Chapter 94: Echoes of Transformation: Long Shin's Evolution Unfolds 

As the golden reptilian eye emerged, a palpable surge of otherworldly energy infused the atmosphere in the Forest of Beginning. The Dark Army, stood in awe, their eyes transfixed upon their master's regal and awe-inspiring transformation.



The resounding sound of shattering echoed through the air, drawing the attention of all present. The immense egg, spanning hundreds of meters in size, displayed visible signs of fracture, signaling the imminent birth of an extraordinary being.

With each subsequent crack, the anticipation grew, and a hushed silence fell over the Forest of Beginning. The Dark Army, previously held in rapt attention by golden reptilian eye, now turned their focus to the spectacle unfolding before them.

As the final fracture split the egg apart, a sense of wonder and excitement permeated the air. Emerging from the shattered remains was Long Shin, the embodiment of magnificence and power. His form, resplendent and awe-inspiring, radiated an aura that commanded respect and reverence.

Emerging from the shattered remnants of the egg was a colossal dragon, spanning an impressive length of hundreds of meters(328ft). This awe-inspiring creature commanded attention with its distinctive features and majestic presence. Its imposing form stood tall on two powerful limbs, a testament to its grandeur and regal bearing.

From the tip of its snout to the end of its tail, the dragon's entire body was adorned in jet-black scales, creating an aura of mystique. Interspersed among these dark scales were intricate golden stripes, tracing mesmerizing patterns across its magnificent frame. The juxtaposition of darkness and shimmering gold bestowed an air of enchantment upon this extraordinary being.

Stretching out on either side of its massive form were wings of remarkable beauty. These wings, sheathed in jet-black scales, spanned an impressive distance of more than a hundred and fifty meters(492ft). Upon closer inspection, one would be captivated by the intricate runic patterns that adorned the wings, each symbol emanating a radiant golden glow. These sacred markings seemed to whisper ancient secrets and imbued the dragon's flight with a sense of divine grace.

Crowning its noble head were five majestic horns, each one intricately carved and possessing its unique allure. Positioned above its snout, a resplendent golden horn shone brightly, casting a warm and radiant glow. The remaining quartet of horns, shaped in a regal manner, adorned the dragon's head like an ornate crown, symbolizing its elevated status and formidable power.

Within its fearsome maw, the dragon boasted a formidable set of jet-black and golden fangs. These razor-sharp teeth, gleaming with a fierce and menacing aura, accentuated the creature's primal nature. With each bared fang, a reminder of the dragon's unwavering strength and dominance sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to face it.

Further adding to its resplendent appearance were golden spikes that adorned its sturdy physique. These radiant spikes, glinting in the ambient light, served as both a symbol of the dragon's impenetrable defense and a warning to those who dared to challenge its authority. Notably, the area of its chest emitted a brilliant golden glow, akin to a blazing inferno. It appeared as if a potent, untamed conflagration simmered within, symbolizing the dragon's indomitable spirit and untapped potential.

As this magnificent dragon took its first steps, its presence alone commanded reverence and awe. Every movement exuded an air of grace and power, as if the very earth beneath it acknowledged its supremacy. It was a being of unparalleled might and majesty, a testament to the wonders that dwelled within the realm of myth and legend.

The colossal dragon lifted its gaze toward the heavens, fixing its piercing eyes upon the expanse above. With a commanding presence, it opened its mighty maw, preparing to unleash a roar that would reverberate throughout the land.


The sound erupted from the depths of its being, a primal bellow that echoed with raw power and undisputed authority. The very air trembled in response, carrying the weight of its dominance to the depths of the Forest of Beginning.

As the resounding roar echoed through the ancient trees, leaves quivered in fear and small creatures scurried for cover. It was a declaration, a proclamation of the dragon's presence and unyielding might. The sheer force behind the roar shook the very foundation of the forest, a reminder to all who heard it that a formidable force had been awakened.

The sound waves, infused with the dragon's unrestrained power, seemed to resonate with the elements themselves. The winds whistled in response, creating an ethereal symphony that accompanied the dragon's mighty voice. The ground beneath its colossal form shuddered as if paying homage to its authority, trembling under the weight of its roar.

