Uproar in the Pet Center l

Long Shin made his way to the Su Pet Center, it was a place where people would buy and sell their pets it also had many other facilities like Pet treatment, Pet Auction, and Daycare, etc.

This Pet center was managed by the Su family as he was walking towards the pet center he as always attracted many gazes some were on him while some were on the see-through cage that he carried.

"Who is that guy".

" Look at his cage there is a stag beetle in it".

"I don't know much about insects but even a layman like me can tell that thing is too big for a stag beetle".

"How did he get his hands on something like that".

He didn't care about what the people around him were whispering after walking for about one hour he finally got to the pet center.

The Su pet center was designed to look like a Giant Dome like building if one looked at it from outside four large parking lots were surrounding it and two underground parking lots were beneath it the main entrance looked grand with red carpet paving the way security was tight no matter which part of pet center long shin saw many luxury cars and supercars parked at the car parking.

Long shin went towards the side entrance which was right next to the main entrance as he didn't wanted to attract unnecessary attention.

He came to the entrance and saw that quite a few guards were stationed there, those who were entering the pet center all had to line up and wait to enter.

Like others he also lined up the guards were checking the people for any possible dangers, soon it was long shin's turn when he came forward the guard was busy with the matters of the person before him so he ignored him long shin got impatient and voiced out.

" Hey".

When the guard heard the impatient tone he looked up in annoyance and was just about to scold the person who interrupted him when he saw Long shin.

He was dazed in front of him stood a young man with jet black hairs and blood-red eyes those eyes carried disdain and coldness towards everyone he saw, in fact this wasn't long shin letting out cold vibes intentionally he cultivated Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics the one cultivating it was destined to stand at the apex and look down upon every being.

"Yelp" The guard nearly cried out because of the bone-chilling coldness those eyes radiated hearing the slightly frightened voice others nearby also looked towards him.

"My apologies sir I was busy with some matters and neglected your excellency," said the guard even though he tried to talk calmly his body was nonetheless trembling a little, at first he wanted to yell at the person who disrupted him but after seeing the pair of blood-red eyes staring at him with utter coldness he no longer had the guts to try anything funny.

"Be quick"

"Yes, this way please" seeing that he didn't bother with the previous matters the guard was relieved and without wasting time guided him through the entry procedures

Everyone arriving at the pet center needed to go through them to make sure no one was carrying anything that could potentially endanger any of the people coming to the pet center, the process wasn't complicated long shin completed it within 2 minutes.

The guard two was hurrying as to not make this person who was radiating such dangerous Vibe angry at him, for some reason that even he didn't know he felt an instinctive fear when he look within the young man's Eyes.

"Your information is complete, now you just need to state your business here and you are good to go".

"I want to Auction this little guy" saying that he showed the guard what he was carrying.

When the guard saw it he cried out loudly.

"A Stag Beetle".

If it was any normal stag beetle the guard wouldn't have such a reaction but the beetle that long shin showed was so big that he was sure he never saw one this big.

When the words came out like a cry all the people in the surroundings be it those who were waiting in line or the staff all looked towards the cage in long shin's hands.

The cage was nothing noteworthy but the creature inside it was a different story, inside the cage they saw a black stag beetle with pincer-like horns, normally stag beetles even the most simple and cheaper ones will cost more than five hundred thousand yuan, while the one inside the cage was as large as a grown man's palm.

One needed to know that even the largest Stag Beetle ever found in the world was only 7.5 CM, while the one with the cage was at least 15.5 cm a whole difference of 8.5cm and that too was but a rough guess the cost of this stag Beetle may very well be about Eight Hundred Thousand yuans and it will even be more when auctioned.

Everyone around was shocked as the place was a pet center the most of the people coming here at least had the general knowledge of pets and even those who didn't know could tell at a single glance that the beetle that long shin had in the cage was at least one of the largest beetles ever found.

Knowing that his behavior was improper the guard was embarrassed but quickly got his mind out of it.

" Sir please follow me to the VIP waiting area, you may have to wait as this isn't something we can handle I will have to call our manager".

"Alright" after obtaining his consent the guard quickly took a photo of the beetle and ran to call the higher-ups.

Longshin appeared indifferent outside but he too was shocked even though he knew that the stag beetle will cause a commotion but didn't expect it to cause this big of a commotion.


He was seating in the waiting area with his eyes closed when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Da, da, da" hearing the rapidly approaching footsteps he opened his eyes as he did he saw that two old men who looked their 80's and a middle-aged man were coming towards him the funny fact was that the guard who ran to call them was having difficulty following them while the two old men's were running vigorously.

The people who came had their eyes landed on the cage.

" It's really a stag beetle but its size is too big compared to the rest of its species".

One of the old men said even though he was old and had white hair and beard but he appears to be very energetic, he was the former head of the Ye family Ye Mo the ye family is one of the hegemonic families of the River Town.

"That's right, old mo this one's size is mind-blowing, it's definitely the largest one to be ever found," said the other old man who was wearing a simple green attire although his clothes appeared simple but if one looked closely they'll find that they were made of rare and precious materials he was the former head of the Han family also from one of the hegemonic families of the River Town Han Yong.

"Young man are you sure that you want to auction of this stag beetle" this time it was the middle-age man who spoke he was the manager of the Su pet center Su Hao he was from the Su family when he was entertaining the old man Ye Mo and Han Yong the guard entered without any warning.

He was just going to punish the guard when he explained that a youth came who intended to auction off a large stag beetle at first he didn't believe in him but when he showed the photo of the stag beetle which he took Ye Mo, Han Yong, and Su Hao didn't waste anytime dilly-dallying and directly ran over here.