He called out "Adrian, come in here son". I looked up and I nearly dropped to the floor. He must have been the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life. I felt like I was in a cartoon and my bottom jaw was rolling down the floor. He had a charcoal suit that look like it cost more than my mother's house. It was fit perfectly, showing every muscle in his body. He was tall and built, he looked like his body could be in a museum. He had crystal blue eyes that look like you were peering into the ocean. He looked like a model, clipped from the fashion section. I was thinking of him being a Calvin Klein model just in his underwear which made my thighs warm from the heat radiating from my center. That was a new feeling, it's been years since I looked at anyone this way. He smiled at his dad, with love and concern. It felt my heart flutter. What the hell was wrong with me. No, I needed to stop. Men are bad and nobody wants me. I realized I like this guy, I didn't know him, but I wanted to. I had to look away, but I couldn't. I can't describe how I felt, it was different than I had ever felt before. I chastised myself, a good-looking man with money. Stop being such a gold-digging whore, he'll never want you. Your dirty and broken I thought to myself. I could feel the tears coming, I pinched myself as hard as I could. I couldn't break down in this office, I couldn't break down anytime. I had to be strong, for my son. I had to stop wanting him, it was never going to happen. He was never gonna want someone like me, hell I didn't even want to be me. I made these walls around me for a reason, and they had to stay up. Sebastian brought Adrian into his office. He was like a giddy schoolgirl when he introduced me. I shook his hand, so firm. Then I remembered what strong hands do to my body. I pushed that feeling down, I didn't want to be rude. He smiled at me, and I nearly lost it. It was like the walls were breaking down and the dam was about to break loose between my legs. I smiled back and excused myself. I ran to the elevator and got the yell out of there. Though I was not privy to this conversation myself, it was retold to me very much later. Sebastian wouldn't stop talking about me. He showed Adrian the shadow box and he thought it was amazing. He wanted one himself. Sebastian said he would ask me to make another. Adrian showed concern that the woman in the office he just met made it. Sebastian interjected how they met and that she had made it without being asked. Adrian was more concerned about how much his dad spent worried this girl Alexa was working with his dad. To which Sebastian responded with a laugh, "she did it for free, can you believe it". Adrian grew more concerned about how his dad was acting and this strange woman who had just walked into his life. He was about to start something with his dad when his dad stumbled changing the subject. Adrian tried to convince his dad to step down, but it broke out in an argument. Sebastian huffed "you are not ready to take over. You are still parting and going from girl to girl. Running this company is more than being a good businessman. You need to get your priorities and life straight first" which caused a blowout fight, "what I do in my personal life has nothing to do with this company. I pour my heart and time into this company" to which his annoyed dad responded "who you are as a person, your perceived image is just as important as being a good businessman. I know you can run the business side with no problem. It's the other stuff I have real concerns about. I work too hard to see this business go down the toilet because you won't grow up. You need to prove to me you are ready". Part of Adrian knew his dad was right, he was an amazing businessman, but his personal life was a disaster. He never seems to be able to get his shit together since he lost his mother. "Dad, how can I prove to you that I am ready. I'll make the changes I need to. I'm more worried about your health and the stress of the job". Sebastian sat down, he looked at the shadow box. He smiled, apparently a light bulb went off and he just responded, "I'll get back to you". He opened his computer while his son left his office.