The impact of the dragon's roar extended beyond the physical realm. It stirred something deep within the hearts of those who bore witness, evoking a primal instinctual response. It was a call to attention, a demand for respect from all who beheld this awe-inspiring creature.

The resonance of the dragon's roar slowly dissipated, leaving behind a lingering aura of supremacy. Silence enveloped the forest, as if even the creatures dared not disturb the aftermath of such a profound display of power. The dragon, having asserted its dominance through sound alone, stood poised and regal, a symbol of unassailable strength and sovereignty.

As the echoes of Long Shin's mighty roar began to fade, a profound stillness settled over the Forest of Beginning. The dark army, their awe and reverence lingering in the air, watched in anticipation as the colossal dragon began to undergo a transformation.

Gradually, the dragon's massive form started to shimmer and ripple, as if a veil of energy enveloped its being. The jet-black scales that adorned its body gradually receded, revealing the underlying form hidden within. The dragon's majestic wings, once spanning over a hundred and fifty meters, began to retract, folding inwards with graceful fluidity.

The dark army observed in amazement as the towering figure before them diminished in size, gradually returning to a more human stature. The golden stripes that adorned the dragon's body faded away, leaving behind a mere memory of their brilliance.

With each passing moment, the dragon's form continued to shift, as if reshaping itself to assume a more familiar guise. The colossal horns atop its head receded, their golden splendor fading into obscurity. The jet black and golden fangs, once a symbol of ferocity, transformed into ordinary human teeth.

Finally, in a burst of radiant energy, the dragon's transformation reached its culmination. The once colossal creature now stood before the dark army as Long Shin, the sovereign they had come to revere. His features, now recognizable as those of a human.

"So, this is what it truly feels like to become a dragon," Long Shin marveled, his voice filled with awe. As he assumed his draconic form, a surge of boundless might course through his veins, empowering him with a sense of invincibility. It was as if he could command the very elements, capable of toppling seas and reshaping mountains.

In this transformation, Long Shin gained a deeper understanding of the vast disparity between humans and dragons. Even as a human magister of the esteemed rank, their abilities were limited. They could shatter boulders and, with the use of high-grade combat techniques or skills, perhaps bring down a building. However, this paled in comparison to the might of a dragon of the same rank. A mere rank dragon possessed the innate strength to effortlessly demolish a small hill with its colossal and formidable physical body alone. And when combined with the unleashed power of magic, the devastation wrought by just a rank dragon was beyond imagination.

"Little Snow, please enlighten me about the changes that transpired during my unconsciousness," Long Shin requested, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Perched on his shoulder, Little Snow appeared, her bright and cheery demeanor shining through as she prepared to share the information.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Little Snow began to recount the occurrences in her usual cheerful tone, her words dancing in the air. She delved into the details of his transformation into a dragon.

Little Snow, perched on Long Shin's shoulder, interrupted in her sweet and melodic voice, [Master, while you were unconscious, there have been significant changes that occurred within you.] Her tiny paws delicately brushed against Long Shin's ear as she continued, her tone filled with warmth and familiarity.

[With your transformation into a dragon, both your soul and origin have undergone a remarkable remolding. Although you maintain the appearance of a human, your true essence now resonates with that of a dragon. As a result, you are now bound to follow the cultivation path of the dragons.]

Little Snow's eyes sparkled with excitement as she conveyed the profound impact of Long Shin's transformation. "[Your divine soul has been magnificently strengthened, expanding your capabilities and granting you access to exclusive abilities unique to the dragon race. One such ability is the wondrous power known as 'Dragon Force,' an awe-inspiring force that embodies the essence and might of dragons.]

Her tiny tail swayed back and forth as she continued, her voice filled with admiration. [Furthermore, as a dragon, your connection to the universal elements has reached the pinnacle of affinity. The very fabric of nature responds to your presence with profound reverence, acknowledging your ability to harness and shape the elemental forces with unparalleled finesse and control. The intricate dance of fire, water, earth, and air now lies within the grasp of your mighty claws.]

