waited with bated breath for what lay ahead, a sense of anticipation mingled with an undercurrent of ancient power that seemed to hum in harmony with his very essence. Though uncertainty loomed like a specter at the edge of his consciousness, there was an undeniable certainty within him—a premonition of imminent grandeur and revelation that stirred his very soul.

As his divine soul existed in his astral form within the confines of the ancient scroll, a mystical energy pulsed around him. In the Earth Star, his body stood frozen, yet an unseen force lifted him gently off the bed. The very air quivered with anticipation as if whispering secrets only the universe could comprehend.

The ancient scroll, a relic of forgotten unknown power, floated weightlessly in the air. Its ancient script seemed to come alive, shimmering with an ethereal glow that danced across its surface like restless spirits seeking peace. But it was not just the scroll that trembled; it was as though the very fabric of reality itself quivered in reverence to some unseen force.

In this moment of transcendence, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Every minute detail became magnified—a single dust mote caught in a sunbeam, the faint scent incense lingering in the air, even the soft echo of a distant heartbeat pulsing in harmony with the universe.

As he straddled between worlds, a profound sense of connection enveloped him, binding his spirit to something far greater than himself. It was a sensation both exhilarating and terrifying, like standing on the precipice of eternity and gazing into the infinite abyss of existence itself.

In the heart of Longjiang City, nestled in a secluded corner, there existed a room cloaked in shadows, where even the faintest rays of sunlight struggled to penetrate. The ambiance was an intriguing mix of darkness and illumination, as shimmering blue pearls dangled from the ceiling, casting a mystical glow that danced across the walls. The furnishings within were simple and functional, with only the essentials adorning the space. At its center lay a solitary mattress, unadorned except for its practicality.

Seated serenely on the mattress in a meditative posture was Ma Gong, his form draped in flowing black robes that seemed to meld with the shadows around him. His obsidian hair cascaded down his shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing features that exuded an air of quiet strength and enigmatic allure.

As Ma Gong delved into his cultivation, his closed eyes filled with focus and concentration. Each breath he drew seemed to draw in the very essence of mana that lingered in the air around him. The art of cultivation was not merely about breathing; it was a meticulous dance of opening and closing pores with each inhalation and exhalation, allowing mana to flow through invisible channels within his body.

Every nuance of his meditation was crucial, for even the slightest misstep could lead to catastrophic repercussions. Despite the inherent power Magisters possessed—rendering even nuclear and hydrogen bombs inconsequential to some—the vulnerability during cultivation was stark. It demanded a relinquishment of one's defenses, leaving them exposed to potential threats that might lurked around them, unseen.

The hushed whispers of unseen mana swirled around him like ethereal spirits, their presence palpable yet elusive. In this chamber where time seemed to stand still, every heartbeat echoed with purpose as Ma Gong delved deeper into the mysteries that lay veiled behind closed eyes and silent breaths.

Ma Gong's chest rose and fell rhythmically, his body gradually absorbing the surrounding mana. As he reflected on the intense events of a few hours ago, a sense of exhilaration washed over him. The moment Long Shin activated the System had been nothing short of perilous. A surge of mana had converged in the Longjiang city, drawing in energy from kilometers around, causing even the most seasoned magisters to sense its dense presence.

In the world of magisters, where progression relied on absorbing mana while being cautious of its dangers, Ma Gong knew that balance was key. Too little mana hindered advancement, yet an excess could lead to catastrophic consequences. Absorbing mana could enhance one's abilities and lifespan, but exceeding one's limits risked disastrous outcomes like ruptured mana veins or even bodily explosions.

Human bodies possessed approximately five million pores through which they absorbed mana from the surroundings. For ordinary people with blocked pores, exposure to sudden dense mana might cause temporary illness. However, for magisters with a certain number of unblocked pores, like Ma Gong and Choi Han, the influx meant their bodies involuntarily absorbed immense amounts of mana.

The Longjiang city magisters faced a critical challenge as they grappled with refining overwhelming levels of mana within their bodies. While some teetered on the brink of catastrophe, individuals like Ma Gong and Choi Han harnessed their strength and willpower to not only refine vast quantities of mana but also unlock blocked pores—a rare and coveted opportunity.

