Chief of the martial suppressers Tian Nuying l

[Red Scorpion Gang hideout]

A few moments later…

The official authorities had arrived as they sealed the area of the building while putting some officers and watchers to make sure that no one trespasses.

Many of the people living near by had been under the terror of the red scorpion gang, when they got the news that the entire base was slaughtered people arrived one after another to watch the show.

" My god how did this happened!!!".

"My house is nearby and while i was sleeping, I didn't even heard anything".

"No one in the neighborhood heard any strange voices but a ray of blinding light had appeared in the sky before dawn".

"Yes, Yes that thing whatever it was flew on the sky and pierced the clouds".

"Are you talking about the light that appeared before morning, I thought it was some light show".

"Wake up do you think lights from light show can part the clouds".

"The whole base was slaughtered has another gang arrived in the river town?".

"Hump, they deserved this, these thugs go around rapping and robbing people everyday many of the people near by were robbed by them while they kidnapped women in daylight".

"Ha, ha, ha, they finally got what they deserve, heavens you are still there".

"All of them were slaughtered every one of them had their limbs torn out, hiss whoever killed them is surely a merciless individual".

"Ha, ha, as they say karma is a bitch, they finally got bitten".

"Sob, sob, my father was beaten by them until his legs were broken they finally got what they deserved".

"They got the punishment for all the sins they committed until this day".

"I just hope there won't be another gang like them coming to terrorize us".

Many people came running to see the deaths of the red scorpion gang members, the red scorpion gang was most active in the nearby areas, and had terrorize the citizen living nearby almost every single day.

Robbery, violence, kidnapping, and even rape was everyday occurrence, police was also powerless against them, the citizens could only bear their bubbling anger and curse them internally.

People coming here were either laughing hypocritically, talking about karma, saying that they deserve it, or sobbed for their tragic family members who had previously became victims to their violence, not a single one of them showed compassion or pity for those who had died in their mind every one of the members of the gang were beasts instead of human, they deserve death so there is no need to feel pity.

A few people were even afraid that the one behind all this was another gang, looking at the merciless way they killed the members of the red scorpion gang, it was apparent that the perpetrator was ruthless to the extreme and didn't care for the human life.

The blinding sword ray Long Shin had released previously was also mentioned.

People only thought that it was some sort of light show, or fireworks while those with keen eyes and sharp mind had seen the light as it soured the sky and parted the clouds, which was obviously impossible for any lightshow.

Many of the news channels were also present.

The death of the local sharks who committed crimes on daily bases was no small matter and attracted everyone's attention making their eyes turned towards it.

Every news channels were busy either interviewing the police or locals, but most of them were flocking around Fan You, who was the first to arrive at the crime scene.  


While the people were talking with each other and police was trying to maintain order, a group of black cars stopped in front of the building.

Click! Click!

Man and women in strange uniform stepped out of the cars in an orderly manner.

There age varied from younger in their 20s to middle aged ones in their 40s.

One of the middle aged man who looked to be in his mid 30s stepped out from the car in the front as he opened the door and respectfully stood aside.


A women who looked to be in her early to mid 20s stepped out of the car, as soon as she came out the entire place fell into quietness.

Every person present be it men of women were mesmerized by her beautiful facial features, and devilishly hot figure.

Her uniform wasn't like the rest of the people who were standing, it gave casual, yet professional vibe, a exquisite blue pendent.

She had a pair of magnificent eye, her two tranquil blue pupils were clear like crystal, shining with the radiance of deep blue ocean, her thin curly eyebrows were similar to crescent moon, her skin was white as snow flawless and glowing, her arms were like flawless clear jade, her sweat cheeks were white like flawless snow, akin to those described in poems, her tender lips were pale yet delicate as if heavens had drew it with great care, her white nose was exquisite, her soft and pale golden hairs fell gently on her shoulders as they reached below her waist.

Her figure was delicate yet graceful, under the black skirt one could make out a pair of exquisite and slender legs, the perfect curves of her willow thin waist, firm breasts, and round buttocks were lovely to the extreme, high and proud with initiate nobility, and yet she radiated an incomparable charm that would force any men to lose their sanity.

{Character illustrious are available on discord}

Her ruby like blue eyes radiated the air of a predator.

Those who gazed at them will instinctively feel afraid.

If Long Shin was hear then he would be a little stunned, not just by her peerless beauty, but by the aura of her cultivation.

Yes, she radiated the aura of a magister and that too not some low ranked magister, her aura belonged to someone at the ‹Bronze› rank, and was stable as a mountain showing her solid foundation.

The group walked towards the building until the guard captain maintaining order stepped forward.

"Greetings, my I known your purpose for coming here?" if it was normal time then the guard captain would've directly ignored them and send them away, but he has been a captain for the special department of the river town which investigates most of the mysterious happenings in the river town like now, in his work he met many people including some personage who are not to be offended no matter what the circumstances, just by looking at them he could feel that the with in the group everyone is a master with powerful strength and high combat experience, specially the beautiful women in the middle. She gave him feeling of being stared at by some hunter.

"We are people from martial suppressers a special department, and this is our chief Tian Nuying, we are instructed to take over this case" the middle aged man who had previously opened the door for Tian Nuying showed a badge as he spoke without changing expression.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, please allow me to guide you" the guard captain's attitude became even more respectful as soon as he had his eyes on the badge that the middle aged man showed.

"Please do so" both the guard captain and the group them went towards the center of the ruble.

'he, he, he, someone new has appeared, looks like out small city will be quite lively.

