Rise of the Dark Army, Let the massacre begin

"Come Out".

As Long Shin gave his command behind him his shadow began to extent, in but a matter of seconds the while area behind him was robbed of any possible light.

Dark Goblins wearing Jet Black armor rose from the shadow behind him and circled the group the one leading them was none other then the Goblin Champion on top of it giant Jet Black Tempest Wolves with bulging muscles and glowing Red eyes rose from behind the goblins and as if that wasn't enough to satisfy their miserable situation a wolf who's shoulder length was more then two meters rose up from behind them it was Jet Black while some part of his body was grew like ash a smooth tail which seemed to glow with the light of stars in a dark night and a pair of giant wings on its back, two large horns which curled upwards, and glowing predator eyes staring coldly at them, screaming that it was anything but ordinary, if one looked closely they might even be able to see the emotion that the beast was hiding which was…disdain in its eyes the people excluding its master present here weren't even qualified to be called ants, who else could it be if not Storm Wolf King.

Reference image can be found on discord.

Storm Wolf King stood respectfully behind Long Shin it's eyes were glowing red letting out ferociousness of an apex predator, it's giant glowing claws left a 10 cm deep imprint on the concrete while it walked and it's glowing fangs capable of tearing apart metal plates like butter threatened to devour everyone in one gulp leaving not even dust, what shocked the people most would be the horns on its head and giant wings behind its back.

The Dark Army which were only ever allowed to come out of Long Shin's shadow when he was in the were now for the first time allowed to come out of their Sovereign's shadow and feel the aura of the earth.

Be it the Dark Goblins or the newly added tempest wolves and their commander the Storm Wolf King who never had an opportunity to come out of Long Shin's Shadow each and everyone of them were esthetic.

More then one hundred and fifty+ Dark goblins, fifteen Tempest Wolves cornered everyone from Ouyang's, Red Scorpion Gang,  and Xu Xiaosi not to mention the Goblin Champion carrying giant club and Storm Wolf King who stood behind Long Shin both of their eyes on them as if they were saying 'Even if there is one in a million chance of you breaking the encirclement both of us are more then enough to take care of you all'.

"Ahhh!!!" everyone was in despair seeing the dark army, be it Ouyang Family or the Red Scorpion Gang members all of them were but normal humans with out a dust of magic knowledge, Pan Han as the leader of the Red Scorpion and a bonafide 6th Tier Black-Iron rank Magister, and Xu Xiaosi as a member of one of the Big Families in Beijing were different, because he had no talent in cultivation Xu Xiaosi was only able to reach 1st Tier Black-Iron rank magister, no matter how many recourses Xu Family pulled into him he was not able to breakthrough 2nd Tier, if it wasn't for his father being the family head Xu family would've Disowned him, a direct descended who couldn't become a magister was nothing but disgrace in the eye of the Big Families of Beijing.

His elder brother had always exceeded him be it in the matter of business or cultivation he came here to cuckold him be sleeping with the women he was so tirelessly trying to woo without any success, never in his wildest dreams did he thought that he will meat an expert magister in a rundown place like this, thinking of the disrespect he showed before he wanted to slap himself.

All of the people be it Ouyang family, Red Scorpion Gang, Pan Han, and Xu Xiaosi only had one thought their minds 'This time they Kicked a Hornet Nest'.

Ouyang Kai who previously happily came to the front of the group was so scared that he again lost control of his bladder as he fell on his butt, others weren't any better be it the Ouyang Family Elders, Ouyang Guoliang, Ouyang Jinhai, Ouyang Lulu, Cao Fang, or the rest of the Red Scorpion Gang their Bodies were trembling uncontrollably, their legs lost their strength and felt like jelly.

This was Fear a deep instinctive fear between a predator and a prey.

"For quite some time I wanted to try a skill but didn't get the opportunity but now that you guys have come please become my guinea pigs" even thought Long Shin was smiling harmlessly to the people present he was no different then a smiling devil ready to take their souls.

"All of you take out your guns and shoot down these damn animals" Ouyang Jinhai said to the trembling bodyguards behind him, hearing him the members of Ouyang and Red Scorpion had hope ignited, that's right, they have guns why fear these animals!! Thinking that their fear decreased by a little bit but they all failed to notice the disparate filled eyes of Xu Xiaosi and Pan Han.

The bodyguards behind Ouyang Jinhai took out their guns and aimed at the Dark Goblins and Tempest Wolves.

