Chapter 5: Echoes of the Primordial Dark: Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics. (Edited)

[Master, you fused the system yesterday, so you still have today's daily sign-in left. Would you like to sign in?] Xiǎoxuě's voice chimed in, her ethereal form standing on Long Shin's shoulder.

Long Shin's blood-red eyes lit up with anticipation at the mention of the daily sign-in rewards. "Oh, there is a feature like that in the system, Yes," he replied, intrigued by the possibilities.

Xiǎoxuě nodded, her face displaying a hint of mischief. [Master, the rewards you get for daily sign-in are randomized and depend on your luck. You can get the most trash of the rewards if your luck is not on your side, and vice versa. As this is your first sign-in, the system will exclude all those trash rewards as well as low-level ones as an exception.]

"Alright, I understand Xiǎoxuě," Long Shin acknowledged, his mind already calculating the potential gains. " System sign-in," he commanded.

As he spoke those words, the Emotionless voice of the system once again echoed in his mind. A blue system window materialized before him, its glow reflecting off Long Shin's intense gaze as he eagerly awaited his fate.

a monotonous voice chimed in Long Shin's mind.

Long Shins' eyes widened with excitement as he read the description, "A cultivation technique that harnesses the forces of Life and Death... How intriguing," he muttered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

[Yes, Master. Given your existing affinity with light and darkness, delving into this skill will also grant you mastery over the superior element Life and Death,] Xiǎoxuě's voice confirmed, filling Long Shin with a sense of anticipation for what was to come.

"Xiǎoxuě, is it really possible to cultivate with multiple cultivation techniques simultaneously?" Long Shin inquired, his blood-red eyes reflecting a glint of curiosity. His understanding of cultivation had been that one could only focus on perfecting a single cultivation technique at a time before moving on to another.

The response he received was unexpected. [Master, ordinary practitioners may indeed find it impossible to perform such a feat, but with the assistance of the system, you possess the unique ability to harness multiple techniques concurrently,] Xiǎoxuě explained calmly. The air around her seemed to shimmer with ancient wisdom as she continued, [However, should you aspire to truly advance and unlock their full potential, you must diligently fulfill the requirements set forth by each cultivation technique you will cultivate.]

Long Shin pondered her words deeply, the prospect of cultivating not just one but several powerful cultivation methods simultaneously was both daunting and exhilarating.

system's voice inquired.

Long Shin hesitated for a moment before responding, his determination shining through his gaze as he declared, "Yes."

Glancing at the glowing interface of the system window, Long Shin's eyes sparkled with determination. "If I can master multiple cultivation techniques, why limit myself?" he mused aloud to himself, his voice echoing softly in the quiet room. Despite knowing that his progress might be slower initially, a grin tugged at his lips as he envisioned the immense power he would unleash in the future, surpassing even his most talented peers.

"I choose to walk a path less traveled," he declared to the empty room, a fierce glint in his eyes.

Suddenly, the world around him dissolved into a swirling void of absolute darkness once more. As he found himself engulfed in this eerie silence.

"Ah, here we go again," Long Shin muttered to himself, a hint of amusement coloring his voice. "What surprises await me this time? More world creation shows or maybe encounters with some primitive people?"

A soft voice suddenly cut through the darkness like a gentle melody. "Embrace what lies ahead," it murmured cryptically yet soothingly.

Startled yet oddly comforted by this mysterious voice, Long Shin felt a newfound determination welling up inside him. With resolve etched on his features and a glint of humor in his eyes, he took a deep breath and playfully quipped into the void, "Alright then! Show me what you've got!"

Suddenly, Long Shin's consciousness was violently thrust into a realm where the very air heaved with the stench of decay and despair. The skies above bled a sinister shade of blood-red, casting a ghastly hue over the landscape below. Jagged peaks of obsidian rock jutted from the ground like the gnarled fingers of some ancient horror, while twisted trees with branches like skeletal claws reached towards the heavens.

