Chapter 105: An Unexpected Revelation: Long Shin's Bold Remark, Uninvited Guests


Everything abruptly went quiet. Ye Hao, Xiao Hai, and even Cha Ying were frozen in astonishment at his response. Of course, this wasn't the case for Liu Minger: hearing Long Shin's reply reminded her of the events of last night where she had started to tease him by calling him 'Master' during their intimate activities. This very thought caused her cheeks to flush a deep shade of red.

Long Shin saw her response and found it incredibly endearing, Liu Minger's curves were shivering with shame while her face was down with a tinge of crimson hue spreading through her cheeks, this was simply too adorable. But for Ye Hao, when he saw Liu Minger blush like a young woman in bloom, his heart dropped.

He thought to himself 'Could this guy be right? Is there more to their relationship than I assume?'

Cha Yin, who was sitting next to Liu Minger, also blushed and looked away from the pair. She was asking herself questions like 'Why would he say something that intimate so publicly? They must have already crossed the forbidden bridge...when did this start? Did she come here specifically to meet him? Is she pregnant?' Her mind spun with wild ideas, and they became more wilder by the passing moment.

Ye Hao's smile returned to his face as he spoke. "My young friend, you sure know how to joke around. Since you've come with Miss Liu and Miss Cha, you're a friend too, no matter what your status is. Xiao Hai let's not mess with our guests. Come on, everyone--let's order something delicious so we can talk," he said cheerfully.

Long Shin couldn't help but be amused by this act of desperation, though he still felt that Ye Hao had handled the situation well by quickly changing topics. 'It seems like this guy knows how to endure until an opportunity presents itself, didn't call us here just for a business deal, he has some ulterior motives for calling us here as well. But when he flirted with Minger right in front of me, he is just giving me another reason to kill him,' Long Shin thought to himself as he let out a small smirk.

The atmosphere in the room grew slightly brighter when Xiao Hai, "young master," came up to Ye Hao and whispered something to him. Smiling, Ye Hao looked like he was pleased with what he had heard.

Once the tasty food was delivered by the waitresses wearing figure-hugging yet elegant attire, it became clear that they had been properly trained. They served all the guests with poise and grace.

The food and wine were high-class, but the cost would bankrupt a regular person. They'd need to sell organs just to pay for the private booth.

The first dish was Oysters Rockefeller -- priced around 2,000 to 5,000 yuan per dozen. Plump oysters were smothered with a buttery concoction of spinach and herbs, then baked until golden brown.

Following the appetizer, they served Lobster Bisque – about 800 to 2,000 yuan per bowl. The creamy soup was topped with chunks of lobster meat and drizzled with a fine cognac.

As for the main course, Ye Hao ordered Kobe Beef Steak (20,000-30,000 yuan), Alaskan King Crab Legs (20,000-40,000 yuan/kg) and Truffle Risotto (1,500-5,000 yuan).

Kobe beef steak is an indulgent and melt-in-your-mouth steak cooked to perfection. The succulent crab legs are typically served with drawn butter or garlic sauce for dipping. Lastly, truffle risotto has a creamy base infused with earthy truffles and garnished with shaved truffle slices.

To complement the meal, he ordered five bottles of Château Margaux 2010 (10,000 to 20,000 yuan each). This fine Bordeaux wine has rich flavors of dark fruits, cedar and spices; it pairs perfectly with the richness of dishes.

Altogether, Long Shin was certain that the dinner had cost more than one hundred thousand yuan. But he couldn't stop the feeling that there was something wrong with the food.

'Hmm, let me see what the issue is here,' Long Shin thought to himself as he activated the "Universal Eye". 'Ah, so that's the problem,' He sneered as he glanced at Ye Hao who had a mischievous grin on his face.

When using the "Universal Eye" to look at the dishes served to him, Liu Minger, and Cha Ying, he noticed that they were all laced with poison. It wasn't a lethal dose; rather, it was enough to cause them to lose all their senses and knock them unconscious for a certain period of time.

Ye Hao grinned. "Well then, everyone let's eat!"

Liu Minger objected, "Wouldn't it be better to discuss the matter we came here for first?"

"Miss Liu," Ye Hao tried to sound as earnest as he could,

"You have traveled all the way from the capital. Please allow me to treat you and your companions with a meal."

