Phoenix Cry resounding through out the world & Realm Management l

Long Shin didn't knew that his little act of improving elemence's powers had caused a great stir outside of the

The days in the river town were quite after the recent 'Natural Disasters' government was trying to rebuild the destroyed structures while the normal people were going on with their own work as usual.

On the contrary the Underworld was In great chaos someone form who knows where acquired the information that the previous series of 'Natural Disasters' were instead formed due to the appearance of some peerless treasure comparable to Heavenly treasures on top of the World Treasure list.

The information was quickly confirmed by many of the small and big forces of the Underworld and the River town of Huaxia became well known to the Underworld.

Many forces from both Huaxia and the foreign countries were pressuring the government of Huaxia to reveal the information and whereabouts of the sudden treasure this including some of the foreign country's governments.

[At a certain tavern]

From the outside it looks simple and elegant. The colorful light beams on the walls light up most of the building's outer structure.

It's tough to see through the closed windows, the voices from the guests were also bare minimal and couldn't be felt outside.

The entrance of  the tavern was moderately decorated, it had metal door, a feeling of comfort could be felt as the people entered in the tavern.

The bartender is handling some customers.

It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Walls with Colorful light beams support the upper floor and the huge lamps attached to them the lamps were glowing like a luminous pearl but if magisters were to come close they will be able to feel the comforting aura in the tavern was coming from within the lamps as instead of using some sort of lighting or luminous pearls the owner of the tavern chose to use energy stones also known as spirit stones as lamps. The walls are further decorated with historical antics and some of the well known paintings.

The tavern itself is not fully packet as about 30% of the total tables were empty. But with out a single exception everyone sitting in the tavern radiated fierce aura of a magister.

Yes, the tavern was filled with magisters and no normal civilians were allowed to enter the tavern even the workers in the tavern were at least at the 1st Tier Black-Iron rank.

This tavern was run by one of the powerful Sects of the Huaxia which were also known as Sacred Flower Valley one of the Ten Sacred Lands and Six Sacred Clans the main task of this tavern was to collect information .

Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are indulging in great food and drinks quite a few people were chatting with each other while eating and drinking many of their conversation revolved around the rumors of the newly immerged peerless treasure.

"The recent natural disasters were truly horrifying even I was scared by the winds of the hurricane they felt like fierce wind blades".

 "Indeed they were horrifying it just shows that even if one is a magister they can't escape form the nature without having formidable strength".

Some one started to talk about the recent events and others also began giving their own opinions.


Suddenly a cold snort was heard.

A middle aged man who looked to be in 30s came to their table.

"What do you guys know, do you truly think that the recent events were natural disasters? ".

"What are you talking about man were they not?, the disasters happened all across the globe even if every Sacred Lands in the world decided to play trick they won't be able to pull out something of this caliber".

"Indeed he is right".

People began to fuel as even in their wildest dreams they won't believe that a human could create disasters across the globe.

"Hey aren't you Mr.Zu Mo?" suddenly one of the people sitting on the table seem to have recognized the other party as he stood up and greeted the middle age man.

"ooh , so it's senior Zu forgive us, forgive us for not recognizing you" when someone took the lead others on the table followed cupped their hands to give a standard greeting.

"Huh, so you know me?" Zu Mo asked trying to appear humble but nevertheless he failed to hide the smile filled with arrogance on his face.

"Of course who doesn't know you senior Zu Mo, you are an expert at the peak of Black-Iron rank you'll soon reach BRONZE Rank".

"My God senior is going to reach the BRONZE Rank and here I am stuck at the 4th Tier of the Black-Iron Rank from the past decade".

"Buddy you have only been stuck for one decade I have not broken through to 6th Tier from the last sixty years".

"How can you people even think comparing your self with senior Zu the difference between you and senior is like that of heavens and earth" one of the man on the table so an opportunity and started to bootlick Zu Mo.

Zu Mo of course was happy with all the praises he was getting from the bunch which could be seen with his satisfied smile.

When some one steps into the 1st tier of the Black-Iron rank their lifespan will be doubled many of the people present here although look only middle aged have already lived for several decades while some are even more then hundreds of year's old from that one can imagine the age of the old monsters hiding behind the wails of the Underworld.

In order to cultivate and break through great talent and opportunity is needed many are unable to even breakthrough a minor rank in their whole life and die as their lifespan reaches it's end on the other hand quite a few of those who are talented and were able to reach a high rank die an early death while searching for opportunity to get even more strength only minority survives.

