Liu Minger's Guardian

Next Morning 5am…

Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu…

The sound of alarmed clock rang out in the room causing Long Shin to wake up.

"Umn" he woke up and saw that Liu Minger had her arms wrapped around him, while Elemence and Snow were quietly dozing on the other side of the bed.

Looking at the quietly sleeping trio Long Shin subconsciously smiled a little, he made minimal movements as to not wake them and got up from the bed.


Opening the door of the bathroom took a light bath.

A Magister didn't need to bath as just circulating their mana on the outer skin of their body will be more then enough to keep their bodies refreshed, and it was more convenient then bathing, yet Long Shin still liked to bath.

After about fifteen minutes he came out of the bath wearing a white towel.

He opened his wardrobe and took a simple looking blue T-shirt, and black pants.

He got ready and looked at the clock only to find out that it was only 5:20am.

He got in the kitchen and made a light breakfast with two cups of coffee and placed them on the dining table.

When everything was done he again went to the bedroom.

Liu Minger was still fast asleep her lips looking like soft petals, and her brows gently shut.

"Minger it's time to wake up" Long Shin sat near the bed and gently shook her body to wake her up.

"Umn-let me sleep just for a few more minutes please" not wanting to wake up she struggled.

She pulled the blanket to cover her head.

Long Shin bend down and pulled down the blanket.

"Umn" before she could process what was happening she felt a pair of lips touching her soft rosy lips.

She opened her eyes wide in alarm, gone all her sleep and laziness.

"Delicious, Now quickly go and bath its already 5:20am, after that come and have breakfast with me"

Long Shin liked the corners of his lips as he spoke in teasing manner.

"This is unfair, your cheating, I didn't get a good taste" Liu Minger wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him fiercely.

The moment lasted for two minutes before their lips separated.

"Now we are even" not losing to him, she whispered in his ear with a flirting tone.

Long Shin wasn't going to be a loser either, he reached out his right arm and squeezed her soft pair of jade white rabbits.


Liu Minger cried out in surprise as she felt her sensitive part being squeezed.

"Get up or I'll do something even more extreme, my love" he said with an evil, yet lewd smirk hung on his handsome face.  

"Ok, ok, ok" Liu Minger nodded like frightened chicken and quickly got up from the bed.

'If I provoke this perverted beast again I probably will have to lie on the bed for the whole day' as she thought of their previous love-making sessions unknowingly the valley between her legs got a little drenched.

Liu Minger got up and went to bath. As a woman she of course preferred cleanliness and loved bathing.

She came out of the bathroom while only wearing the bathrobes.

As he was in a big dilemma right now…

Even though she might stand wearing the same clothes, but she will feel uncomfortable wearing the same undies.

She went to the dining table where Long Shin was waiting for her patiently.

He had already sent Elemence back in the ‹Pocket Realm›, and little snow in the system space.

Long Shin raised his head when he heard the faint noise of Liu Minger's footsteps.

"Ah!" his eyes widened and his mouth was in 'O' shape as he looked at his women.

Her skin appeared sparkling, her cerulean blue hairs were wet, the lights of villa only caused them to shine with radiance, in addition to her breasts which were drenched with water.

'This women, is she trying to seduce me on purpose, it's like she is asking me to push her down on bed' Long Shin swore inwardly as he tried to control his raising heat.

A good part of her cleavage was also revealed, looking at the heavenly valley Long Shin wanted nothing more then to use his little brother to thoroughly explore the feeling of her cleavage.

Liu Minger appeared so sexy right now that even without looking he knew that his little brother was as straight as tower at the moment.

He was only short of pouncing on her right now.

Liu Minger could also feel his heated gaze and raising desires, but she too was helpless, she didn't want to wear the same undies so she could only come out in a bathrobe.

Nonetheless seeing his hot gaze her nose went up, her gaze was haughty as she walked like a cat slowly yet steadily.

Her slow movements only made Long Shin's little brother harder.

With elegance, she sat on the chair right in front of him.

"What, did I take your breath away, did your heart skipped a beat?" she asked haughtily while raising his chin with her soft slender fingers.

"My Love are you torturing me for what happened before, cause if you are then I'd say your methods are truly cruel" he grabbed her little finger gently kissing it he spoke.

"well, it's your fault for having a beauty like me as your women"

Hearing her response Long Shin only skilled bitterly, Liu Minger was behaving more and more shamelessly in front of him but he doesn't hate it if anything he wants her to behave like this, he prefers her new free and unrestrained attitude over her cold and restrained one, it makes her look lonely and sad.

"Is this what you made for breakfast, looks delicious" Liu Minger changed the subject as she looked at the breakfast he made.

Long Shin seeing her change the subject didn't dwindle either, he could only control his raising heat, who asked him to have such a haughty wife.

"Hmm, I made sandwiches and coffee to go with them"

Saying that he picked a sandwich and cut it in four pieces for her.

Liu Minger took a bite of the sandwich.

"As always delicious" she said with joy visible on her beautiful face.

 "When you live alone it's good to learn how to fill your stomach your self " he said with a smile, yet Liu Minger didn't miss the flash of loneliness and sadness that went by in his eyes for an instant.

'What happened to you that made you make a smile while hiding your loneliness, I should investigate about this with Liu family's information network, although I doubt if I will find anything regarding his identity as a magister.

Finding his life in the river town should still be possible' Liu Family as a giant of Beijing had its own information networks specialized in information collection, she could use it to find what happened to him in the past, at least something about him should be found using such vast force.

"Umn, Love can you come to the shopping mall with me" she softly asked him.

"Ok!" not even a second passed and he answered.

The answer he gave was well within her expectation, she had spend a little time with him, but in this time she got to know quite a bit about him as if they had stayed with each others for years.

She knew that if she asked him he won't refuse her.

'That's just how my man is' she happily thought inwardly.

"although I won't stop you from working but it's also true that I won't be able to protect you every time if we aren't close by"

Long Shin after finishing his part of breakfast suddenly spoke in a serious manner.

"I won't be able to feel at ease if I m not sure of your condition"

"So for that, take him with you" as he said that his shadow started getting restless.

Liu Minger was smiling at him, looking at her he didn't hesitate to show her one of his trump cards.

"Come out!" With his order his restless shadow behind him began to expand in a visible rate.

His shadow rose up as a Jet-Black wolf almost two meters in size came out of his shadow.

The wolf calmly stood behind him without making any noise.

Liu Minger just stared at the creature with an expression mixed with surprise and daze.

"He is one of my subordinates, from this moment onwards he will protect you when I'm not around, he will be your guardian, if he feels any danger he will let you know after that just go into some secluded place and he will deal with the rest"

What appears in front of her was one of the tempest wolves he got in the gatcha the guy was at the peak of the ‹Black-Iron› rank could even fight someone at the Bronze rank, with tempest wolf by her side Long Shin will at least fill a little ease.

"Protect her at all times" he signaled the tempest wolf with his order the wolf looked at Liu Minger for a second before going into her shadow.

'Tell me if anyone poses her any kind of threat, and if any mongrel tries to keep starting her with ill intent release a 'bit' of your presence' he ordered the tempest wolf secretly, he purposely said to release only a 'bit' yup no more then that.

