
At first, this Auction was going to be divided into two chapters but I decided to uploaded both of them in one go, enjoy.


A young woman who looked in her twenties stepped on the stage she was wearing she was wearing a blue one-piece dress she intentionally revealed half of her cleavage.

When the Woman stepped on the stage the bustling hall filled with people chatting suddenly became quiet.

"Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen I, yan mei welcome you all for today's auction" every word she spoke had the power to attract people's attention towards her.

"Today we all are gathered here to witness some of the rare and unique pets available, so without wasting any more time let the auction begin!".


"The first pet to be actioned off is the Tibetan Mastiff, I don't think I need to tell anything about such a famous pet, the starting price is one hundred and twenty thousand yuan each bid should be at least five thousand yuan!".

The first pet was brought out on the stage it was a brown Tibetan Mastiff but compared to the other normal Mastiffs this one was more healthy it could be seen by its shining fur and its size which was bigger than normal Tibetan Mastiffs.

"150,000 yuan!" as soon as she said someone raised the price by thirty thousand yuan.

"Huh, 175,000"


People raised the price soon it reached 180,000 yuan.

"Tch, 185,000 yuan!!!" a middle-aged man greeted his teeth and raised the price by another 5000 yuan.

"185,000 is there anyone who wants to bid, no then 3...2...1... and sold congratulations to this gentleman for winning the Tibetan Mastiff".

"The next pet is a Blue Morpho butterfly it is a set of twenty-five butterflies both male and female".

On the stage, someone brought out a large cage in which twenty-five blue morpho butterflies were kept.

They had a wingspan of a 5.5 inches they were gorgeous sapphire blue butterflies Both males and females have iridescent blue wings, though the wings of the females are edged in brown and have white spots. The undersides of the wings are brown with orange eyespots outlined in bronze and brown.

"Wow, what a beautiful creature!"

The audience was enjoying the beauty of the creatures in the cage when yan mei announced its price and minimum bid.

"All of them are in a set as everyone knows how difficult it is to get a set of rare pets not to mention that this one has twenty-five butterflies so the price has been set on 30,000 each bid must be more than 2000 yuan".

"33,000 yuan!".


The auction continued on many rare pets were sold but none of them caught long shin's eye in the mids some of the rare pets were bidden by even the luxury rooms which were only meant for Five great families.

"Ladies and gentlemen today we have a late entry pet which was placed in the list just before the start of the auction" as the auction was about to end and everyone was thinking of leaving a maid cane on stage and whispered something in yan mei's ears for a moment even the charming auctioneer was stunned by what she heard and that didn't unnoticed by people present.

The crowd who were just thinking of leaving stopped on their tracks and seat down on their respective seats again waiting for what was to come.

"What do you think is coming next?".

"How should I know didn't you hear miss yan it's a late entry".

"Well, looking at her beautiful stunned face it's not something ordinary!".

"That's for sure there were many rare pets in today's auction but none of them were able to make her shock a pet which can even make miss yan shock is definitely not just any rare pet it must be something more than that".

The people in the avenue were chatting with each other the audience was in chaos waiting for the pet.

"Please bring it on the stage". as tan me said that two maids carefully carried a square-shaped cage on the stage.

No one was able to see what was inside it because the cage was covered by a beautiful red cloth but when they saw two beautiful maids carrying the cage as though it was a priceless treasure they got even more curious.

After both of the maids placed the cage on the table in the middle of the stage they both retreated to the side and yan Mei came beside it.

"Ladies and gentlemen's we have something truly mind-blowing within this cage that even I am having difficulty believing that something like this exists and we all will be able to bear witness of it.

I can guarantee in my name that since the founding of the su pet center till now there was nothing like this in any of the auctions held before and possible it will stay like this for the next few years to come, do you all want to see it!".

One can feel the excitement and happiness from yan mei's voice when she talked about the last pet, as the auctioneer who sold something rare which might not come by in years she to will have her popularity increased by many times which will benefit her greatly in her job.

"Stop this suspense miss yan let us see what is inside".

"Yes let us see it".

"Don't keep us waiting".

The people in the avenue couldn't hold their curiosity anymore and began shouting that they want to see what is inside the cage under the red cloth.

Yan Mei was satisfied seeing the excitement of the audience and decided to uncover the cage and as soon as she did exclamation started all over the auction house if one listened closely even if they were outside of the avenue they would still be able to hear them.

"My God are you for REAL!!!".

"God are you FUCKING SERIOUS!!!".

"Isn't that quite big for one of those?".

