Shu Ming

With in a certain private room…

Long Shin, Shao Zihao, and the two Ding brothers were seated in the first class private room of the Leny's Fast Food.

"The menu provided by this restaurant is quite big" Ding Meng said in amazement after looking at the menu, the menu had at least sixty different burgers, more then thirty different pizzas, and numerous other fast foods.

"It isn't surprising considering that this is one of the best fast food settlement in the river town" Ding Yun answered him.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, order anything you want this time it's my treat" Shao Zihao said with smile.

"Then I will be a little shameless brother Zihao, ha, ha, ha"

"Don't mind it, brother Shin you as well this treat is specially to welcome you in our little group" Shao Zihao turned towards Long Shin and spoke.

The other two nodded.

When all of them were done ordering the staff went out of the room to out their order.

"Brother Shin, what do you do in river town?" Ding Meng asked Long Shin as the former was curious about the latter.

"I'm a student at the river town university, my family lives in Danxing city, so I live alone here " Long Shin flatly answered while maintaining a thin smile.

"you are the same as us, we also live alone, brother Zihao has to come here for some family business while elder brother and I are accompanying him"

"What sort of business, if you don't mind me asking" Long Shin asked looking at Shao Zihao.

"It isn't a big deal, you know the new Sunshine resort recently being build at the east of the river town" asked Shao Zihao while Long Shin nodded his head in response.

"That is a project I and Ding Yun are supervising" Shao Zihao spoke with a hint of pride in his tone.

"I see" to say that he wasn't shocked would be a lie, the sunshine resort being build at the eastern part of the river town was a very big project involving hundreds of millions of yuan.

He didn't expect Shao Zihao to be the one supervising it.

" Yep, if big brother and brother Zihao can successfully complete this project then they will be praised by the family elders, not only that if another big project is in hands the family will choose them to supervise it as well" Ding Meng spoke with a smile it could be seen that the boy was very happy about the subject.

"When we met previously we were just going to rest from the construction site" …

As the three talked their food was ready and a few staff brought it in the room.

"The food is ready let's dig in!" Ding Meng said looking at the delicacies neatly placed on the table.

They continued their small talk while eating.

Meanwhile at the entrance…


A BMW blue X5 stopped at the entrance.


The door of the car opened, and four young men and a young women stepped out of the car.

All of their clothes were branded and expensive, their looks were also above average.

Specially the young women she had a curvy body, long black hairs, white skin, and exquisites facial features, a long black gown covered her body only revealing her slender legs and jade-like hands as well as half of her cleavage which looked like a soft Valley making people turn their heads, the passersby were forced to stop their footsteps and star at her cleavage.

The women didn't seem to care about it both she and the four young men only had disdain when they looked at the passerby gazing at them.

"We have arrived Boss Shu"

"This is the best fast food settlement I found near us "

"Why are there so many country pumpkins"

" Their gazes feel disgusting" they all spoke in loud voice, seemingly not caring if the people heard them, no if nothing else it seemed like they wanted others to hear them, as they slowly walked towards the building.

The young women wrapped her arms around the hand of one of the young men, as her cleavage pressed against his hand, he walked with an arrogant smile on his face while the other three followed them from behind obediently.

The women was named Jin Luhua, the three young man behind her are named Qin xiaodan, Gong Qi, and Xia Gongli all of them wore expensive clothing and had arrogant expression on their faces, yet when their eyes landed on Jin Luhua and the young man who was in the lead their gazes were down as if a commoner meeting a noble.

The young man in the front was named Shu Ming, he had a handsome appearance with eyebrows like roc and a cunning yet arrogant smile plastered on his face.

As he walked with one look passerby's could tell that he was different from the three young men behind him, yet also seemed like another one of those arrogant young masters with no brain.

"Greetings esteemed guests" the staff at the front humbly greeted them.

"Wow, nice pair you got there" Qin Xiaodan commented bluntly with a lewd smile.

"I didn't expect to find a beauty here" although words spoken by Going Qi were that of gentleman, his gaze which was glued on the girls cleavage revealed his true nature.

"Have you already got a booking sirs" the female staff was already used to all this, many youngsters of prestigious families will come to eat at the leny's Fast Food Including some of the shameless ones, so this was a daily occurrence for her.

'These smelly men's are so different compare to the young master who came earlier' as she gazed at the Shu Ming's party she could help but think about Long Shin.

Be it his looks or temperament both were way above these smelly men compare to him these guys look ugly.

If Shu Ming and the party could've hear her they would've spurt out old blood, even through they weren't as handsome as models, yet they aren't ugly.

Yes they are not ugly in the least bit each and every one of them has looks above average at least, it could only be said that she was comparing them to the wrong person.

"Give us the best private room you have" Shu Ming didn't wanted to waste his time although the female staff was beautiful, but if compared to Jin Luhua she wasn't anything special so as he spoke, his voice booming as though he was ordering her.

"My apologies sir but the room is already booked, you can either take the other available room or you can wait tor the guests to finish their meal" she said while bowing.

"Women do you know who your speaking with, this is brother Shu Ming, he isn't someone you can afford to offend" Xia Gongli threatened the female staff.

" Yea, yea, if there is already someone in the room then just tell them to roll out, for we have already booked it, simple isn't it brother Ming" Qin Xiaodan said to Shu Ming .

"Please try to understand sir we can't do something like this, it's against our business rules" the female staff tried to explain them hoping that they will understand, but she was clearly daydreaming.

Shu Ming was the second young master of the Shu family, one of the five great families and meanwhile the other three and Jin Lihua weren't from the five great families, they were still from some of the prestigious families in the river town.

All of them spoiled from young had a habit of getting whatever they want.

Shu Ming couldn't compare to his elder brother in terms of family business management nor in terms of cultivation, no to be exact he hated cultivation at least that's what others know.

Sitting in one position for hours and not moving only for a little advancement, he would rather not do that.

Why should he even do something so boring when all the Magisters in the family no matter what their rank will become his grunts if he became the head right, but his idiot of a father never understand such a simple logic.

His father Shu Moi had already given up on him and chose his elder brother as the next family head, if nothing bad happened then his brother would be the next head.

But he was still blood and flesh of the current family head so he still had a certain amount of privileges.

He would spend his whole day laundering money with these grunts he reared and playing with beautiful women.

"I won't make trouble for you women bring out your boss tell him Shu Ming is here" a glint flashed in his eyes as he spoke, his pupil starting at the girl as though she is a prey on the chopping board.

"Sir you-" she was just about to retaliate when…