[The system has recorded most of these transformative changes, including the acquisition of new skills and abilities. It is highly recommended that you peruse the comprehensive list provided, acquainting yourself with the vast array of powers now at your disposal.]

[In addition to the elucidation of your newfound abilities, it would be prudent to explore the alterations that have taken place within your divine sense sea.]

Long Shin attentively listened to Little Snow's words, his eyes focused and his mind prepared to delve into the depths of his divine sense sea. The small white kitten perched upon his shoulder, her voice soft and melodic, guiding him through the intricacies of his newly awakened powers.

With a deep breath, Long Shin closed his eyes, channeling his focus inward. Gradually, he felt his consciousness expanding, stretching beyond the confines of his physical form. In the depths of his being, he could sense the pulsating presence of his Divine Soul, beckoning him to explore its transformed essence.

As he delved deeper, Long Shin's perception was engulfed in a mesmerizing display of colors. The core of his Divine Soul revealed itself, shrouded in an ethereal mist woven with intertwining hues of shimmering gold and deep crimson. Within this mist, a figure emerged, exuding an aura of profound darkness.

Long Shin's gaze fixated upon the enigmatic figure, drawn to its commanding presence. The mist swirled and parted, granting glimpses of a body that bore the unmistakable attributes of the dragon race. Powerful limbs, sinewy and resilient, carried the essence of draconic might. Scales adorned select portions, glistening with the allure of precious jewels, their shades oscillating with gleaming Jet-Black with Golden Runes.

Within the ethereal mist, Long Shin's eyes met those of the figure within his Divine Soul. A captivating blend of golden and blood red brilliance emanated from the depths of those piercing orbs, hinting at the immeasurable power contained within. It was a mesmerizing sight, the embodiment of his dragon heritage merged with the darkness that had represented

Long Shin marveled at the duality that resonated from his transformed Divine Soul. The harmonious coexistence of primordial forces was laid bare before him. Ancient wisdom and unfathomable power radiated from this divine entity.

As Long Shin gazed upon his divine soul, his eyes widened in shock and astonishment. The sight before him was not what he had anticipated. Instead of a human-like Divine Soul bearing his resemblance, his divine soul bore a striking resemblance to his own human form, albeit enhanced with the majestic attributes of the dragon race and the aura of a sovereign, and this was only his own conclusion he made from the portion of the Divine Soul he was able to glimpse at from the mist.

"Wha-what...?" he stammered; his voice contained a tinge of disbelief. "This... This is not what I expected!"

His mind raced with confusion, trying to reconcile the image before him with his previous understanding of his transformation. The familiar contours of his own face stared back at him, yet there were unmistakable signs of draconic features, melded seamlessly with his human essence.

His brows furrowed, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "How is this possible?"

As Long Shin's consciousness emerged from the depths of his Divine Sense Sea, he found himself enveloped in a swirling mix of thoughts and emotions. The image of his divine soul, with its unexpected resemblance to his human form and its superior aura with draconic features, lingered in his mind, urging him to contemplate the profound changes that had taken place.

He took a moment to collect his thoughts, allowing the weight of the revelation to settle upon his shoulders.

His mind raced with questions, uncertainties, and a sense of awe. How had his divine soul taken on this form? What did it mean for his path ahead? Would he still be able to harness the full power of his dragon nature?

Long Shin closed his eyes, seeking solace in the depths of his own thoughts. The echoes of his recent experiences resonated within him, intertwining with the essence of his transformed divine soul.

"I may not fully understand the reasons behind this manifestation," he mused, his voice soft and introspective. "But my divine soul, despite its human semblance, is undeniably infused with the indomitable spirit of the dragon."

Long Shin, completely unaware of the infighting that had taken place within his Divine Sense Sea, continued to clear his thoughts. Little did he know that a silent and profound battle had unfolded in the depths of his inner realm, unbeknownst to his conscious mind.

The "Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics" and the "Primordial Dragon Transformation" cultivation techniques had a clash.

Significance of this once occurred internal struggle remained concealed from his senses, hidden beneath the surface of his awareness.

Little Snow, the ever-watchful companion perched upon his shoulder was also as oblivious as him, she too remained ignorant of the intricate details and the ultimate outcome of this hidden confrontation.