As Ma Gong concluded his cultivation session, contemplating the profound changes within him, a sudden tremor reverberated through the Cultivation Room floor. Bewildered by the unexpected disturbance in the specially constructed room designed for magister cultivation—known for its durability and sound isolation—Ma Gong dismissed thoughts of an earthquake.

Determined to investigate the unsettling tremors shaking his sanctuary, Ma Gong swiftly rose from his meditative stance and headed towards the door. The air crackled with tension as he braced himself for whatever awaited beyond those secure walls.

With a soft click, the door swung open, revealing a figure. Clad in traditional Eastern attire, the man approached with an air that hinted at his martial prowess. This was none other than Choi Han, accompanied by Ma Gong, as they had both agreed to rent a Cultivation Room to delve deeper into their recent advancements.

"Are you alright?" Ma Gong inquired, he noticed a faint crimson tint at the corners of Choi Han's lips. To an ordinary observer, it would have gone unnoticed, but Ma Gong's keen eyesight easily caught the subtle detail.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Choi Han replied stoically, though his slight discomfort didn't escape Ma Gong's notice. Internally, Ma Gong speculated that this could be a consequence of an abrupt interruption during meditation but chose not to probe further into Choi Han's private struggles.

While Ma Gong had been fortunate enough to conclude his meditation before chaos ensued, Choi Han hadn't been as lucky. The earthquake had disrupted his meditative state, leaving him with unseen injuries that now lingered beneath his composed exterior.

"What just happened?" Ma Gong probed gently, hoping for some insight from Choi Han.

Shrugging slightly, Choi Han admitted his own confusion. "I don't know. I emerged not long ago myself."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A sudden series of beeps interrupted their conversation, drawing their attention to their smartphones simultaneously. With synchronized curiosity, they retrieved their devices and discovered notifications from their respective factions awaiting them.

"What—" Ma Gong began before excitement overtook him mid-sentence.

"Terrific!" Choi Han echoed the sentiment with equal fervor as they both absorbed the messages.

In the grand Yang Family Ancestral Hall in Beijing, intricate carvings adorned the walls depicting a man courageously facing an entire army, another struggling to subdue a fierce Beast, and yet another figure cloaked in imposing farmer attire. An aura of ancient power lingered in the air as an elderly man with flowing white hair and a beard that reached his chest sat serenely sipping tea. Nearby, a mix of men and women stood with bowed heads, their demeanor respectful and silent.

Suddenly, a violent tremor shook the hall, escalating swiftly into a full-blown earthquake. The old man's calm demeanor shattered as he prepared to exert his own formidable aura to stabilize the surroundings. Before he could act, a chilling presence enveloped him, freezing him in place as if he had come face-to-face with a primal beast.

Rising unsteadily from his chair, the old man's body instinctually dropped to his knees in reverence. "Ancestor!?"

"What's happening?" voices quivered with fear around him, but the old man remained mute, not out of choice but due to the oppressive force that rendered him speechless.

Internally grappling with the overwhelming energy surrounding them, the old man struggled against invisible bindings. His thoughts raced in confusion as he tried to comprehend this unprecedented occurrence. "What is this immense aura? It compels me to kneel..."

As the hall continued to quake and panic spread among its occupants, all eyes turned towards the venerable figure now prostrated on the ground under an unseen weight of power.

The Yang family's ancestor wasn't the only one feeling immense pressure; the other ancestors of prominent families and powerful experts were experiencing the same. They all felt as if they were carrying mountains on their shoulders, with some even falling to their knees like the Yang family ancestor. Others clenched their jaws and refused to look up, but they shared one thing in common: they were all powerful magisters at the Silver Rank.

The origin of this occurrence began back from Longjiang city, with a radius extending for thousands of kilometers centered around it.