"It's not just quite big it's too big!!".

The crowd was in uproar be it those on the ground floor, those in the VIP room, or even people in the Luxury room none of them saw something like this coming.

Not to mention the crowd yan mei herself was amazed by what was in front of her even though she was just told of some of its characteristics she still thought that it was just the maid exaggerating as the saying goes seeing is believing.

what came in front of everyone's eyes was a black stag beetle with pincer-like horns if it was only a stag beetle then the commotion it could cause would be far from the one which just occurred after all every now and then some stag beetles were auctioned off and everyone here was rich so they should have at least seen a stag beetle if nothing else but the fact that the beetle in the cage was at least more then 10 cm in size which was shocking considering that the biggest beetle to be ever found in the world was only near 7 to 8 cm.

Yan Mei quickly got out of her stupor and began to explain about the stag beetle.

"As you all know stag beetles are generally 5 to 6 cm the biggest one which was ever found was 7.5 cm in size while this big boy here is approximately 15.5 cm in size, yes ladies and gentlemen today what we have here is the biggest stag beetle ever found which may potentially be the biggest beetle in the world!!!".

"The world's biggest stag beetle!!".

"A stag beetle can grow that big".

"Don't this is my first time seeing one that big".

"God a beetle IS 15.5 cm long".

"How could this even be possible".

"The price for this stag beetle will start from 800,000 yuan as for the minimum bid we will allow the audience to decide that," yan Mei said without giving people time to think.

"1Million yuan" hardly had even a second passed and someone increased the bid by two hundred thousand yuan.

"Scram you want to buy this priceless thing with just 1 Million we the yang family offer 5 million yuan".

"Roll out young one let this old man deal with it I old han will bid 10 million yuan".

"Get the hell out of here Old fart I will bid 15 million".

"Youngster you are too stingy, this old man will bid 18 million".

"Old han you have grown so old you are gonna die in a few years anyway why don't you let me have it, 20 million".

"Aaya, this old man still has so many years to live junior yang what do you even know about pets if it falls into your hands it will probably die in two days so I old man han will have the honors of taking care of the beetle, 24 million".

Soon a verbal fight broke between the people of the luxury rooms the ones on the ground floor and VIP room couldn't bid for the beetle as their pockets weren't as deep as those of the great families.


[In the luxury room of ye family]

Ye Mo was seating on the chair while a butler was standing beside him and several servants were standing at the corner of the room.

"Old butler tell my son to transfer every little money the family has no matter what happens I must get that beetle," Ye Mo said to his butler.

the same thing happend in the room of the other four great families.

they were transferring every little bit of the funds they could find.


"Huh, what do you lot know about pets I old Ye will have it no matter what anyone who tries to stop this old man will leave with broken bones, 30 million".

every one of the five great families had decided to fight the other four till the end if it is for getting this beetle.


[In the room of Yang family]

"Patriarch the elders of the family have said they will transfer all the funds we must get that stag beetle," said an old butler.

"Good, good, good now let's see who takes that beetle from us the Yang family, 36 Million".


[in the room of shu family]

"Father why are we throwing so much money on an insect," said one of the young men present in the room his name is shu man he was the young master of the shu family.

"What do you know idiot you are always making trouble if you had learned even 10% of what other families younger generation have learned you would've known why we are throwing so much money, this thing may very well be the one of kind getting this from the hands of the other four great family shows that the family which will win the auction is much more prominent compare to the other four " shu moi said while smacking his son's head but still explained the reason.


" I ye mo offer 40 million yuan".

"Sorry old mo I won't back down on this even for our friendship 43 million yuan".people were amazed by the five great families which were fighting neck to neck with each other for the stag beetle but when they carefully thought it wasn't shocking this beetle may very well be the biggest stag beetle in the world and winning the bid from the other four great families which will show the prestige of their family if all of this were to be considered then it wasn't that shocking that they didn't hold back even the ye and han which had a friendship of decades between them were fighting each other let alone the other three.

"The Wang's will offer 50 million yuan".

When the Word Wang was said long shin's eyes showed a little bit of sadness but it disappear soon.

"The yang's will offer 54million yuan," said the yang family head.

"Junior you shouldn't fight with your seniors 55 million yuan", said han yong.

" Ha, Ha, Ha senior han this is an auction whoever bids the most wins I shu moi offer 67million".

For these Five Great Families, money wasn't that important their reserve of money is enough with every month additional income which comes from their various business the creature like this which might not appear again in decades or even more this is the chance to gain prestige to them they can't let it slide just showcasing the stag beetle is more than enough to increase their prestige.

