

A portal so big that it could fit an entire truck inside itself formed on the floor of his Apartment but the strange thing was that his furniture wasn't getting sucked in it, it was strange considering that portal nearly took all of the space in the living room.

Seeing the portal long shin's heartbeat begin to hasten the portal was blue what was beyond it couldn't be seen as he looked into it he felt that he was gazing into an endless abyss so deep that he couldn't see its end.

After calming himself and taking a few deep breaths he closed his eyes and jumped into the portal.

When he opened them again he saw that his surroundings couldn't be explained by the laws that he knew all around there was no land Beneath him, no sky above him he could feel that he was moving forward at a speed that was beyond his thinking capacity the space around him was all blue the portal felt like a cave to him a cave which didn't have any gravity after few seconds he saw an intense burst of light ahead of him the light was so intense that he was forced to close his eyes.

In a deep green forest which was filled with towering ancient giant trees which seemed to reach the very sky, suddenly a large total appeared from which a boy stepped out.

» Ding! you have entered a dungeon «

» Ding! you are on the first stage of the dungeon [Forest of Beginning]«

»Ding! Slay the Boss Monster to step on the second stage of the dungeon «

As long shin opened his eyes he found that he was in a deep forest the trees were as tall as twenty-story tall buildings while the bigger trees were even more gigantic, on the ground all he saw was wildlife be it vicious deadly beasts or creepy bone-chilling insect.

"Compare to this forest the Amazon forest seems like a peaceful garden," thought Long Shin every deadly species of animals were present in the forest while some of the beasts he didn't recognize were also roaming freely.

"This is the first stage of the dungeon, it looks more dangerous than any forest existing on Earth, well let's be careful and start the hunt."

[Master I suggest to look for less harmful creatures all through master's physique is extraordinary it would be best to still hunt small animals and those which are less aggressive until you reach black-Iron Rank]

"Well, let's search for an easy target then".

After saying that Long shin started to carefully walk around while making as little noise as possible to not alarm any dangerous creature that might kill him any second.

'Hmm, it's really difficult to walk around this forest which is filled with bushes and tall grasses and it's becoming even more difficult for me to move while making sure to make as minimum noise as possible.'

Long shin was looking around when he saw an animal leisurely walking around while eating grass in front of him.

Reference Image

[Demonic Forest Boar]:: A Normal Forest Boar which came in contact with mana and mutated, skills include(Charge), (Stomp), and (Horn Attack).

[Charge](Active):: After locking its target it will build momentum and fearlessly charge towards its enemy, each round of charge will increase the damage by +5%, It's hard to change the direction while the skill is active, effects can be stack up to 10x.

[Stomp](Active):: After making sure that the target is within the range it will stomp the power contained within its limbs while the skill is active is enough to shatter rocks.

[Horn Attack](Active):: After fusing its mana within its horns the sharpness of the horns is increased by +5%.

[Weakness]:: The boar fought with the leader of the pack for the title of Alfa but was injured in battle and thus got defeated and banished from the pack, while fighting he injured his right front leg.

It was a Forest Boar but it wasn't a normal one it's size alone was 2times that of normal Forest Boars its body was covered in black fur its eyes were bloodshot while it had two gigantic horns, its eyes contained ruthlessness and ferociousness.

'Hmm looks like his legs are injured is that why universal eye showed its front legs as its weakness I should take advantage of that.

After thinking for a little while Long Shin decided to make his move.

He decided to first try out a sneak attack.

He took the Magic Sword out of the inventory and carefully got closer to it.

When the distance between the two was about two meters he jumped up and dashed towards the creature.

He Targeted the neck even after making these preparation Long Shin was still not experienced so he made several mistakes in the end while attacking and the creature was someone born in the first stage of the dungeon it could even grow until now in such an environment full of danger was proof that it wasn't inexperienced when it came to sneak attacks and fighting.

When he attacked the Boar still sensed his presence even though it was too late for it to come out unscathed it was still able to dough.