"Take this you Damn animals!!!" the guards pulled the trigger with their trembling hands.



Ouyang family was indeed a powerful family although not comparable to Hegemonic families they had deep ties with the Darkworld of the river town which could be seen by the fact that all of the guards present were equipped with Ak47 a machine gun, one had to know that the government of Huaxia had restricted on having any kind of firearms while Ouyang Family was able to smuggle not just one but quite a few machine guns with just this their deep connections could be imagined.

They continued to shoot without a pause at the dark army after shooting for about 10 seconds Dark Goblins in front of the army had their bodies filled holes the people were happy seeing this and we're unable to see that only the weaker goblin scouts and scavengers in the front line were injured goblin warriors, archers, tanks, mages, and the tempest wolves were still unscathed without an ance of damage done to them.

Goblin Warriors, tanks, and repeat wolves didn't need to do anything with just their bodily defense they could easily block bullets that was more so for tempest wolves who had bulging muscles and strong bodily defense not to mention a machine gun with normal bullets they won't feel anything even if they were shoot by heavy machine guns equipped with armor piercing bullets.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, I don't know what kind of magic tricks you used to make us hallucinate but you'll still die under the guns, but…you…don't worry…I..i wilI make sure to not even let your corpse go to waste I will separate every bone from your corpse and feed them to my family's guard dogs and use your flesh and blood as fertilizer and that lastly that damn face of yours I have something even more wonderful planed for thatt…he…he…he".

Ouyang Kai seemingly forgot about the fact that he just pissed his pants again as he hypocritically allowed his thoughts to be heard hearing his words even a few of the Ouyang Family members were feeling chill no one would think this creepy in-human way for torture was conjured by a young man in his teens.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!".

"Yes , Yes son we will do what you want" Ouyang Jinhai was feeling very satisfied by the plan his son had conjured while his wife Ouyang Lulu felt a little downcast by imagining what will happen to Long Dhin in the future.

"Basterd that was just an illusion, this father was nearly scared to death".

"Basterd, I your father will kill you for scaring me".

"Indeed how can those wrecked creatures even be real for a moment I was truly scared".

"Even if they are real how can they face against us humans who have machine guns, Ha, Ha, Ha".

"Yes kill him, Kill him, Kill him".

The members of the Red Scorpion Gang began to get energetic for a moment all of them truly thought that the guy had somehow summoned monsters but now that their minds were 'clear' they started to think 'rationally' there is no way that someone could summon monsters.

All of the happily shouted to kill long shin unbeknownst of the increasingly getting gloomy face's of Xu Xiaosi, and Pan Han specially Pan Han who with his ken senses a was able to see every minuscule change on the fight earlier.

'Damn it Damn it, this is definitely an expert' Pan Han was literally sweating like crazy in the Underworld there is a saying that below SILVER Rank everyone is an ant, only one magister can slaughter dozens of BRONZE Rank Magisters and raise hell in any of the modern cities of they wished to this saying was not baseless.

In the underworld all of the registers cultivate with only one goal in mind that is to achieve SILVER Ran many people even go as far as become someone's henchmen and betraying their own family just to reach the SILVER Rank.

When one reached SILVER Rank not only will their Lifespan increase by a large margin they will also be able to choose a 'class'.

Choosing a 'Class' was a little different but still had similarity to sub professions like Alchemist, Blacksmith, and Formation Master, etc.

After reaching SILVER Rank the cultivation techniques of a magister will be able to pull out hidden potential of magister and corresponding to the Element of the technique a class will be unlocked like elemental classes Fire Elemental Mage, Water Elemental Mage, Fire Swordsman, etc.

Even if only one magister with class Fire Elemental Mage faces ten BRONZE Rank Magister they can just don't them alive.

That's why cultivating a technique which suites the inborn element of a magister is important while one must also know which class could be learned from a cultivation technique, there are rare instances of their being a rare class in a cultivation technique and also a chance of their being no class at all, many of the cultivation technique also come without any class while the cultivation technique with a Rare class is priceless even Holy Lands will put it in the most secured treasure vault, Necromancer was one such class.

Those who practice the Cultivation Technique with Necromancer class have rare found affinity with Dark and Death Attributes.

When such person reaches SILVER Rank they are able to reignite the tender of life within dead to make them their servants.