In this nightmarish alternate reality, shadows writhed and contorted with malevolence, whispering chilling secrets that sent shivers down Long Shin's spine. The ground beneath his feet was littered with bones, their surfaces polished to a sickening gleam by unseen forces. Ghouls lurked in the shadows, their hollow eyes gleaming with hunger as they slunk closer, emitting guttural moans that echoed through the desolate landscape.

A foul miasma hung heavy in the air, suffocating and thick with dread. The very essence of this grotesque distortion seemed to pulse with an otherworldly luminescence that illuminated scenes of unspeakable horror. Long Shin felt as though he had stumbled into a realm where nightmares were born and nightmares feasted upon the souls of the unwary.

Here, the laws of nature had been perverted, giving rise to abominations beyond comprehension. The denizens of this accursed dimension were twisted parodies of life, their forms contorted and warped by the unyielding grip of entropy. They slithered through the mire, their glistening tendrils dripping with ichor, their eyes gleaming with a hunger that transcended the mortal plane.

Necromancers, their faces obscured by tattered robes, chanted incantations that echoed through the desolate landscape, each syllable a blasphemous invocation to forces beyond human understanding. From the depths of the abyss, monstrous entities emerged, their towering silhouettes blotting out the sickly light of a dying sky.

The grotesque monstrosities, looming like nightmares given form, were a sight to strike terror into the bravest hearts. Among them, some twisted abominations lacked faces, their featureless visages adding an eerie aura to their already horrifying presence. Others writhed without limbs, their bodies contorting unnaturally as if defying the laws of nature. Certain beasts boasted three gnashing heads, each snarling with primal hunger, while others sprouted thousands of writhing limbs that moved in a sickening dance of chaos.

Their colossal frames, so immense that they seemed to defy reason itself, cast shadows that spammed for miles unknown. With each ponderous step they took, the ground trembled and cracked beneath their weight. These monstrous beings possessed a savage power that transcended mortal comprehension.

Amidst the deafening roars and thunderous clashes of titanic battles, these creatures engaged in brutal combat with one another. Their clashes sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering mountains and tearing apart the very earth in their wake. The earth itself seemed to groan in agony as they unleashed devastation upon each other with unrestrained fury.

The very fabric of reality seemed to strain under the weight of their conflict, as if struggling to contain the sheer malevolence and destructive force they wielded. In their wake lay a trail of desolation; rivers running red with blood, and landscapes scarred beyond recognition by the ferocity of their war.

From the depths of the darkness emerged the Shadowfiends, their formless silhouettes writhing with unspeakable nightmares, twisting reality itself to induce unparalleled fear.

Amidst the twisted landscape stood Fleshweavers, their abominable forms stitching together torn flesh with sadistic glee, creating grotesque amalgamations of agony that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. The hollow eyes of these creatures gleamed with a perverse delight as they sculpted their macabre masterpieces from the remnants of their victims.

Soul Devourers slithered through the shadows, ethereal forms rippling with the anguished screams of countless trapped souls within their ravenous maws. They feasted upon the essence of the living, leaving behind empty husks devoid of life or hope, spreading a sense of desolation wherever they roamed.

Nightmare Walkers manifested in dreams turned into waking nightmares for the unfortunate souls who dared to close their eyes. With each step, they left behind shattered minds and fractured souls, their chilling laughter echoing through the darkness like a sinister lullaby.

Bloodwraiths haunted forgotten corners, draining the lifeblood of their victims until nothing but crimson-stained memories remained. Their insatiable hunger knew no bounds, leaving behind withered husks and echoes of past lives lost to eternal darkness.

Eldritch Abominations slithered from beyond reality itself, defying all laws of nature with twisted forms that drove many creatures to twisted madness at mere glimpses. Their presence heralded chaos and destruction on an incomprehensible scale that threatened to unravel the very fabric of existence.

Long Shin drifted through a nightmarish realm, his essence untethered and vulnerable amidst the grotesque suffering unfolding before him. Souls twisted in eternal torment, their cries of anguish piercing the eerie silence that enveloped the desolate landscape.