As the saying goes birds die for food and humans die for wealth the path of a magister is filled with danger everyone needs to search for opportunity as talent can only take you so long but death in the underworld is normal and people have already got used to it a long time ago even through the planet is big the resources are too little quite a few magisters die every day in the underworld.

"Hey who is this Senior Zu? " suddenly the man who rebuked Zu Mo earlier quietly whispered to his friend on the side.

"Zu Mo is a Rouge Magister who roams around the world has great fame for obtaining many opportunity which were able to take him to the peak of the Black-Iron rank people are estimating that he will soon reach BRONZE Rank as well" when the guy heard that other party was someone close to the BRONZE Rank he nearly peed his pants.

What a joke he himself was only at the 3rd Tier and now he unknowingly provoked a monster at the Peak Black-Iron Rank.

"Senior please forgive this junior for not recognizing you, junior unknowingly committed a grave sin, I deserve to die a thousand death" he quickly Bowed at Zu Mo and began to apologize while his back was drenched in cold sweat.

This is how the underworld is in here if you have the strength if your fist is bigger then you are the king people won't give you respect just because you are an elder even an elderly will have to bow in front of a young man if your fist is bigger here someone will kill you even if you have only bumped on them unknowingly and the passer by won't dare to utter a single word.

"Don't worry it happens I'm not someone who loses his calm for no reason".

"Thank you for forgiving me senior, thank you".

"Senior you were saying something about these disasters being man-made ".

"I never said they were made by humans I only said they weren't natural" said Zu Mo with a leisure and relax tone while sitting many of the people around them were also concentrating on their conversation some of them already knew about the inside matter while many didn't.

"Please enlighten us senior"

"There is a rumor going around that a Peerless treasure which is at least comparable to Top three Heavenly treasure in the Heavenly Treasure list of the world was found in the River town of huaxia recently and the emergence of that same treasure caused the disasters one after another"

"River Town!"

"Really how can this be possible not just in national but comparable to the top treasures of the Heavenly treasure list of the world".

In the Underworld there are two list made which records the most powerful treasures ever found by the earthlings namely national Heavenly treasure list and Heavenly treasure list of the World.

The national treasure list like its name ranks the treasures based on their power, material, features, and abilities etc. It ranks only the treasures in one particular nation which it belongs to, meanwhile the Heavenly treasure list of the world ranks the treasure from all around the world and the Top treasures in list are more or less ancient artifacts passed down by the ancestor founders of the powerful forces in the world.

"Many of the powerful forces are pressuring huaxia government for whereabouts of that treasure, I myself was only able to know these information by mere coincidence".

"A treasure capable of causing natural disasters around the world at the same time just how powerful must it be, only if I can get my hands on it" one of the listener couldn't help but mutter in a soft voice but because all of the people here are magisters they were easily able to here him unknowingly they to began to think of obtaining such treasure.

"Come out of your day dreams treasure of such level have their own consciousness and spirit it wasn't found where it landed and only a remnant aura remained, what do you think it signifies?".

Zu Mo asked no one in particular he too had thoughts of acquiring the treasure or at least trying to get his hands on it but when he found the later part it was as if someone had poured cold water upon his head.

"If it had its own consciousness and wasn't found then…"

"It has already chosen a master, sight…" when they deducted that it might have already picked a master everyone couldn't help but let out a long sight filled with disappointed and a little unwillingness.


Suddenly while people were still talking to each other an ear piercing cry of what seemed from a bird sounded it carried a pressure which made every magister's inner mana nearly go disarray.

It shocked the whole tavern and caused every person to pause for a moment.

[In a certain building]

The building was grand pavilion with ancient eastern theme large pillars with beautiful carvings of majestic beasts supported the pillar the pavilion was surrounded by a lake many flamingos could be seen on it.

In the whole pavilion only two seeming old men could be seen chatting about different matters while playing Go.

 On the left side was an old man in white blue Daoist robes his white hairs came to his shoulder and his eyes carried a heroic spirit as if he had experience of centuries.

On the right side another old man in Black Robes could be seen his long white hairs were coming to his waist he was clam and composed Instead of heroic spirit his eyes showed with the radiance of a scholar.

"Well old Mu with this you lost another one of your pieces" Said the man in blue robe.

The old man in black robes who was called old mu seemed to be in a pinch but his face didn't show any anxiety only calmness could be seen on his face.

"Don't act rashly and let down your guard old De, don't just see what's in front of you things may change at anytime.

Saying that old mu flipped one of his pieces and changed the direction of the game now old de could be seen in a pinch every one of his escape routes were gone without even knowing he had stepped in old mu's trap.

  "Damn I lost again, no matter how much I try I can't even win a single match against you" said old De in a little frustrated tone.