Deep within the heart of a dense Chinese forest, a colossal temple seemingly reaching the clouds stood proudly, exuding an aura of ancient power as if it were a slumbering beast from eons past. Its exterior grandeur was awe-inspiring, but the true marvel lay within its vast confines. Unlike conventional temples, once inside, it felt as though stepping into an entirely different realm altogether.

This sacred place was none other than the enigmatic ‹Demon King's Temple›, crafted from mysterious and profound materials lost to time that defies the very rules of space. Intricate pathways meandered amidst towering structures, bustling with a myriad of beings engrossed in their own activities. Despite the absence of natural sunlight, the temple was not shrouded in darkness; instead, a colossal azure orb floated above, casting its radiant glow upon every corner like a celestial body illuminating the night sky.

The architecture within was a spectacle to behold – intricate carvings adorned every surface, depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The air hummed with an otherworldly energy that seemed to infuse every stone and crevice with latent power. Shadows danced across the walls as if whispering secrets of bygone eras while ethereal whispers drifted through the halls like echoes of forgotten prayers.

Every detail within the temple spoke of a forgotten era when gods walked among mortals and magic thrummed in every heartbeat. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, preserving ancient mysteries and untold wonders within its hallowed walls. As one wandered through its labyrinthine corridors, they couldn't help but feel as though they had stepped into a realm where legends were born and destinies were forged amidst the eternal dance of light and shadow.

In the grandest hall of the tallest building in the temple, a gathering took place. The majority of those present were beautiful women, each seated regally on their designated thrones. At the heart of the hall, a magnificent throne stood, and upon it sat Deng Wengling, a woman of breathtaking beauty. Her features were exquisite, her skin akin to smooth white jade, and her figure curved in all the right places. Cascading down her back like a starlit night sky, her waist-length black hair shimmered with an ethereal glow.

Clad in robes of white and blue, she resembled an immortal fairy descended to the mortal realm. Her allure was undeniable; from her ample bosom straining against fabric to her shapely derriere accentuated by the clinging robes, every aspect of her exuded a magnetic pull that hinted at dominance. Yet, despite this magnetic charm, none dared harbor impure thoughts upon gazing at her.

A palpable aura enveloped Deng Wengling, akin to a colossal titan's presence that demanded reverence. Her demeanor was cold and domineering, compelling all who beheld her to lower their gazes in deference. Known not as a delicate lotus but as a venomous flower bristling with thorns, she commanded respect tinged with fear.

Deng Wengling surpassed even the most revered Great Magisters; as the sect master of the ‹Demon King's Temple›, she wielded unparalleled power within one of the world's most formidable factions. Her strength being on par with that of ancestral figures within the sect itself with a faint hint of surpassing them.

The men in attendance showcased remarkable self-control in maintaining their composure before such mesmerizing beauty and awe-inspiring authority. Whether fueled by admiration or sheer dread towards Deng Wengling remained uncertain; yet one thing was clear – within her presence resided an enigmatic blend of ruthless nature, boundless cultivation prowess, and unassailable status that left all who encountered her spellbound and wary simultaneously.


The Demon King's Temple quaked violently, sending shockwaves through its very foundations. Confusion and fear gripped the occupants as they struggled to comprehend the sudden upheaval.

"Is this an earthquake?!" one voice cried out amidst the chaos.

"Don't be a fool! Our grand formations should have prevented such a calamity!" another retorted, trying to make sense of the situation.

Just as someone moved to stabilize the trembling surroundings, a deafening crack echoed through the hall. A powerful force descended upon them, compelling everyone to their knees—everyone except Deng Wengling.

Seated regally upon the throne, Deng Wengling remained unaffected by the oppressive pressure. With a disdainful snort, she unleashed her own formidable aura in response to the mysterious force bearing down on them. The two conflicting energies clashed fiercely, causing cracks to spiderweb across the intricate carvings adorning the hall.

"Even a fragment of Heavenly Dao dares challenge me? Begone!" Deng Wengling's soft voice cut through the tension like ice, her aura intensifying with chilling dominance.

With a resounding tear, her overwhelming power shattered the opposing force, restoring calm within the temple's vast expanse. The weight pressing down on those present lifted, allowing them to breathe freely once more.