In this surreal domain where time seemed distorted, each moment stretched agonizingly into eternity, amplifying the despair that hung heavy in the air. Long Shin's very being trembled with fear as he navigated through the void, a silent observer to the relentless march of decay and chaos that surrounded him.

Amidst this harrowing backdrop, whispers of lost souls brushed against his consciousness, their fragmented voices echoing hauntingly in the emptiness. Long Shin found himself drawn towards one spectral figure—a ghostly apparition with eyes filled with sorrow and lips that quivered with unspoken words.

"Why have you come to this desolate place?" Long Shin's voice sliced through the heavy silence, echoing softly in the vast emptiness that surrounded them. Uncertain if his words would reach the spectral figure, he pressed on, driven by a relentless curiosity. He yearned to unravel the mystery of their torment, questioning why these apparitions endured such agony without seeking escape from their wretched fate.

To his surprise, the ethereal being slowly turned towards him, its gaze a haunting blend of longing and resignation. In that poignant moment, Long Shin sensed a profound sorrow emanating from its very essence. "We are ensnared and caged in an unending cycle of suffering," it murmured with a voice laden with the burden of centuries-old anguish.

Long Shin felt a surge of empathy welling within him as he gazed into the depths of the spectral figure's eyes, searching for answers in their silent exchange. The air crackled with unspoken emotions, heavy with the weight of unspoken truths lingering between them like a veil of shadows.

"Why do you endure such torment?" Long Shin's question hung in the air, tinged with genuine concern as he delved deeper into the enigma before him. The spectral figure seemed to waver slightly, as if grappling with memories long suppressed beneath layers of grief and despair.

"Who holds you captive in this desolate realm?" he inquired, his voice tinged with genuine interest.

The spectral entity, its form shimmering like moonlight on water, gazed back at Long Shin with a haunting intensity. Wisps of ethereal hair swirled around its translucent silhouette as it spoke cryptically, "Our chains are not forged by external hands but bound by the darkness and death." The words echoed faintly in the eerie silence that enveloped them.

Long Shin pondered the enigmatic response, his mind racing to decipher its hidden meaning.

The phantom entity quivered, its ghostly form flickering in fright. A chilling breeze encircled it, causing the wispy tendrils of its essence to sway gently. With a spectral hand outstretched towards the heavens, it directed attention to a distant constellation, a place that instilled dread in its very being. Quivering with fear, the ghostly voice echoed with a sense of entrapment as it spoke of looming confinement.

"I have seen the chains of eternity bind those who dared defy," the figure murmured, its words carrying a weight of despair that transcended realms. "To be at his mercy is to face a fate far darker than death itself." The utterance was laced with an eerie resonance, sending shivers through any who heard it. In the presence of their captor, terror gripped the spectral figure so profoundly that even visions of torment or divine wrath seemed feeble in comparison to the looming threat before them.

Long Shin's gaze followed the spectral figure's outstretched hand, and what he beheld left him utterly transfixed. Above the sky, or rather beyond it, a colossal throne floated in the void. This was no ordinary seat; it defied all sense of scale, dwarfing even the vast expanse of the world spread out before him. Crafted from a macabre fusion of bones and shadows, the throne emanated an aura of death and darkness so profound that it seemed to consume all light around it.

The bones comprising the ancient structure were far from pristine; they bore the marks of time, weathered and aged, hinting at a history that spanned eons. Each bone was adorned with intricate carvings, telling tales of powerful and long-lost creatures that once roamed the cosmos. The darkness enveloping them was not a mere absence of light but a living, pulsating entity teeming with malevolent energy. It sent chilling shivers down Long Shin's spine as he gazed upon it.

Long Shin marveled at how his eyes could perceive something so ethereal and otherworldly. Every detail etched itself into his mind with vivid clarity, immersing him in the scene before him. The essence of death seemed to cling to every curve and angle of the bone throne, whispering ancient secrets and foreboding prophecies to those daring enough to behold its dread majesty.