When old mu saw him throwing a tantrum he only smiled and said nothing they had been friends for more then a hundred years every time his friend lost he would throw a tantrum but didn't stop old de from folding him for a match when they meet again.

Old De was a general previously before joining a sacred lands while old my was a scholar both of them meat a long ago when for one of the wars of the underworld old de had saved his life many times while he too saves his ass when he was in a pinch as he was more of a muscle brain after hundred plus years they has gone from a mere disciples to old antics of their respective sacred lands even through they were in different factions their friendship still remained as stable as it was hundred years ago.

"Hey old my what do you think about the recent appearance of the unknown treasure?".

When old De asked Old Mu this question the pavilion got silent for a second before Old Mu answered him.

"Old de don't get in the matters of this treasure something that can cause such a ruckus in the world is anything but simple and not to mention that treasure also had a spirit there is 90% chance that the master it picked will be an unfathomable sky pride, you also know how picky the weapon spirit of the top treasures in treasure list pf the world are they wont just pick anyone as their master

Also there is still remaining 10% chance that an old monster may have gotten his hands on it" Old Mu patiently explained his own hypothesis to his friend finding a friend with who could walk with you in your path as a magister wasn't an easy feat.

Not all people in the world are born with talent to become a magister.

He didn't wanted his closest friend to get in this mess and lose his life as many of the factions at the level of sacred lands will be aiming for that said treasure and that's not all either, even if he got the treasure he won't be able to leave with it while keeping his alive.

Holding a treasure without having sufficient strength to keep it is a sin.

"I know, I know. I was just asking for your opinion on these recent events happening around the world don't worry i don't want to die so early, ha, ha,ha " Old De said while smiling.

Old Mu didn't talk anymore about it as he could see from his friend's face that he was serious.


A loud cry of the Phoenix suddenly sounded which shocked the whole pavilion making it tremble.

The cry caused their very souls to feel dread and despair.

"Now what the hell happened" Old De Panicked as he stood up checking the area with his magic sense compare to him Old Mu looked more composed but he was merely putting a front inside he too was panicking one had to know the unknown creature's cry had frozen their very soul for a moment they couldn't even properly think let alone move.

The cry of the Phoenix was overbearing thought out the world shaking both the heavens and earth in the process.

Long shin was able to hide elemence's advancement phenomenon by binding it within the but one shouldn't forget that elemence gained the acknowledgment of the Primordial Phoenix God it was a God Beast and the progenitor of the Phoenix race from a long forgotten era a creature at the top of the food chain his couldn't bear the pressure of its shadow and so its cry escaped from within and was overheard through out the world.

The astonishing fact was that only magisters and beasts were able to here it for the normal civilians it was just like a silent trembling barely reaching the state of magnitude

The beasts and magisters were the one to truly feel the cry.

Any beast no matter what was the level it's intelligent or which species it belong to be it Magic beasts, fierce beasts or normal animal all of them quickly prostrated where they stood all of them were trembling and didn't dare to create a single sound.

For a moment this created a scene where a loud cry was overheard throughout the world and as if to answer it all of the beasts in the world prostrated where they stood and didn't dare to loft their heads as if the sickle of the death God was hanging above them would chop of their heads if they were lifted.

The magisters in the whole world no matter which rank they belong to froze for a moment as if a pause bitten was pressed and they were all stuck.

The world once again entered the state of turmoil and this time even the great ones started to panic.

All of them were only frozen for a moment but that one moment is more then enough for their life to end.

[Underworld Net]

Underworld Net was a grand website which was only accessible for magisters and those from Magic arts family all of the Magisters from the world could chat, buy, and sell, etc. The Underworld Net was the main source of communication between Magisters of the Underworld.

A post was created With the help of some magical device a guy was able to record the cry by accident.

Soon this post became the most visited post in the whole Net.

 [Romero: My God what was that just now I thought I was gonna die for a second there😑]

[Arnal: Commenter above you are not the only one it was same for me😔]

[Simon: Same here]

[Jed: Same here+]

[Song shan: Man I nearly pissed my and😡]

[Arnal: Wow you were saved from a hell full of humiliation there brother😮]

[Yvette: Dude you were only close to pissing not like me 😭, Damn I won't be able to meet here eyes ever again]

[Brooke: Dude that is only if she still remained your girl after this😂]

[Yvette: 😶]

[Romero: What was that anyway does anyone got an idea😕]

[Brooke: If I did would I be here talking with you people?]

[Yu man: what ever it was it was horrific]

[Jianguo: Is there even a magic beast in the world which could make such a low cry?]

[Arnal: who knows beats me]