Red Scorpion Gang

[A curtain abandoned building]

At a half constructed building fifty to forty men were drinking and laughing they ranged from 20s to 40s.

The building looked as through it could crumble any given day except for the noises coming from the people in the building nothing could be heard as no normal sane person would ever dare to come close to this building.

This was the head outer of the Red Scorpion Gang, it is said that when the building was under construction the leader of red Scorpion stormed within and beat up many of the workers present the rest were forced to evacuate.

When the police too was unable to do anything some mysterious men in black suite entered after they came out the construction of the building was halted and it was designated as a no entry zone by the government, those who knew of this incident were forced to sign a contract by the government forbidding them from spreading the incident while those who ignored the contract and tried to sell the information to news channels and social platforms disappeared not leaving a trace behind.

Afterwards many hooligans and criminals joined the man who even government feared as the Red Scorpion Gang came to being.

" Damn, she is hot, I really want to taste her" while smocking one of the guy said they had just kidnapped a women from some rich background the women wasn't only rich she was also a heavenly beauty with curvy and slim body when he saw her curvy body his lust was aroused as an impulse to get intimate with her rose within him, he wasn't alone, many of his brothers had the same though but unfortunately they had kidnapped the women because someone ordered them to, even their boss had specially to not get any weird ideas about her or the whole Red Scorpion Gang will be doomed.

"Don't get any wired ideas about that women she is simply put if the reach of people like us, boss said the client will arrive here at night of he found anything wrong we won't make it to see tomorrow, after this mission is complete we will get a ton load of money then you can buy which ever whore you won't ,and before I forget have you placed the slow reaction drug in her room?" asked the guy in his right side, cao fang was the wise master of the Red Scorpion Gang in term of status he was only below the leader of the Red Scorpion and above every other members of the gang.

" Yes, yes…".

"Good, remember we are not allowed to go inside that room anymore for the day, the boss has said anyone who goes in will be killed and he will kill them personally" cap fang made sure that his voice was loud so everyone could hear him Eas the vise master of the gang he knew somethings that others didn't for example when the client came in their base their boss was welcoming him with the most humble smile he could muster and until he left their boss didn't dare to shout he was acting timidly.

Someone who could make their boss so submissive was not a person they small mobs could offend even thought the women in the room was heavenly beauty comparable to goddesses it simply wouldn't be worth it if they died because of her as long as they live they can have many women.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

One of the smart phones on the table started to ring.

"Ooh, it's the old foggy from ouyang family" the guy sitting near the table looked at the called id and said with a mocking tone.

Cap fang came near the table and snatched the phone, he put it on the loud speaker.

"We want you to kidnap a boy" when the phone was connected the other side didn't even greet them simply talked about the business his voice was cold the anger within his voice could be felt by the people who were listening.

When cap fang and the rest heard their task they were stunned for a second they had just kidnapped a women and now they were again tasked to kidnap a boy.

'Is today some kidnapping day or something every client want us to kidnap people'.

He shook his head to push aside his thoughts.

"No problem just keep the money ready, old guy" one of the middle aged men present said with confidence as thought they had already kidnapped their target.

"Hump, you'll find the boy at song property dealership I'm going to send you his photo in a few minutes, make sure to go their with all of your men as the boy is proficient in the art of fighting can easily fight five to six men at one time".


Ouyang guoliang snorted after giving them the address and a little information about Long Shin's strength he disconnected the call of it weren't for his big brother ordering him he wouldn't even look at these dirty filthy rats.

After a few minutes he sent them Long Shin's Photo that their spy's took when he went inside the dealership.

"Damn is this for real, are you sure that ouyang guy didn't reposted us some painting from the net!!!" when the members of the scorpion gang saw the photo the were dazed for a second before coming back to their senses.

They double checked the photo and even called back Ouyang guoliang to make sure he sent them a photo of human and not some artist's masterpiece.

"Brothers let's go we need to 'pick up' a boy from song property dealership" cap fang ordered everyone to move he didn't forget the warning of Ouyang's they had already felt many of the dark business for Ouyang family so he knew Ouyang Guoliang won't joke about business.

All of the people in the room got up and took their weapons some took metal chains while other took metal bats, etc.

All of them stepped in several vehicles and drives towards the song property dealership.