"73 million yuan", said ye mo.

Ye mo and Han Yong weren't just bidding for the beetle they know more than the other three great families, the one who is auctioning off the beetle is a peerless expert who could make both of them kneel before him with just eye contact by winning this beetle they could apologize and may very well befriend him no matter if it lands in the hands of the ye or han family it won't matter much but if it lands in the hands of the other great families they will get the chance to meet that expert both ye mo and han yong can't allow that.

"80 million yuan" shu moi's voice came increasing the bid by a large sum again.


The auction continued and the price of the stag beetle quickly crossed 150 million yuans becoming the most priceless pet the auction house has ever sold.

In Actual fact it wouldn't have crossed 150 million this soon it would've raised slowly but it all change when the wang, shu, and yang noticed the abnormalities in the behavior of the ye and han family.

As everyone knew both of the former heads of the ye and han family ye mo and han yong are pet lovers this was no secret but this time their tone while bidding was anxious which only happend while they bided and the strange frequency in their bidding timing it was as if no matter if the beetle goes to ye's or han's but it can't fall in their hands.

After the other three great families noticed this they would be patriarchs in vain they should just become idiots instead if they couldn't figure out that there was more to this beetle than what meets the eye.

So they to decided to seriously bid for the stag beetle.

"162 million yuan!!".

"My God are they crazy why are they wasting so much money on the beetle even if that is one of a kind it wouldn't be worth it," said one of the people on the ground floor.

"What do you know all of the heads who are leading the five great families are old foxes they won't make a losing deal just for showing their might to the other great families there must be more to this beetle than what meets the eye".

When the crowd including yan mei was shocked by the price of the stag beetle a typical smart ass couldn't help but give his suggestion it was also the most possible answer to what's happening right now.

'So they found out that something was wrong huh, it is earlier than what I expected but then again considering how old ye and old han behaved it's not impossible for them to know about it'. while everyone else was thinking the reason behind this Su hao quickly thought that the other great families might have thought about the reason behind ye mo and han yong's strange behavior.


"200 million yuan" Ye Mo and han yong both nodded at each other then Ye Mo increased the bid to 200 million after which nobody continued to bid.

Obviously their pockets have reached their absolute depth for the current situation they can't waste too much money just based on Ye Mo and Han Yong's strange behavior even though they are patriarchs they still need to answer their respective families.


[In the luxury room of shu family]

"Butler green do we have any more funds left for the auction," said shu moi to the butler named green.

"No master all the money has already been invested into various projects if we takeout anymore we will have to answer the elders your position as the patriarch itself may fall into danger" butler green tried to advise shu moi not to bid for the beetle.

"Butler green I just feel that we might regret not bidding for this beetle in the future" shu moi said.

"We can't do anything regarding this master," said butler green while sighting.

"Damn it!!" shu moi for some reason felt that he must get that beetle or the Ye and Han family will rise above the other three great families.

"200 million is there anyone else who wants to raise the bid no, then 200 million going once, twice... and Sold".


The sound of a hammer came and the auction for the stag beetle ended ye no and han yong won by combining their funds they get the beetle be It anyone's house it won't matter but what they care most about is that they get to acquaintance with that senior.

"Congratulations to old master ye for getting this unique and rare pet and with that ladies and gentlemen I announce that today's auction ends here!!".

"Damn the old ancestor of ye took out 200 million for just that stag beetle!!"

"Now I'm definitely sure that there must be something different about that stag beetle".

"There must be otherwise old ancestor of ye wouldn't have gone as far as bidding 200 million".

The crowd was talking to each other about the last pet after Yan mei ended the auction anyone could see that she was happy 200 million was the highest bid ever made since the founding of the pet auction house and she was the auctioneer who hosted this auction will definitely become famous and get a bonus for this.

One thing was sure that this auction will be remembered by the people of the river town for a long time to come.


[In the Luxury room]

From the start to finish no pet caught long shin's eye every pet in the auction was unique and rare but for him who knew about magical creatures, they looked ordinary.

"Knock, Knock" the sound of door-knocking came and su hao stepped in the room behind him ye mo, han yong, and the auctioneer yan mei was following him with a tray in her hand.

After they came in they saw a young man sitting on the chair in the middle of the room looking at them his eyes contained coldness when both ye mo and han yong saw those eyes again their bodies unconsciously trembled a little but they quickly called down yan mei was sent in a daze.

She didn't see the cold eyes she only saw a handsome face looking at her she could swear that out of all the men she saw in her life none could hold a candle in front of this young man.