Upon the imposing obsidian throne, a mysterious figure sat, enveloped in jet-black armor that emitted a haunting crimson and blood-red luminescence. The dark armor encased the being entirely from neck to toe, obscuring any discernible features. Only piercing crimson eyes broke through the shadows, exuding an intense and foreboding gaze that seemed to penetrate the very soul of those who dared to look into them.

The tips of the armored fingers gleamed ominously sharp and crimson, reflecting the hue of a vivid crimson stone nestled in the being's chest. This stone radiated a malevolent aura, shrouding the figure in an air of sinister mystery. The darkness enshrouding his form was accentuated by a billowing black cape adorned with blood-red glowing inscriptions, each symbol pulsing with an eerie light that seemed to dance with otherworldly energy.

His presence exuded an aura of vengeance, akin to an avenger descended from the depths of hell itself. Every moment in his presence seemed to echo with the whispers of death and decay, sending shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls nearby.

In that moment he understood, the figure atop of the throne was not just a mortal man but a harbinger of chaos and destruction, a living embodiment of fear that traversed dimensions. His very existence challenged the balance of power in the universe, marking him as a being beyond comprehension - an enigma wrapped in shadows and whispered legends.

Long Shin felt himself standing in front of the imposing throne, facing the figure that exuded power and mystery. Their eyes locked, a silent exchange passing between them like an unspoken challenge. A peculiar sensation washed over Long Shin, starting from a subtle numbness that crept through his body, robbing him of physical awareness. Gradually, his surroundings began to blur as if fading into a distant memory. The scents around him dissipated into nothingness, and the sounds of the world hushed until only an eerie silence enveloped him.

As each sense abandoned him in succession, Long Shin felt a surreal detachment settle upon him.

"In the void's throne, thee commands life's end, weaving souls through the tapestry of eternity. His gaze pierces mortality's veil, guiding souls into the darkness, where light fades, and shadows reign." 

The words echoed with a deafening force in Long Shin's ears, resonating as though determined to etch themselves into his very soul. As the booming voice reverberated through him, his surroundings began to blur and distort until suddenly, with a disorienting shift akin to a flickering candle flame extinguishing, he found himself back in his room.

The System's incessant ringing echoed in Long Shin's ears, but he brushed it off, his mind consumed by the haunting images he had witnessed moments ago. The hellish world, the tormented souls, the relentless battles of powerful creatures, and most chillingly, the figure enthroned amidst bones. "What was that?" His inner voice questioned relentlessly, unable to find an answer. The only faint connection he could draw was to the enigmatic cultivation technique known as "Dark Lord's Battle Tactics."

Lost in his thoughts, Long Shin reflected on this being the second time such an occurrence had shaken him. Grateful that things had not spiraled out of control like before, he remained oblivious to the perilous brink his body and soul had teetered upon. Unbeknownst to him, without the protective shield of the "Primordial Chaos Scripture" inscribed within his soul, he would have faced annihilation.

As he delved into mastering the mysterious cultivation technique, a celestial uproar had almost ensued once more. Yet, a shimmering veil emanated from the ancient scroll within him, enveloping his form briefly before vanishing. To outsiders, it seemed as though nothing extraordinary had taken place. Little did they know that Long Shin had been cloaked in isolation from reality itself by the scroll's power—rendering him invisible to cosmic forces and averting disaster.

However, what lingered beyond his comprehension was that when the enigmatic figure atop the throne fixed its gaze upon him, death loomed imminently close. In a twist of fate unbeknownst to Long Shin himself, a timely intervention spared him from certain doom at the hands of unknown powers.

"Let us set aside that for now and delve into the new skills, i got through learning this new cultivation technique," Long Shin muttered, a determined gleam in his blood-red eyes. Frustrated by his fruitless search for answers, he pushed aside his concerns and focused on exploring the array of skills now at his disposal.

A soft chime echoed, before he could explore the skill tree accompanying the new technique, a window materialized before him.

"Xiǎoxuě, what is this?" Long Shin inquired, seeking clarity on the unexpected prompt.