'Have I unknowingly offended a SILVER Rank Magister, no , no even if someone with Necromancer class tries to make the dead do their bidding there are several restrictions

Indeed when a Necromancer is only at SILVER Rank they could be said to have only stepped a foot on their path and they can only resurrect the corpses present near them that to only a limited number, this guy not to mention the summoned beings are not humans only their shear number is something that a SILVER Rank magister can never summon, I haven't heard of any SILVER Rank Magister summoning more then a hundred Corpses that to with out having Corpses in the vicinity this is simply unprecedented' the more Pan Han thought about it the more afraid he became the young man in front of him was filled with mystery his very existence screamed Unknown and humans are most afraid of …Unknown.

In the next second as if to intensify his fear of unknown even more and end the short lived happiness of the people present all of the holes which were made by the bullets shrunk rapidly until nothing remained.

The crowd of cheering people quoted down into silence not even moving their bodies as if someone had pressed the pause button.


In the Quite and Gloomy abandoned Building only the sound of used bullets falling onto the ground from the bodies of the Dark Army could be heard.

As the people looked at the ground with their meeting hearts and despair filled eyes only numerous bullets could be seen, seeing that the bullets had no effect on the monsters while also finally knowing that the monsters in front of them were by no means 'illusions' but true breathing beings waiting to prey upon them, reap apart their bodies to drink their blood everyone once again had despair struck eyes they felt as through they had just gotten a ride to heaven only to end their journey within the cold gates of hell.



One by one some of the people kneeled down for they had lost any fighting spirit they had, begging to spare their pathetic lives was the only way out.

"How…How…this can't happening… I can't die in a godforsaken place like this… I refuse to die here".

"Sob…Sob…Sob…please I don't won't to die".

"Sob…Sob…Mommy I want to go home…sob…sob… I shouldn't have come to this place in the first place".

Ouyang Kai was crying while the other family members of Ouyang weren't any better their intestines were green with regret, only if they had chosen to stay at their luxurious mansions.

Each and everyone of them lived the life of King had women on each side of their bed dying at a place like this never crossed their minds but looking at the cold eyes of the 'Smiling Devil' they held no doubt that he was going to kill them all with those bizarre looking monsters of his.

Ouyang Jinhai, Ouyang Luli, and Ouyang Guoliang we're also looking at Long Shin with hollowed eyes.

"Res…respected senior, Xu Xiaosi the second youngmaster of the Xu family pays his respect…forgive me for in curing your fury… if you allow me to leave the Xu Family of the Beijing will be forever in your dept" Xu Xiaosi finally mustered up courage to speak he made sure that his words were as humble as possible but it's still hid a deep threat that if he didn't let him leave then he will have to face against the entire Xu Family of Beijing.

'Idiot' Pan Han who was able to see thought his words sneered internally the most powerful expert in their Xu family is at most early stages of SILVER Rank while Pan Han wasn't sure of the Youths Rank but he was sure that if he wanted to slaughter his way into the Xu family they can only move to the side he didn't make any futile struggle like begging for mercy for he knew in the eye on an expert their dog lives were as cheap as it could get now that they had offended him the only destination for them is their deaths Xu Xiaosi who was trying to threaten the Expert was doing nothing but making his death more miserable .

'Damn Ouyang Family if I knew they were going to invite this beast in my base let alone the expert I would've slaughtered nine generations of their ancestors myself' he couldn't help but curse now that they had offended this senior they can only die with regrets.

If even someone like Pan Han could see thought Xu Xiaosi's thoughts then could Long Shin not hearing this idiotic youngma… I mean young master Xu Xiaosi's threat Long Shin was getting furious.

Even before he got the System even when he was nothing but a normal human teenager he faced any and all enemies that came for him and never backed down, and now that he has system he was destined to have enemies across the world, he didn't even had a shred of doubt that any of them could shatter mountains with their bare hands and level the seas with one strike how could a mere Xu Family have enough capital to scare him away, if he was truly scared by them even with all pf the means in his arsenal then he might as well just cripple his cultivation and live an ordinary life.

"Do you think your mere Xu Family can scare me?" sure enough just as Pan Han had thought Long Shin was angered by his threat and asked Xi Xiaosi coldly.

"No…No…Seni…senior I…was just…say-"Xu Xiaosi was scared his body trembled with fiercely as he saw those glowing eyes staring at him not to mention the even bigger eyes that we're no smaller then a cars headlight gazing at him with pure anger and disgust making him feel as though he was thrown in the pits of hell.