Only one thought ran in her mind 'is this guy's body sculptured by the gods'.

"Senior this is the money that came from the stag beetle as the beetle was the highest bid since the founding of the pet auction house there will be commission deducted".

Su hao said as he signaled the still dazed yan mei to move and give the card on the right side to long shin who went forward with an embarrassed face after coming out of the daze.

Su hao looked at this and sighted internally it couldn't be helped when he first saw the guy even he nearly went astray not to mention yan mei.

"This card has all the money from the stag beetle".

after saying that he picked the platinum card on the left side of the tray.

"This is the Platinum Card of su family, su family deals in the various business including business in the underworld" he gave it to long shin the whole card was made out of platinum.

"Everyone needs to hand over the 20% of the total amount from the auction but with this, you will be exempted from that" it could be said that he was a true businessman.

After seeing long shin suppress both of the former family heads of the ye and han he didn't hesitate for a second to try to befriend him.

It had to be known that both Ye Mo and Han Yong are at the 8th and 9th stage of Black-Iron rank if long shin could suppress them with but a mere glance then the power he commanded was not something su hao could understand.

'Even my family head can't do something like this having such a strong cultivation base at such a young age is simply a genius'.

Long Shin nodded and waved his hand towards both of the cards then in front of everyone's eyes both of the cards vanished into thin air.

Everyone be it su hao and yan mei or ye no and han yong, all of them were shocked.

""STORAGE RING!!!!"". they cried out internally storage rings or spacial rings are one of the relics of the past even though the rings looked normal from the outside they had a FixedSpace inside them some will only have 1 cubic meter the storage rings are so precious that only head and elders of the sacred lands may have one in their hands not to mention that the storage ring with the most spacious space ever found only reached 50 cubic meters it was in the hands of the head of a certain sacred land who treated the ring as his treasure.

The method to construct the spacial rings was long lost in the river of time so one can only obtain them from exploring the ruins of powerful ancient sects, the shock these guys were feeling could be imagined.

Long shin knew that in the underworld such things existed for that reason he decided to use his inventory so brazenly after he wore a simple-looking ring as for these people having the thoughts of stealing from him what a joke after what happened at the VIP area will they even have the guts to offend him?

After putting the cards in his inventory he prepared to leave when Ye no and Han yong came in front of him.

""Senior we apologize for our previous misconduct please forgive us!!"" they both bowed ninety degrees and shouted.

"It was just a little mistake forget it," long shin said dismissively but to ye no and han yong it appeared as though he was being benevolent it had to be known that underworld is a dog eat dog world you can be killed even for a little mistake unintentionally such as blocking someone's path and no one will say anything.

In the underworld, the strong will keep getting stronger while the weak will keep getting weaker until they perish.

"Thank you senior please take my contact info you can call any time you'd need I han yong shall go through fire and water for you".

"Same goes for me!".

Ye mo and han yong gave long shin their contact info which he saved in his smartphone.

Yan mei on the side was trying her best to hold back her shock as the auctioneer of the su family she knew both ye mo and han yong both of them are ancestors of ye and han family respectively which are two of the five great families they had connections with the underworld not to mention both of them ate also powerful magisters as for how powerful, it could be imagined by the fact that they were able to create a faction which stood at the top of the food chain in the river town.

Now these two old monsters plus even her manager was trying to bootlick this young man calling him "senior" and talking to him with respect and fear in their eyes.

'Just who the hell is this handsome guy?' only this question rang in her mind.

"If there is nothing else I'll get going," he said as he walked to the door of the room su hao and the rest respectfully followed him to the grand entrance of the auction house.

'I came from the side entrance and am going back through the grand entrance life sure works in mysterious ways'. long shin thought internally.

"Senior do you need me to send a car?" su hao said.

"No need it will be faster if I go by myself"

Su hao hearing this wasn't shocked as the strong magisters are even faster than today's modern transportation those who reach a certain rank are even able to fly in the sky using their mana for a short period of time.

After saying their farewells long shin walked towards his apartment.


'I should buy a new apartment now that I have money, I'll go to the property dealership tomorrow the holidays will end after one month and ill become a third-year university student, huh time sure fly's little yin will also come in the river town in this month I can't let her stay in the current apartment'.

'Before the start of the university I have to Rank up as much as possible i should also try out the various skills I got from [PDS] skill tree when I find a suitable target in the ancient dungeon '.

("PDS" stands for Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics the name of the technique is too long so we will use this instead of its full name)

While making planning for what he will do in the near future he got into his apartment.