Liu Minger's Terrifying Improvement

[Red Scorpion Gang Hideout]

Inside Liu Minger's body a resplendent blue light began to condense and within a few seconds the light covered her whole origin and began to move to temper her body starting from her mana pool the light wrapped around the whole mana pool.


In the next second her mana pool started to tremble then it began to expand.

Normally people have mana pool of about one to two inches when they step into the path of cultivation the more genius Magisters with good constitution have mana pool reaching five to six inches.

Liu Minger's mana pool was also about five inches before the resplendent blue light wrapped around it after which it began to expand.

Six Inches…

Seven Inches…

Eight Inches…

After reaching eight inches it stopped expanding as the resplendent blue light began to move to temper her body starting from the Five Viscera, bones, and muscles, etc.

Her meridians also started to expand making it easier to gather and absorb mana.

When all of this ended the resplendent blue light was just about to fade away after half an hour of tempering. an even more terrific and pristine white glow started to condense within her origin and repeated the same process that the blue light did but the rate of improvement from the pristine white light was miles ahead of the blue light her mana pool which had become dormant after expanding was now covered with the pristine white light as it began to expand again.

Nine Inches…

Ten Inches…

Fifteen Inches…

It started to crazily expand and didn't stopped until it reached a hundred inches…

Then the same thing happened to her meridians…

The more shocking thing was that wherever the pristine white light was going the blue light avoided it as through it was some sort of divine being which might get be tainted by its presence, it was like how a beggar wouldn't dare to be in the presence of an emperor.

Her five viscera, bones, muscles, etc. were also further tempered it was unknown how much power her frail looking body contained now after this round of transformation.

Unlike the blue light the pristine white light continued to temper her body for hours and only after three hours the process ended the pristine white light had not only tempered her body even her origin and soul was tempered to a crazy degree.

With this process of tempering Liu Minger had probably surpassed any known cultivation genius in the whole history of the planet her talent now couldn't be compared to them at all.

Be it her flesh or soul both were tempered to an unimaginable height the so-called geniuses on earth can never hope to compare to her.

[Next Day at 6 am]

"Umm" with in a dimly lightened room of an old building a beautiful cerulean-haired fairy woke up and stretched her arms on the large pink-colored king-sized bed her beauty could easily outclass the glow of the sun, moon, and the stars her sexy and curvy figure can cause super models to feel ashamed.

Who could it be if not Liu Minger.

The first thing she felt was pain coming from her crotch while her body had no energy to move, which caused a low cry to escape out of her cute little mouth.

"Your awake?" a voice filled with both warmth and worry was heard.

Liu Minger turned around only to see a handsome young man with black hair and blood-red eyes quietly starting at her with worry filled eyes. His muscles were refined not as bulky as body builders while his skin was even smoother then her's.

'Thought I don't want to admit it'

Anyone seeing him will only have one thought 'his figure is carefully sculptured by the heavens'.

"Are you still feeling painful?" not getting any answer and seeing her in pain Long Shin asked.

'Pain…what happened?' Liu Minger began to remember what happened last night, her face got flushed as she remembered everything.

'Ooh my God how can I do something like that I practically raped him, through it was him who started pounding me like a lustful beast in the second round…not to mention I even agreed to be his women so shameful, the only silver lining in this matter is that it was him who asked me instead of me asking him if it was the other way around…I don't even want to think about it so shameful…

but it is his fault for having a body and face like that, yes, yes, yes if it wasn't for him having such a handsome appearance I would've been able to maintain at least a little amount of sanity that handsome face ruined it all' Liu Minger thought as she hid her face with both of her hands but she still left a tiny opening which she used to gaze at Long Shin with shyness and embarrassment.

'Well its not bad to have such a handsome husband not to mention he is so caring, his face is clearly showing concern for my well-being' she thought without noticing the silly smile that was hung on her beautiful face.

"Is it still hurting?" not getting any reply even after asking her multiple times Long Shin was getting even more anxious.

'Well whatever never mind thinking about all those things is useless what happened can't be undone now he is my hubby and that's final. I shouldn't be embarrassed or I might make him uncomfortable'.

"Whose fault do you think it is, my hubby" taking a deep breath she threw any and all unnecessary thoughts away as she said in a teasing manner while showing Long Shin her bare sexy body which was filled with bite marks and smooches, starting from her neck it covered her whole body,  the back of her neck, her I-Cup breasts, her backside, her slender long legs and arms and, even her soft buttocks which were swollen red had traces of bite marks, traces of semen could still be seen clung on her pussy. Her body looked as through it was thoroughly ravaged by a beast who hadn't had sex for decades.

"I'm Sorry Minger, I went to far" Long Shin apologized with his gaze down, when he said his face looked like a cute puppy who was wronged which made Liu Minger even more flushed.

'My Maiden heart can't take this who said a man being handsome doesn't matter, the one who said this probably doesn't know anything, just who can compare with my hubby's handsome appearance even I haven't seen anyone remotely close to him'.

"W…wait how do you know my name?" Lou Minger asked in a bewilder tone.

"Ooh, while you were sleeping I saw this on the floor" Long Shin said as he gave her a card.

It was Liu Minger's identity card' it must've come out of my clothes when I threw them carelessly last night' thought Liu Minger as she took the is card from his hands.