The sound of concrete snapping could be heard as the Storm Wolf King was getting restless.

When Ouyang Kai was repeatedly insulting Long Shin Storm was already raring to slaughter the pig like human but was barely able to hold on as his sovereign had not given him order to fight but when Xu Xiaosi threaten him and storm felt his sovereign's anger he was finally unable to hold his fury as claws broke apart the concrete making its debris fly towards Xu Xiaosi like bullets.

For better or worse Xu Xioasi was still a magister even if it was only 1st Tier Black-Iron Rank, because of sheer instinct and Luck he put his hands in front of his chest like an X to block the stone which flew at the speed of bullets directly drilled into his arms storm had made sure that the edge of the stones will be sharp on his hands many holes caused by stones could be seen while blood flowed out every piece had accurately hit his arms and stuck right onto the muscles.

"Aaah!!" Sharp edge of the stones scrapping through his muscles and nerves caused him unimaginable amount of pain.

"You..you…Just you wait my Xu Family won't let you off you'll die a dogs death, Ha, Ha, Ha" knowing that his life will come to an end today Xu Xiaosi didn't held back in insulting Long shin.

"Today will send you on your way today and worry not for if your Xu family dares to come for me I will send them to accompany you as well" Long Shin said with a mocking smirk on his face.


Long Shin himself was startled he only thought of the dark army as nothing but dead, it never occurred to him that they to have their own ego. 

'I can't just treat them as mere puppets'.

Xu Xiaosi wanted to day something but Long Shin cut him to it.

"Now then let the massacre begin".

Long Shin wanted to test this skill since the time he first laid eyes on it, and who could blame him the effects of the skill were truly mind blowing more so if we consider his current Rank, one had to also know that the skill consumed mana at an unbelievable rate even through system most of the powers of the skill and only gave him the most degraded version of it, this still increased his and his minions physical and elemental damage by Ten times, he could only sight at the marvelous power of the system.

[Primordial Field] (Active) (0/10):: The area of 100 meters around you becomes your Primordial domain for an unbelievable amount of mana requirement it grants absurd skill effects you and your dark Soldiers are branded with the Primordial aura. the Primordial aura grants +1000% Physical Damage, +1000% Elemental Damage, +500% Soul Damage, +1000% Recovery Speed, +100% Magic Resistance, +100% Soul Resistance, Primordial aura grants debuffs to all your enemies within the Primordial Field effect includes -1000% Physical Damage, -1000% Elemental Damage, -1000% Physical and elemental Defense, -500% Soul Damage, -1000% Recovery Speed, -100% Magic Resistance, -100% Soul Resistance.

Just to maintain these crazy buffs Long Shin would probably drained of most of his mana but the power of the didn't end there one had to know that there were certain skills that could only be activated within the Primordial Field namely and .

[Ring of Primordial Aura] (Passive) (0/10):: A constantly Swirling Ring of Primordial Aura which is filled with the unstable essence of all the elements the sovereign has an affinity with surrounds the army of Dark Soldiers, deals horrifying damage to all the enemies who dare to step on it, is only active in the Primordial Field.

[Soul Torture] (Passive) (0/10):: For every enemy who dies within the Ring of Primordial Aura fuels the effects of Primordial Aura of the entire Primordial Field, every additional death increases +10% to all parameters effects can be stacked up to +10,000% for 1 minute, is only active in Primordial Field.

If he hadn't turned off the two passive abilities of the skill tree then he would surely die from having his mana sucked out.


"Ge, Ge, Ge".

As the skill was cast the surroundings of the abandoned building turned pitch black at a very fast rate, the pillars holding the building, many corners of the concrete and walls began to glow with crimson light which came from the corners of the ground and covered the whole thing giving people illusion that they were standing above a river of glowing blood eerie sound of some creepy creature could be heard making one feel chill to their spine.

 The aura of every dark soldier in the vicinity rose up to their peak.

"Massacre them" Long Shin said without any emotion but the people present felt as through his voice was the whisper coming from the deepest parts of the abyss.


With his command every dark soldiers except the Goblin Champion and Storm Wolf King charged at their enemies, their eyes not containing a hint of pity, or fear of their enemies.

"Charge" some of the 'courage's' members of the Red Scorpion Gang also charged towards them after mustering little but of their fighting spirit they could while the rest only begged for their lives while kowtowing.

