At first, I breathed a sigh of relief. He was going to fix this, and things were going to be ok. If we were together, we would get through this. I was so wrong; this day was about to get worse. I heard the passengers' side door open. A tall, young blonde woman climbed out. She was maybe 25, wearing a half shirt and daisy duke shorts. Her hair was messy like she'd just gotten out of bed. Then I noticed Matt looked the same way. I instantly knew they had been having sex, my heart sank. I looked around and not a single officer could look me in the eyes. "Did everyone know except me?". The short answer, yes.

Matt ran over and went to grab Michael. He looked high as a kite. His eyes were bloodshot, and his body was moving a mile a minute. I grabbed Michael and put myself between him and Matt. It was something I did all the time, especially when Matt was angry. I then usually made Michael go to this room so he didn't have to see what happened next but this time I couldn't. He had no room to go. Matt just smiled at me, "don't worry baby, I'll get this all sorted out". I almost fell for it again then I remembered the blonde. "Who is she?". Matt got flustered, something that rarely ever happened. He was so high; he's forgotten to leave his whore behind. "Oh, darling. She's just a friend who came to help". I knew he was lying through his teeth; it was the same way he spoke every time he promised he wouldn't hurt me again. I didn't say anything, I couldn't. There was so much to process, and it was only 10 in the morning. The day would get so much worse.

Matt tried the Michael. He wanted me to grab some essentials and meet him. He knew I was about to find out what kind of man he was. He knew I would never leave with Michael. If he had Michael, I would never leave. He didn't love or care about Michael, He used him as a bargaining chip. He never spent time with him or played with him. Michael was always my responsibility. Matt had never hurt Michael probably because he'd never even been alone with him. I was too scared to leave them alone and Matt never was interested. He did use Michael to make me do things I didn't want to do.

One time Matt got angry. I rarely ever said no to him. Most of the time I let him do what he wanted to me. It was never a good idea, but he wanted me to do something I didn't want to do. I was really scared, and I knew he was going to hurt me. He wanted me to let him have his way with my backside. He had done it to me once before and I could barely move for 3 days. It hurt to go to the bathroom, and he would laugh when I cried out in pain and touch himself, smiling, remembering what he did to me.

I told him no I didn't want to do that again. I tried to bargain and plead. I offered to do all the different things he liked and let him do all the things he liked to do to me. I even said we could do all those things and not have to pick. He was drunk and angry that I said no. I was not allowed to say no to him. He grabbed me and dragged me across the room. He crouched down and whispered in my ear "if you don't let me do what I want, I'll wake up Michael and make him watch what I do to you". I knew he was serious. It had happened before when Michael was a baby. He wasn't a baby now, he'd remember. I couldn't let that happen.

When Michael was only 4 months old. Matt came home, drunk, and started to try to make his way inside me. I told him that I wasn't in the mood. I had just had a baby; I was up half the night. I spent the day taking care of the baby, cooking, and cleaning. I was exhausted. As soon as I said no, a switch flipped in Matt. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into Michael's room. He threw me on the floor and ripped off my clothes. He leaned down and angrily said "now Michael can see what happens when mommy says no" He smiled at me, an evil smile, the one I had known too many times. This was going to hurt, and I prepared myself. I knew no matter what I had to be quiet, so Michael didn't wake up. I couldn't imagine hearing my son screaming for me while Matt had his way with me. He would f let me go to Michael and would get off in making everyone suffer.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me up to my knees bringing me close to his belt. "Undo It", he screamed. I decided I had to let him do whatever he wanted no matter what. I did as I was told. He rammed himself down my throat over and over, I could barely breathe. I thought I was going to die; Matt was smiling enjoying watching me suffer. He pulled me back by my hair, looking at me. He told me to take it all and before I knew it, he had pushed himself deep down my throat. I could feel him trying to push further but it would t do. He moaned in pleasure and the tears rippled down my face. He said he now wanted to show me what happens when I say no to him. He told me to get up and bend over Michael's crib. I knew what was coming and I hoped Michael didn't wake up. He grabbed the belt and started hitting me with the belt repeatedly. I whimpered but I refused to cry. I could feel the blood dripping from my ass. He told me to stick my ass out more and I completed. His hand started striking my ass, right where the belt had hit. The salt from his hand stub worse than the belt. He laughed, he leaned over me. "I own you; you will do whatever I like". He instructed me to spread my legs and I completed. He grew angry, I didn't spread them enough. He slapped me across the face, I felt blood pooling in my mouth. He spread my legs so far, it hurt. He pushed me down as low as he could make me. He pushed himself inside me, as harsh and painfully as he could. My body was pinned against him and the crib as he pounded himself into me. I couldn't cry, I couldn't move, I could barely breathe. He went as hard as he could, making me feel inhuman. He finished and started putting on his clothes. I laid there pinned against the crib, unable to Move. My body hurt and my soul was broken. The only saving grace was Michael hadn't woken up. He grabbed my face, "never say no to me again" and threw me to the ground.

I never said no again, till today. Matt couldn't believe that I had said no. He was not going to take my son. He lifted his hand to hit me, but the officer grabbed him. He was so high he's forgotten that there were cops all around. He stormed off, yelling "you clean up this mess the come find me, darling". He hopped in his truck and sped away