'Wait he knows my name but don't know his name at all' she though internally as she looked at Long Shin.

"Boo, Boo this is unfair you know my name but I don't know yours, so unfair" Liu Minger wrapped her arms around his neck her bountiful bare breasts weighted down on his chest as she began to act pitiful.

If someone was here and saw her they would've doubted life the business genius, young miss of the Liu Family was as cold as ice this fact everyone in Beijing knew very well but now she was acting coyly and playing 'Pitiful' in front of a young man.

The most heart broken would be her suitors they tried so many methods but failed to even get a second glance from her while this guy came out of nowhere and made her his women.

If they knew what happened its estimated that they will curse Xu Xiaosi's nine generations of ancestors while the more crazy ones might just rush to the Xu Family.

Of course all of this was unknown to Long Shin even if he knew he wouldn't care, Liu Minger from this day onwards was his women if someone dared to leer on her he wouldn't mind sending them to the road, he had also taken care of Xu Xiaosi if the Xu Family decided to take revenge…yaa then they only have themselves to blame when the time comes.

"My name is Long Shin" he said as he hugged her thin Willow waist.

'no matter how many times I hug her waist I just can't get enough of it' thought Long Shin as he felt her bodily warmth and touch.

"This isn't a good place to stay let's go somewhere else " he peaked her lips as he got up and began to put on his clothes, while he was wearing his clothes Liu Minger quietly enjoyed the 'scenery' from the bed, Long Shin knew she was staring at him but he didn't shy away they already had sex so what's there to be embarrassed about seeing other's bodies.

When Long Shin was done Liu Minger to stood up to wear her clothes but because of the pain coming from her crotch she was facing difficulty while getting up.

Long Shin who so this smiled evilly as a 'Gentlemen' he is he should help his women while she faced any difficulty.

"Let me help you" he said as be came closed to her as an evil smirk was plastered on his devilishly handsome face.

Seeing him smirking Liu Minger had a hunch that he was up to no good as if to confirm her hunch in the next second…

Long Shin began to help her wear her undergarments while helping his hands touched her sensitive places even her swollen pussy wasn't spared as he brazenly touched her ass, pussy and, breasts while skillfully maintaining the faced of a 'Good Gentleman'.

"Love are sure you are helping me wear my clothes and not taking advantage of me?" Lou Minger asked while the corners of her mouth twitched.

"What might you be talking about, my love" Long Shin still looked at her innocently while maintaining his ignorant look.

If she didn't know any better then she would've truly believed him to be an innocent young boy.

'But he is anything but 'Innocent', for heaven's sake he fucked me like a beast just last night' she thought shyly.

"Pervert" Liu Minger cursed but she didn't resist his touch nor did she hid the smile filled with happiness on her face, when he touches her instead of feeling disgust she felt happiness Long Shin behaved as through he didn't heard her as he 'seriously' helped her wearing her clothes.

While helping her wear her sexy black panties he had 'mistakenly' inserted his fingers inside her vagina.

"Aaah~~" Liu Minger was startled as she moaned.

This happened a few times before he was done helping her wear her clothes.

"You look so sexy in these clothes, my love, I feel like i can go for another 'few' rounds" he gently cherished her face as through she was his most loved treasure  as he said with a lewd smile.

He wasn't lying in this business suit Liu Minger gave off the vibe of being a skilled businesses women arrogant and cold by nature which nearly made him push her down again but he still controlled himself.

"Then pour some cold water on it, My Love because if you were to fuck me now I'll probably die" Liu Minger jokingly said.

"Wait for tonight I promise you I'll make you feel as though your in heaven" she added in a flirting tone as she used her right hand to gently rub his hard dick.

Long Shin just smiled as he covered her with his coat and then held her in his arms like a princess.

"You have just exercised for the first time be good and let me carry you, and don't take off the coat or look around too much although the 'scenery' you just saw here was mouth watering, you won't like the 'scenery' outside".

"Okay, Ooh when they kidnapped me I was in my car let's check outside maybe they brought my car here as well" Liu Minger wrapped her arms around Long Shin's neck and enjoyed the feeling of his firm chest and the sound of his heart beat as for the second part she happily complied.

'Leaning on his chest while being in his embrace like this gives me a sense of security and bliss' she happily thought.

Long Shin opened the metal door and came out with Liu Minger in his arms, as soon as they came out of the room pungent smell of blood and rotten flesh assaulted Liu Minger's nose she was curious, she wanted to raise her head out of the coat to look around but when she remembered what Long Shin had said to her before she stopped and contained her curiosity and…fear.

Her grip on his neck was tighten as through she wanted to become one with him, she wasn't afraid of him because she knew after looking in his gentle and tender eyes that he will never harm her, but she still couldn't bring herself to see human corpses.

This change didn't go unnoticed by Long Shin but he didn't day anything for this was not the place nor was the time to talk about those things, he too didn't wanted her to see what was lying around for not even one corpse was in intact manner the dark soldiers made a brutal scene of them all some were missing limbs, some had their organs pulled out, while others had their brain matter scattered on the floor, etc.

After they came out of the hideout Liu Minger took of the coat as she raised her head, boundless blue sky greeted her and warm sun light shined on her beautiful face making her even more mesmerizing.