How could the Red Scorpion Gang which was filled with normal humans content against the dark army when all of the dark soldiers were previously masters not to mention now that Long Shin had even cast boosting their powers by Ten times.

As soon as both of the army collided the Dark Soldiers began to wantonly slaughter anyone they laid their eyes on.

"No, no I don't want to die damn it" Ouyang Kai and a few of the Ouyang Family members begged and cried for an instant before getting slaughtered .

"No, no Lord please forgive me, please let me go I can give you anything my money property anything please".

"please don't kill me I can do anything, Lord I can even be your sex slave, please don't kill me".

The human nature truly blooms in front of death, the high mighty Family Head Ouyang Jinhai didn't even think for a second before abandoning his wealth and Family for a chance to live or Ouyang Luli who didn't even think for a second before betraying him and her precious son for a chance to be spared.

Pity Long Shin didn't spare them anytime and ignored their begging as the Dark Soldiers killed them in the next second the tempest wolf's gnawed at Ouyang Jinhai's still alive body as they devoured him alive while the Dark Goblins used their various weapons like daggers short swords clubs to stab and strike at Ouyang Luli's body giving both of them a painful death.

While the Ouyang Family was getting their retribution things didn't seem any better at Pan Han and Xu Xiaosi's site.

Pan Han Being a 6th Tier Black-Iron Rank Magister was able to hold on for two seconds but when the Tempest wolves ganged up on him he could do nothing but die.

"Ahh!!" his last cry was filled with pain and regret as he breathed his last, the last remaining person was Xu Xiaosi who for some reason all of the Dark Soldiers had been avoiding.

'Why is-'Long Shin was just thinking why the Dark Soldiers would avoid him when Storm who since the start had been quietly standing behind him moved.


Each step it took created massive claw imprints on the concrete.

"No, no s….enior please forg..i.v.e me, I am an idiot…I..I shouldn't have threaten senior please spare my fog life" Xu Xiaosi was so scared that he was spluttering seeing the massive monster coming towards him he still didn't forget the pain he felt when storm sent forward several sharp edged   in his skins.

"Please don't come any closer " even thought he kept begging storm cam in front of him and opened his massive jaw as in the next instant storm bit of his whole head from his body.


His face was filled with nothing but fear and despair as his head fell on the floor.

All of this took a lot of time to say but in fact it all happened within Ten seconds.

"Return" Long Shin ordered every dark soldier to return, he didn't ordered them because he was bored or anything it was because his mana in his entire body was sucked dry while maintaining with out even knowing he had fallen into Mana Exhaustion he didn't even have enough mana to control his body properly.

Mana is also called as source of all living when a magister uses their mana way above their limits they enter a period of Mana Exhaustion in which their mana will take a lot of time to regenerate and this is not the end their bodies may also gat paralyzed, Heaviness, or bleeding while in Mana Exhaustion period and many more.

Long Shin was suffering from the same cause his mana was empty and his body felt as heavy as a mountain for the current him by his sheer will he was still able to walk while stumbling.

"Damn it, degraded version my ass, I'm to weak far to weak, I couldn't even keep the skill active for ten seconds properly".

"I need to find a place to hide while my mana recovers, if some one finds me at this time I will truly die let alone using a skill I can't even move my hands properly" he muttered weakly.

He looked around only to see corpses and blood everywhere many of the broken limbs and other body parts were scattered around by Tempest Wolves while fighting were lying on the floor the scene was gory and creepy that will cause even some of the strong willed soldiers to vomit.

Long Shin didn't have the luxury to think about it anymore as he saw a metal door on the right side of the area it was four meters away from him.

"At least it will be better then resting in open where someone might come any second and kill me" with that thought in his mind he walked towards the door.

He moved with great difficulty as he felt his body growing heavy he felt like someone had dumped mountains on his back this four meters felt like four lifetimes to him.

Finally he came in front of the door it was fortunate that it was locked from outside he was able to open it and get in.


"Now I need to rest up while my mana recovers"

"Ahh!!" he had just go in when he heard a soft voice of a women before he could even turn around a pair of soft hands which felt as through they didn't bones tightly wrapped around his waist as he felt something soft round on his back which caused to lose the bare minimal control over his body that he had maintained.


Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/QcV5Zj3Yda

All of the reference images will be uploaded on discord from now on.