"Temple Master, we owe you our lives!"

"Your strength knows no bounds, Temple Master!"

Gratitude and admiration filled the air as voices praised Deng Wengling for her swift action. Some sought to gain favor by showering her with flattery, their expressions a mix of reverence and fear.

Meanwhile, Deng Wengling gazed skyward pensively. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she pondered the unusual disturbance from Heaven.

Ten millennia had passed since the cataclysmic event that ravaged Heaven and Earth, leaving the Earth Star in disarray. The very essence of the heavenly Dao lay dormant, its power subdued by the lingering scars of that ancient devastation. A faint stirring had occurred two decades prior, a mere whisper of awakening from the slumbering Heavenly Dao, yet even that ephemeral moment failed to evoke the profound disturbances witnessed now.

Whispers among the cosmic winds foretold of an unprecedented anomaly birthed into existence. The threat it posed to the Heavenly Dao was so dire that it even roused prematurely from its restful state, a rare occurrence signaling grave peril on the horizon—a clarion call demanding unwavering attention from all top factions of the Earth Star.

The Earth Star quivered, a subtle vibration at first, but swiftly escalating into a violent earthquake that convulsed the very ground beneath. This seismic upheaval was not merely a natural event; it was a manifestation of celestial wrath that reverberated through every corner of the world.

Every faction, each harboring beings of immense power, felt the celestial displeasure. Those without Great Ones within their ranks could only watch as their esteemed magisters of the Silver Rank and higher knelt in submission before the overwhelming force of the heavens, except for a few exceptions.

The tremors carried an ominous weight, stirring primal fear in all who bore witness. The air crackled with tension as even the most powerful entities bowed before the unseen fury that swept across the Earth Star, painting a vivid picture of awe and trepidation amidst the chaos unfolding on both earthly and ethereal planes.

In a secluded pavilion nestled by the tranquil lake of Shanghai.

The Earth Star exuded a rich history spanning tens of thousands of years. Despite the waning era of mana, illustrious figures continued to emerge, and one such eminent individual graced this pavilion.

Seated in profound stillness, legs crossed with precision, the figure harnessed mana that coursed through him like a disciplined army at attention. The sheer mastery over mana this enigmatic persona possessed was beyond comprehension.

A subtle disturbance reverberated through the earth, interrupting his contemplation. Abruptly, the ground quivered violently, causing the entire pavilion to tremble in response.

Emitting a cold snort brimming with disdain and suppressed fury, it was evident that he recognized the source of this disruption and resented being disturbed by the Heavens.

With a decisive exhale, an ethereal radiance emanated from his being, suffusing the pavilion in its gentle glow.

As the light extended its reach, quelling the tremors in its wake, serenity gradually enveloped the once tumultuous space. In mere moments, tranquility descended upon the pavilion as if untouched by the seismic upheaval that had briefly encroached upon it.

This pavilion stood as one of the rare sanctuaries across Earth Star unperturbed by nature's unrest.

The man ceased his meditation, rising from the ground with a commanding presence. Standing tall, he exuded an aura of wisdom and strength beyond his years. His age appeared to be in his mid-30s, yet there was an ancient quality to him that transcended time.

Long strands of glossy black hair cascaded down his broad shoulders, framing his face like a veil of shadows. His complexion was porcelain white, flawlessly smooth, radiating with vitality and vigor. Every feature on his face was finely chiseled, possessing a rare beauty that seemed almost otherworldly.

Clad in a flowing white robe that billowed around him like a cloud, he carried himself with the grace of a sage who had witnessed centuries unfold before him. A scroll hung at his waist, hinting at the vast knowledge he possessed – knowledge that seemed to stretch back through the annals of time itself.

Though his form was solid and tangible, there was a transcendent quality about him that defied earthly bounds. He seemed to straddle the line between the corporeal and the celestial, as if he were a being touched by the divine.