"But..." Liu Minger was cut off by Long Shin saying, "If he is offering us a meal, why not accept it? We can talk about business afterward too, right Minger?" He held her hand as he spoke.

Everyone began to eat, and Ye Hao and Xiao Hai shared a sly smile. Unbeknownst to them, Long Shin had noticed their peculiar behavior.

Throughout the dinner, Ye Hao tried to strike up conversation with Liu Minger, yet Long Shin answered for her every time and all she would do was nod her head while grinning at him.

Long Shin also helped Liu Minger eat, making those around them feel like they were watching a couple sharing their affections in public while having dog food served as accompaniment.

Despite all of Ye Hao's attempts to flirt with Liu Minger, none had the desired effect. When dinner came to a close, she quickly shifted the focus to business.

"Mr. Ye, here is the contract that your company had provided for our business deal with the Liu Industries. I would like to amend it and add some additional terms."

Ye Hao's expression changed as he heard her words. He had expected the Liu Industries to agree to the contract without any changes after all that contract made by careful planning, but now she was asking for modifications this wasn't in the plan.

He began to furrow his brows and took a deep breath as he tried to compose himself. "Miss Liu, I understand that you have some concerns about our agreement -- which is why I took the liberty of hosting this dinner for us today. But I must inform you that it is not necessary for us to alter any of the existing details in the contract," Ye Hao said sternly, hoping that Liu Minger would understand what he was saying without directly telling her that she had no choice in the matter.

"If we cannot come to an understanding then unfortunately, I will be forced to keep young miss Liu here for some times," he continued in a more authoritative tone, all the fittingness that he showed before went away, he was behaving like a different person.

Liu Minger could feel his gaze burning into her and realized that there was no way out of this situation.

Liu Minger spoke sharply, emphasizing the name of her family business when she asked, "Do you really think the Liu Industries will agree to a contract so unfavorable to them?"

Ye Hao didn't even flinch at her warning. "You have nothing to worry about," he replied. "I was expecting that you'd bring some security with you, but when I heard that you arrived alone, I was surprised. If you had brought the Liu Family's masters with you, I would have think twice before making any moves on you. But thanks to your coming here alone, you've done me a great service."

Ye Hao was aware that Liu Minger already had knowledge of the stipulations beneath the surface, so he no longer needed to dance around the topic. "Let me put it this way: do you honestly believe a young master from a small family in a small city would have the courage to go up against someone from an influential family of the capital city?"

"Miss Liu, I understand wholly that I cannot do anything to you without aid, but if I have someone as influential as the Liu Industries on my side, things are different."

The people of Rivertown had the audacity to challenge the Liu Industries? How could they find the resources and manpower for such a feat that Miss Liu Minger herself had to come investigate?

"It appears I was right," she said coldly. "There must be someone behind all of this."

Liu Minger had already started to suspect something was happening. She'd been studying the issues with the business in Rivertown but hadn't thought much of it until she was ambushed on her way home from the office. When she awoke this morning, she found herself reading a contract with hidden clauses requiring her to meet the party involved personally, far away from Beijing and away from her family's influence. This only further convinced her that someone was orchestrating this entire event.

"If you don't want to sign it, then don't. Nobody can force you while I'm here," a voice of comfort near her proclaimed. All the while, Long Shin stood there quietly smiling and twirling his wine glass between his fingers.

"Do whatever you want; I'll take care of the consequences later," he said reassuringly, causing Liu Minger to smile softly. Even though she was uncertain about whether her safety was in danger, she had still come because Long Shin was also here with her.

She knew very well that although this young man represented no more than twenty years old, his power could overpower anyone even at the peak of the intermediate Black Iron rank.

"Humph, do you think you are able to protect her, as well as yourself?" Ye Hao asked mockingly. He was eager to fight Long Shin since the moment they first met.

He had tried courting Liu Minger so as to get her to go with him without any resistance but failed miserably due to Long Shin's presence.

"Miss Liu, please do not make me resort to violence, all I have been tasked with is escorting you safely to a certain location," he warned. "If you come along peacefully then everything will be alright. Or else..." saying that, he clapped his hands a few times.



Liu Minger and her group were startled by a loud clanking and crashing noise, followed by the sound of breaking glass. Suddenly, men wearing black clothes burst into the room from the windows and doors.


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