When they reached the warehouse there was not a single trace of coercion. it was clear that it was a suicide after getting the "post mortem report".
but she doesn't want to believe it because her life was going on perfectly but no one can tell what one is going through. (but why did she called the police station) this was the question which was avoiding her to believe that it was a suicide.
"did you find any other party's blood on the floor?"
she sat down and asked the forensic experts who were examining the blood samples which was on the floor.
"No!.. it is just one person's blood on the ground" the expert showed her the report.
"it is obviously a suicide!" Joy said after analysing the situation.she looked at him and asked him to recheck her food.
she sat on the sofa sighed thinking, the officers and forensic experts were carrying out their duty.
they couldn't find anything that could prove that it is a murder. upset with the result they went back to the head quarters for meeting.
On the other hand The team leading Leo
checked the surveillance cameras but at the correct time of death the cameras were hacked.
and when they inquired the neighborhood they said they saw no one going inside.
Leo went to her personal manager and enquired him.
"where were you the night of Friday?".
the manager didn't want to beat around the bushes and clearly said that he was in the pub to celebrate
"Ahana's" winning party as she wanted to spend sometime alone to refresh after so much of work, she went to her warehouse in the country side but unfortunately this happened and he informed that she was not the type to commit suicide. she has walked through many difficult paths without even shedding a drop of tears.and he handed over some of the threat letters she got just before her album's release.
"is there any person you are suspicious of?"
Leo asked him in a really scary tone for that he said that there are uncountable people who were jealous of her and would even kill her.
"you will be called again, if more information is needed"
Leo left the manager's home. he inquired her close friends, they all were in the pub on the incident night.
he visited her parents house and saw her mother who was still not over the death of her dear daughter,
his stepfather and stepsister were comforting her mother. but she was looking at her beloved daughter's photo.
as the officer entered entered" Ana" sister of "Ahana"her face was red and blotchy her eyelids were puffy clearly showing how shocked they were with this unfortunate incident.
she took him to her sisters room, Leo started enquiring, not wasting time.
"where were you on the Friday night?".
she showed him some photos and videos of her in the pub.
"my poor sister...who would kill her?".
her voice cracked as she spoke because of crying so much. he took the leave and went out.
it was almost the time to reach the head quarters.