"Hmn" a soft, almost otherworldly voice escaped his lips as he lifted his gaze to the sky. It felt as though his eyes possessed a mystical sight that pierced through the very fabric of the heavens, granting him a glimpse into events unfolding high above. Known across the Earth Star as the Diviner of all Realms, he stood as one of the rare seers and a Great One of the Earth Star, unrivaled in his ability to peer into the veils of the future and unravel the threads of fate and destiny.

In matters of divination, his word held unparalleled weight. If he claimed second place in all of Earth Star, not a soul dared to assert superiority. Alongside a select few others, he beheld a sight beyond mere clouds—a formidable aura coalescing with mana. An ominous energy took shape, hinting at an imminent attack.

If bystanders witnessed what he did, sweat would bead on their foreheads; the immense power that was building above the clouds was frightening - enough to release destruction that could wipe out entire planets.

The world quivered with a force that rivaled an earthquake, its tremors not confined to the mere surface of the planet but extending far beyond, reaching even the very fabric of the skies.

Above the vast expanse of the Asian Continent, a colossal congregation of clouds amassed, swirling and coalescing into a titanic vortex that dominated the heavens above China.

The sheer scale of this phenomenon was mind-boggling. China, spanning over 9,596,960 square kilometers, found itself under the ominous embrace of this swirling tempest. The infinite multitude of clouds required to give form to such a monumental vortex defied comprehension, painting a scene so surreal that it bordered on the impossible.

As if nature itself had been stirred from its slumber by some unseen force, the air crackled with energy, charged with an otherworldly presence. The atmosphere throbbed with an intensity that seemed to echo through every corner of existence, as if whispering secrets known only to the elements themselves.

As the phenomenon neared the planet's atmosphere, a brilliant light emanated from the hovering scroll beside Long Shin, casting a blinding glow that even forced Xiǎoxuě to shield her eyes. To the awe of the Great Ones observing the skies, a dome-like barrier emerged suddenly, radiating a pure golden sheen that seemed to materialize out of thin air. Only those with exceptional senses among the Great Ones could perceive this ethereal shield, though its presence was palpable even to those less attuned.

In an instant that felt like a mere heartbeat, the golden barrier enveloped Earth Star entirely like a Dyson sphere. Its arrival brought a hush over the trembling planet, as if nature itself held its breath under the calming influence of the shimmering shield.

"What in the Heavens is this abomination?!" roared a Great One, his voice resonating with the power of a thousand storms. The very essence of their cultivation allowed their words to traverse vast distances, ensuring secrecy among the elite beings.

The sudden outburst caused a ripple of discomfort among the other Great Ones, their formidable auras bristling at the intrusion. "Lower your voice, do you want to be the death of this old bones!!!" admonished another, his eyes flashing with suppressed fury.

Amidst the tension, an aura cloaked in beastial majesty who's very presence commanding respect and authority spoke. "Enough," he declared, his voice cutting through the unease like a blade. "We must understand the current situation first. Any insights on this strange barriar's origin?"

A veiled hostility appeared in the air as another voice interjected sharply, directed towards Great One.

"Long Zhengsheng, If we had known this," he retorted coolly, "we would not be standing here now." The undertone of animosity was palpable, hinting at unresolved conflicts within their ranks.

Silence descended like a heavy shroud over the gathering of Great Ones, each contemplating the mysterious barrier that loomed before them. In that moment of uncertainty and tension,

Long Zhengsheng paid no heed to the speaker. Instead, he turned his thoughts towards what was necessary. "What about the Diviner of All Realms, does he knows something?" His voice was like a blade slicing through the tension that hung heavy in the air.

A Great One spoke up, "I just reached out with my Senses. The Diviner of All Realms seems to be standing in his pavilion in a daze, it seems to me, he is going to present us with another grand prophecy." At the mention of a 'Grand Prophecy,' a solemn hush fell over the assembly. Long Zhengsheng's stoic aura faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of sorrow crossing seemed to cross him before vanishing like a wisp of smoke.

The weight of the Diviner's prophecies loomed large; they held an undeniable power over all realms. A 'Grand Prophecy' was akin to unraveling a profound mystery that could reshape destinies across worlds. The mere thought sent shivers down spines and stirred unease in even the bravest hearts.