Xiǎoxuě responded, guiding him through the fusion process. [Master, you have the option to merge the cultivation techniques obtained with the Primordial Chaos Scriptures, provided they are compatible. Think of it as intertwining branches on a skill tree. This union will establish a profound connection between the cultivation techniques, with the Primordial Chaos Scripture serving as their core. The fusion will not only enhance their potential and powers exponentially but also imbue them with a synergy that can amplify their strengths by hundreds of times. However, do bear in mind that high-level cultivation techniques like the Primordial Chaos Scriptures possess their own consciousness and will only integrate with compatible counterparts. That's why compatibility is crucial for successful fusion.]

The prospect of such empowerment left Long Shin intrigued. "Wow, amplifying them by hundreds of times sounds incredible. It's just frustrating that I can't merge it with any technique, if i could it would be broken" he remarked thoughtfully.

Xiǎoxuě chimed in again to clarify, [Master, you can't only combine other compatible cultivation techniques with the Primordial Chaos Scriptures. You also have the freedom to merge any two similar techniques or skills together.]

"That's a relief," Long Shin murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he tapped on the 'yes' option. A soft chime resonated, signaling the activation of a first-time bonus for combining skills without any deduction from his skill points.

Another notification window promptly appeared before him.

Realization dawned on Long Shin as he read through the prompt. "Oh, we have to use skill points for merging these skills," he muttered to himself, a hint of gratitude in his tone. "At least I get a free trial like with the daily sign-in." With a decisive click on 'yes', he initiated the fusion process.


As the system initiated the fusion process, a subtle vibration rippled through Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea, causing the once silent scroll to stir. Gradually, it began to emit a radiant glow, shimmering with an array of colors that danced like ethereal flames. Each hue symbolized a distinct element, some exuding a palpable sense of power that can sent shivers down anyone's spine.

The ancient scroll, now infused with the essence of various elements, seemed to come alive in his divine sense sea. Intricate and enigmatic inscriptions materialized out of thin air, weaving a complex and mesmerizing formation around the scroll. The glyphs appeared almost sentient as they intertwined in a mesmerizing dance of arcane energy, pulsating with an otherworldly brilliance.

Amidst this mystical display, the air crackled with anticipation as if the very fabric of reality itself held its breath in awe. The fusion of two cultivation techniques with diverse elements unfolded like a symphony of magic, each element harmonizing with the others in a mesmerizing ballet of power and beauty. It was as though the scroll had unlocked a gateway to a realm where mysteries intertwined with raw potential, painting an enchanting tapestry of boundless possibilities.

After the successful fusion, the cultivation technique evolved to a whole new level.

UNKNOWN[Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics]: Where your footsteps fall, whispers of ancient darkness follows, echoing through the void. Your dominion extends over the very essence of existence itself - from the ethereal Primordial Life to the abyssal depths of Primordial Death, entwined with Souls and enshrouded in an impenetrable veil of Darkness. As you move forward, an eerie army of immortal shadows follows faithfully in your wake. Abilities include Abyssal Summoning (0/10), Abyssal Storage (0/10), Primordial Particles (0/10), Primordial Field (0/10), Soul Torture (0/10), Ring of Primordial Aura (0/10)

"All these skills look pretty awesome, but Xiǎoxuě, what do those numbers next to them mean?" Long Shin asked, scratching his head in confusion.

[Ah, those numbers indicate the number of times you can boost each skill using your skill points. However, there's a limit to how much you can enhance them,] Xiǎoxuě explained.

Curious, Long Shin pointed at a strange seal after the name of the cultivation technique and inquired, "And what about that seal word?"

Xiǎoxuě responded gently, [That seal signify that currently, your strength isn't enough to fully utilize those powerful techniques. As you progress and grow stronger through the ranks, these sealed powers will gradually be unlocked for you to wield.]

Feeling a mix of excitement and impatience at the thought of unlocking such formidable abilities in the future, Long Shin nodded eagerly.

"Alright, system, now show me the skill tree of the Primordial Dark Sovereign," Long Shin declared with a determined gleam in his eye. As his words echoed in the stillness of the room, a skill window appeared Infront of him.

