Military Formation

Tao Jian knew that he alone wasn't Long Shin's opponent, just that one punch was enough to show the difference between their strength.

The latter was a genius who had at least reached 6th later of ‹Black-Iron› rank before the age of twenty.

But he was not alone, he has two more companions who were more or less at the same level as him.

'It's a pity that you'll die here, a genius who hasn't gully spread it's wings is nothing but another weakling' he thought while gloating, normally a magister won't able to fight someone who are a layer above their own, but if three or four of the same rank or a little below their rank ganged up on them then it's a different matter.

As for why Shao Zihao and Ding Yun were hopeless against Tao Jian, that was because not only was the latter one layer above them, they were separated by an entire phase.

The gap between Initial layers and Intermediate layers is very vast.

When a magister have a  breakthrough from one phase to another their strength will increase by at least 5x, while a breakthrough of each layer within a the same phase doubles their strength, and lastly the breakthrough in a different rank altogether result in having their strength increase by 10x at least, and this is only an estimation created by magisters in the underworld.

In reality as their rank increases, the increase of power that they receive is different for every magister, and as they reach higher ranks qualifying their powers in numeric form is almost impossible.

AN: Of course that doesn't include a certain cheating basterd.

'As long as we aren't separated by a whole phase there is still hope, so what if you're a genius, in the end as long as you die here your blood essence will be mine, with your blood essence let alone the Advance layers even the Peak-layer of ‹Black-Iron› rank is but a matter of time'

While Tao Jian was busy thinking what he will do with Long Shin's blood essence Jia Niu and Cui De were silent, they knew Tao Jian's strength very well even though he didn't use any attack skills the force of that strike wasn't something they could block head-on let alone catching his short swords with bare hands.

Shao Zihao and Ding Yun who saw the other two also wanting to participate in the battle immediately stood up and came near Long Shin.

"Brother Shin let us help you as well!"

"We will try to hold these two back while you deal with the other guy"

Both of them said with a serious face.

Even though they said that, they knew very well that they weren't the other party's match even if ten of them came together, it won't change anything.

They were thinking of using themselves as meat shields, seeing Long Shin's strength he would at least be able to fight with one at time.

They could only use themselves to block the other two until he finish's Tao Jian.

This was the only way they could survive, even though the chances of their survival was very slim, the possibility still exists.

"There is no need brother Zihao and brother Yun, I alone am enough to take care of this bunch" as he said a smile appeared on his cold face.

"But brother Shin-"

"Trust me, I promise that they won't be able to do anything against me"

"Bold words boy, don't think just because you were able to injure one of us you have already won" Jia Niu's voice came booming.

"Don't be arrogant" Cui De said with a cold face.

"So what if I'm arrogant, what can you bunch of rats do?"

Hearing his words Jia Niu and Diu De were clearly enraged, not to mention them, even the disciples they have brought with them were fuming with their ears releasing smoke.

"Damn just because this guy got one lucky hit on deacon Tao he is being arrogant"

"Let this daddy here deal with your arrogance"

"Hump people like him die early"

"Kill him, how dare he look down upon us!"

Each and every one of them were barely holding back their urge to go their and beat Long Shin to their heart's content.

"Ooh Brother Shin, my good brother I understand that you want to fight them alone, but why the hell do you need to make them angry!!" Ding Meng cried in bitter tone looking at their angry faces.

Jia Niu raised his sword as he said "All disciples get in the formation!!!"

As if they heard an imperial decree, all of the disciples got in a circular formation.

"Ugh!" Tao Jian endured the pain coming from his guts as he jumped up landing right behind Cui De and in front of Jia Niu, the other disciples also surrounded them.

'Formations huh, I guess my idea of using these guys as training dummies was not in vain after all, the goblins in the ‹Ancient Dungeon› can never make their own formations, let's see what is this formation'

‹Universal Eye›

[Black-Iron] [Name:: Minor Attack Formation] [Grade:: High] [Description:: a military formation made of a party consisting ten or more magisters carrying sword, dagger, or similar weapons. Affects include +40% Physical damage(Swords), +40% Movement speed(Daggers), +40% Attack speed(Short swords)] [Note:: The effects brought by the formation can increase and decrease in certain situations and based on the number of beings controlling the formation, each extra person will increase the effects by +2%, while the lose of each person currently in the formation will decrease the effects by -2%, the effects of the formation can only be stacked up to +50%]

'Not to shabby' Long Shin said inwardly as he looked at their formations.

As you may know a magister can choose a sub- profession at some point, one of them is Formation Master.

Formation themselves are separated into many types but each requires immense knowledge, yet as always there is an exception to everything.

There is also another category of formation which doesn't require any knowledge of formations nor does it require one to memorize any symbols or have any materials at hand.

This category of formation is called Military Formations, the formation uses a group of magisters themselves as it's base and source of it's power, as long as a certain number of magisters are positioned according to a Formula which everyone of them must memorize, they can erupt with a higher level of power.

Many groups team up and practice these formations for years, even Sects and Clans form a special team and let them learn these formations and perfect it for any future situations.

The formation in front of Long Shin is also one such formation, it uses sword wielding magisters or those with similar weapons as it's source to erupt with more power.

Those holding dagger gain movement speed, those with short sword gain more attack speed, lastly those wielding broad swords gain more physical damage.

Tao Jian and others brought a large number of disciples from the sect for this mission, and they didn't just choose anyone.

For this mission Jin Donglai had given them disciples who are well versed in military formation ‹Minor Attack Formation› they too were also knowledgeable about this particular formation, each of them carry a weapon similar to theirs.

With this formations killing a magister above their own rank isn't impossible considering the amount of boosts each person received and their numbers.

Shao Zihao looked at this situation with a grim look, if before he had any hopes of them leaving with their life intact then now this formation had already poured cold water on his hopes.

"Curses they even know formations!" At first he thought with Long Shin's confidence he might even kill all of the ‹Demon Heart Sect› disciples, but now he felt that he had counted his eggs before they even hatched.

Fighting a group of people without formations and fighting a group of people with formations is vastly different.

Ding brothers also thought the same thing.

But in the next moment they were all stunned by what Long Shin said.

"Military Formations huh, come them lets see if you can do anything to me with this formation of yours" he said with a smirk, his tone didn't carry any hint of fear of dread.

He was as calm and as arrogant as he was before as he stood with his sword behind his back like a peerless swordsman looking down upon them.


"Don't think you'll live for long!"

"Even in death you still behave arrogantly!"

"Watch how this daddy here will wipe out that annoying smirk off your face"

The disciples of ‹Demon Heart Sect› which had come here were all ruthless characters from the beginning they kill and slaughter as they please, when had they ever been so thoroughly humiliated, even when they had already formed a formation consisting of twenty disciples and three deacons their enemy still dares to belittle them, if this is not infuriating then what is?!

"Boy if it was before then you might've won, but now that we are In a formations you're time is limited" Jia Niu said with smile which said that he was already victorious.

"Why do you weaklings talk so much, if you want to fight I will accompany you, if not I'll just kill you outright as I don't have too much time to waste on you. I'm a really busy person you know" Long Shin said while yawning as thought he was getting bored.

Seeing him like that the faces of Shao Zihao and Ding brothers twitched, while the disciples from the ‹Demon Heart Sect› were feeling their blood boil from anger.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall!"