However, that was not the end; it was far from finished.

In the skies of China, thunder roared with a ferocity that seemed to shake the very sky. Violent storms brewed, strong enough to lift humans and vehicles effortlessly, swirling tornadoes spiraled into existence out of thin air, and once-calm seas churned and raged furiously. What began as a mere whisper of nature's wrath soon escalated into a symphony of chaos and destruction.

The heavens themselves seemed incensed by the audacity of a mysterious barrier that dared to impede its will. In response, it unleashed their full fury upon the Earth Star, unleashing cataclysmic powers that reverberated beyond the barrier's confines. The aftermath of this celestial tantrum manifested in widespread devastation - many trees across the China wilted and crumbled into dust, some turning ominously black; metals tarnished and rusted inexplicably, as if the very elements maintaining nature's delicate balance had abandoned their posts.

Panic spread like wildfire among both ordinary folk and formidable magisters of the underworld alike. Even those at the pinnacle of power, bearing titles like Apex Experts and having the cultivation base far surpassing silver rank, found themselves gripped by fear so profound that it immobilized them. It was not just fear; it was a primal terror that made them wish they could flee the planet itself, such was the palpable dread in the air.

These experts knew intimately the consequences inherent in defying the heavens' will - especially those who had ascended to Platinum rank and faced down heavenly tribulations. They sensed with chilling clarity that this onslaught was orchestrated by forces beyond mortal comprehension. The wrath of the Heavens bore down upon them with relentless force, manifesting in apocalyptic deluges capable of rending planets asunder.

Amidst this turmoil on Earth Star where despair reigned supreme in nature's vengeful outburst, Long Shin remained suspended in his room with an enigmatic scroll. His essence intertwined with its ethereal presence while Xiǎoxuě drew near to him, her usual nonchalance momentarily shaken by a fear not for Heavens Wrath, but for something far more ominous - the hovering scroll above Long Shin's body.


Long Shin's wait in the silent void felt eternal. At first, he attempted to break the oppressive stillness with shouts, but they dissipated into nothingness.

Time seemed distorted in this surreal place, oscillating between feeling like fleeting moments and endless eons.

Then, a subtle shift rippled through the emptiness, stirring Long Shin from his numbing vigil. "Finally something is happening!" His voice reverberated with a mix of relief and anticipation as his very essence quivered with an unprecedented intensity.

As if emerging from the fabric of existence itself, a commanding voice resonated through the void, its authority undeniable.

"IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS NOTHING BUT PRIMORDIAL CHAOS EVERYWHERE," it intoned, each word laden with ancient power and unfathomable wisdom.

"CHAOS IS THE LAW OF NATURE WHILE ORDER IS BUT A DREAM OF MAN," the voice continued, weaving a tapestry of cosmic truths that transcended mortal comprehension. Long Shin felt these words reverberate within him, igniting a primal understanding of the universe's fundamental nature.

"ALL THINGS INCLUDING VOID STARTED FROM THE PRIMORDIAL CHAOS AND WILL END WITHIN THE GREAT PRIMORDIAL CHAOS," the voice concluded, each syllable echoing like thunder in the vast expanse of nothingness. Long Shin stood at the precipice of revelation, his mind expanding to grasp the magnitude of what lay before him.


Author's Note:

📚 Exciting news! I've started uploading the edited chapters of this story. Get ready for a new chapter every two days. While I can't guarantee the word count, expect each chapter to be above 1,500 words.

🛠️ I'm also working on refining our main character to make him less overpowered. I'm considering adding restrictions to his system functions to add depth and challenges. 

Your feedback on this is highly appreciated!

⏳ Please note that updates for my other novel, "Immortal Cultivation Temptations," will be a bit slower, occurring once every two to three days.

💡 Have suggestions for the storyline or future events? Drop them in the chapter comments or share them in #Suggestions on our Discord server. Your input shapes the direction of the story!

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🌟 And don't forget to join our Discord server for more interactive discussions and updates. Your presence there would mean a lot!

Thank you for being part of this literary adventure with me. Let's make this journey unforgettable!



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