[Abyssal Summoning] (Active) (0/10): This skill beckons the very essence of Disease from the darkest abyss, manifesting as ethereal shadows that answer the call. Those who heed this eerie summons are transformed into formidable Abyssal soldiers, their loyalty unwavering to their Sovereign. Unlike conventional magic, this ritual requires no mana; instead, it taps into the residual energy left by the deceased diseases. However, there is a crucial time limit; if too much time elapses since the demise of these diseases, the call remains unanswered.

These soldiers possess a chilling resilience. No matter how grievously they are wounded, they draw upon the boundless mana of their Sovereign for regeneration. It is a macabre display of power and control, where even death itself bows to the will of the Sovereign of Death.

[Abyssal Storage] (Passive) (0/10): This skill is used to store the Abyssal Soldiers, Mana is not required to Store or summon them, Current Storage [0/100].

[Primordial Particles] (passive) (0/10): This skill allows the user to generate Primordial particles within their divine sense sea, but these particles require a substantial amount of compressed energy. To reach the bronze rank, the user must create five particles, and with each subsequent minor rank, the number of particles needed for advancement will double. Each particle provides a passive increase of 100% to all parameters.

[Primordial Field] (Active) (0/10): The area of 50 meters around you becomes your Primordial domain for an unbelievable amount of mana requirement it grants absurd skill effects you and your dark Soldiers are branded with the Primordial aura. the Primordial aura grants +500% Physical Damage, +500% Elemental Damage, +100% Soul Damage, +500% Recovery Speed, +50% Magic Resistance, +50% Soul Resistance, Primordial aura grants debuffs to all your enemies within the Primordial Field effect includes -50% Physical Damage, -50% Elemental Damage, -50% Physical and elemental Defense, -10% Soul Damage, -50% Recovery Speed, -50% Magic Resistance, -10% Soul Resistance.

[Ring of Primordial Aura] (Passive) (0/10): The sovereign's army of Abyssal Soldiers is constantly surrounded by a swirling ring of primordial aura, containing the unstable essence of Death and Darkness. Any enemy foolish enough to step into this aura in the Primordial Field will suffer 2% damage per second.

[Soul Torture] (Passive) (0/10): Each foe that perishes within the Ring of Primordial Aura enhances the potency of the Primordial Field's aura, adding +10% to all parameters of the Sovereign and his army. These effects can be stacked up to +500%, as long as the primordial field and Ring of Primordial Aura are still active. This powerful force is only effective within the Primordial Field. the effect of the skill will reset if no more soul is sacrificed for 60 seconds.

Speechless, Long Shin stood there in awe of the horrifying effects of these newfound skills. Yet before he could even process this revelation, a series of chimes filled the air.

The system's announcements echoed in his mind, leaving him reeling with the sudden influx of information. Gathering his thoughts, he couldn't help but marvel at the two new affinities bestowed upon him.

"Good," Long Shin muttered to himself, "now with these affinities in hand, it's time to check my status." Turning towards the system interface that shimmered before him, he awaited eagerly for a glimpse into his current stats.




Name: Long Shin

Race: DemiGod

Special physique: Primordial Chaos Immortal Body

Bloodline: Primordial Dark Sovereign

Rank: N/A

System Points: N/A

Skill Points: N/A

Profession: N/A

Gacha Tickets: N/A

Affinity: Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, Gold, and water), darkness, life, death, lightning.

Skills: [Devour], [Universal Eye]

Cultivation Techniques: [Primordial Chaos Scriptures], [Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics]

Items – [Pocket Realm], [Dungeon Key]


"System, display the details of my unique physique."

A melodic chime echoed in the air a blue window popped up.


Curiosity piqued, Long Shin questioned further, "Xiǎoxuě, what is this unknown power?"

[Your current status restricts access to certain knowledge,] Xiǎoxuě replied dutifully.

Long Shin pondered this revelation before remarking with a hint of amusement, "Well, at least it reveals the crucial aspects."

"So, I am deemed an immortal now, in a sense" he mused.


Author's Note:

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