The Magic Sword was waved with a sound of flesh separating a large amount of blood began to fall on the ground.

The boar avoided the fatal blow Long shin still adjusted his sword trajectory and slashed at the right side of the creature which it couldn't dough.

"Buhhh" a large wound appeared on the right shoulder of the boar which slightly missed its neck large amount of blood was pouring out of it the feeling of having its fleshed being cut made the animal cry which was filled with pain.

The Demonic Boar withstood the pain and used one stomp attack on Long Shin.

Long Shin who had just failed in sneak attacking the boar suddenly felt his body went cold by mear instinct without even thinking he jumped backwards.


" Crack".

The creature missed him by a hairs breath its attack landed on the ground which made an explosion rocks and dirt flew in all direction the ground where its attack landed cracked up

which then began to spread up to one meter.

'I don't know if my body can take that attack and I don't think I want to know either'. he had no idea if his physique could handle such an attack but just by seeing it, he didn't wanted to test out his thoughts this was the thought that any normal person in his shoes will have.

Suddenly he looked at the boar and found that it was stomping its legs while building momentum.


The boar directly shot towards him he narrowly dought the attack and slashed at the creature's belly with the magic sword.

A huge cut could be seen on the baors body which cur almost one-fourth of its body apart but Long Shin didn't drop his vigilance because the baor could still keep charging both of them fought the boar kept charging at him while he dought its charge and kept slashing various slashes both big and small could be seen on its body but Long Shin wasn't having it easy either the battle has lasted for a whole 5 minutes while the creature kept charging at him with each charge its speed and damage it could deal was increasing Long Shin thought that he won't be able to dough its attacks if it charged for five or six times more.

'This won't do I need to do something or one of the next attacks might hit me, think, think, what should I do'.

'Got it' while he was thinking of a plan he suddenly gazed at the giant trees nearby.

"Hey come here bastard if you got guts try to attack me". Long Shin stood in front of one of the thick giant trees and taunted the boar to attack.

"Bunch", as if the creature understood his words it charged even more furiously while this time it also activated one of the other skills it had.

"Horn Attack", with this boar planned to end Long Shin once and for all.

" That's right give me your best shot", he didn't move even an inch and stood there.

When the Boar was close to three meters Long shin mustard all of his strength in his legs and jumped to the right side, the boar who saw this was stunned for an instance but soon got frightened as the creature saw a towering giant tree in the path of its skill it tried to change the blocking its path, it tried to dough but it was too, late the distance between it and the tree was too little for the boar to change directions.


"Crack, Crack".

The sound of an explosion came which was followed by the sound of cracking long shin looked and found that the creature had its head smashed onto the tree.

Even after sustaining such damage, the tree stood tall while the boar was in a bad state it was feeling dizzy while several bones in its head got broken if that wasn't enough both of its sharp and domineering horns showed signs of breaking cracks began to form on it which in few moments divided both of its horns into two.

The damage would've been less if it didn't use Horn Attack but because of that attack both of its horns also broke Long Shin didn't lose this opportunity and directly dashed towards it.

He came near it and without waiting for a single second raised his sword up high and slashed at the neck of the creature severing its head in an instant.

The magic sword was a Bronze rank weapon even though the boar's skin and fur was tough compared to the normal board by hundreds of times it still cut threw the body like butter

" Tuuuugh", the huge head of the creature fell on the ground and its body followed suit, blood started flowing like a fountain from its neck.

»Ding! you have slain an enemy «

As soon as the life was gone from the boar's eyes the just send a message confirming its death.

'I underestimated the trees of this dungeon they aren't like ordinary trees found on earth the toughness of these trees is more than 50x of earth's trees.

'Well, that was exciting', he said while looking at the corpse of the beast.

[Master I suggest using Devour on the corpse] little snow popped up and said to him.

'I understand little snow'.

He pointed his right hand forward and for the first time, he used Devour.