" Please take all my money , don't hurt my sister " Presently leaning on the footing in a quiet alleyway . A lad with blonde hair cried out .
Mike is his name , An orphan , trying to make end meets and take care of his little sister. Alexa.
Mike is a high school dropout and currently he works in a big restaurant as an assistant salesman , he did all this to survive and take care of Alexa.
Mike was kneeling on the ground and a girl is holding on his clothes with her trembling hands, she is emerald his little sister.
" Hehe , who told you I came here for the Money , I want to savor your sister she is so adorable , I will give you any amount of money you want just to have your sister for the night "
Kary, the next successor of the lee family and the subsequent owner of the Lee family business which ranks third in the world stock market .
Known across the nation as a slimeball and a foolish spendthrift who loves to squander his fortune on glamorous women and gambling . Gossips says that he is the only son of the head of the Lee family - that is why he is the next legatee of the Lee family , nonetheless; Kary is seen as a waste product of the Lee family.
" No!! , you can't have my sister, she is still innocent , You can take my life and leave my sister alone , I made a vow to protect her "
" It will be my pleasure , hehehe , you asked for it " He points his loaded revolver at Mike waiting for the later to say the word.
" Brother no , this is foolishness , if you die he will take me as his slave , I can't leave without you brother " Alexa heard the words of her brother , she tried to hold her brother from moving and covering him from the gun pointed at him , her red hair blocked the sight of her brother .
" Alexa , I vowed to mom that I will protect you , I guess this is the right thing to do as I promised " At the midst of talking Mike patted the shoulder of his sister and pushed her away " Run Alexa! , Take the money we have been saving and run away from this damn country "
" Am waiting " Kary with a sinister smile on his face reminded the duo .
" you can take my life now , but promise me that you won't hurt my sister " After sending his sister away and confirming that she is out of sight , Mike turned his head and nodded at the gun in Front of him.
" See you in hell " Kary said out loud and pulled the trigger of the revolver on his hands , the bullet flew with a very high momentum to the direction of Mike .
Mike closed his eyes and was prepared to face death. But after few seeconds there was no Pain in his body - even after the gun was triggered . He could only feel a soft sensation and his clothes were soaked with what he doesn't know about.
" Ale-Alexa " He said with a silent and sorrowful voice , His sister is hugging him With tears on her eyes and a weak smile on her lips .
His eyes were wide opened and tears started gushing out of his eyes as he saw the blood of his sister in his shirt , she chosed to give her life away .
" brother don't blame yourself for this, mom will be proud of you, please live a great life, i want to see mom again, good bye " She managed to say those words before going through the eternal sleep .
" Alexa Nooo!! , Don't Go , wait for me Alexa please don't Go!!! " Mike screamed till his voice turned hoarse , his sister is the only person that he has In this life , he Lost his father before his sister was born and when he was 13 he lost his mother to a deadly disease.
Mike been faced with the hardness of life without anyone to take care of him , Had to work as an assistant salesman for a big restaurant .
With that Mike was able to look after Alexa , He stopped schooling in other to look after his kid sister - Now she is Dead trying to save him .
" You succeeded , you took my sister from me " after wailing for his sister , he glared at Kary who is clutching the revolver in his hand and a delighted smile on his face.
" she agreed on dying, you should be happy, what can you do , you are useless you can't harm me " Kary said , queitly tucking his revolver into his pocket.
A red Toyota Corolla is packed in the centre of the road . Kary strolled majestically to the direction of the car as though nothing serious happened.
'' Bastard!! you just took away my sister and you plan to leave just like that , how powerless are you "
" Sophomore!! what did you say? , Can you even hurt a guy with a Revolver when you don't have any " Kary stopped walking and faced Mike with a scowl on his face , he proceeded, " I was going to have her as my sexslave anyway - even if you forfeited you life , now that she is gone I have no business with you " He placed his left leg in the car .
" you were going to have her even after my death , you are such a useless person , thank goodness you are popular I will report you to the police and you will rot in jail " .
" Hahahahaha , rot in jail? , what will the life of a girl without a good family name be , compared to the heir of the Lee family , butetter think twice before informing the police , hahaha , how funny " Kary snorted at mike he place his hands into the car and tossed two bundle of cash at mike " Those are for the mess , am leaving this place "
" you think money can make me forget about my sister , you better think twice , either you take my life or I take yours , with that it will be even "
All this while he had a knife with him but was scarred to hurt the young master of the Lee family , however , now that this f*cking bastard took his precious sister away , he had no choice but to dance to the music .
Reporting to the police is useless , He had no money to hire a good attorney and even if he does , the Lee family with their wealth and connections will release Kary without looking at his deed .
In this generation family name and wealth speaks louder than Justice itself, Even the law that is supposed to be above all humans will bow in the presence of powerful people .
" You wanna avenge the soul of your sister , tell me the amount and I will pay you , come closer and take what you want " Kary waved his hands at mike sanctioning him to come to his car.
"How foolish of you , I will kill you now , you have no way to escape death " clutching the knife in his hands and hiding it away from the sight of the other party , he started counting his steps down to the red Toyota Camry .
Oblivious to the fact that the other party is planning to kill him with a knife , Kary sneakily took out his gun , cracked it and waiting for the other party to come closer .
Quickly after getting to the Camry , Mike took out the knife and stabbed Kary in his chest .
" Bastard!!!!! " kary shrieked in pain and anger.
" that is for taking my sister away from me ... " He was stoped half way with a gun pointing at him .
Mike plopped to the floor on his knees, he looked at the two holes in his body , He let out a deep moan before a weak smile appeared on his face.
Other people will have tears of sorrow when they face a life-death situation like this - But Mike had a smile on his face , this is the only time life has been fair to him , life has been partial every since he was born But now life has played the Right card he needed , dying of course was what he needed at this crucial moment .
" Mom I tried my best , I tried my best to give Alexa a reasonable life she deserves , but I failed to keep her safe at the last time Today was supposed to be her birthday, I arranged a surprise for her , but she did not get to see it , I detest my life " He said those words , tears fell out of his eyes as he closed his eyes.
Today was supposed to be his sister's birthday , she will be 15 today , but she was killed before she could see the surprise her brother has prepared for her .
Injustice prevailed over Justice , the rich over the poor , good over evil , the law bow in the presence of the powerful, the president forget about the people of his country and Chase after the goodness of his own family.
Few hours after the death , someone finally passed through the queit alleyway, The Police and the paramedics arrived, they took the dead Bodies To the hospital, Kary was already dead but the paramedics gave special care to his corpse despising the other two dead Bodies.