
At first the 2 of us only spoke for an hour but it didn't take long for an hour to be 3 and for three hours to go throughout the day. Every time we talked about anything interesting I would write it down as well, I've got sheets on those hard drives that were all stuff I learned about her, It was like having homework, she'd inform me on the obscure bands she'd find, the strange instruments she saw, the places she researched. She'd badger me incessantly if I didn't agree to check out the bands or research the places. I only ever spoke first on occasion, I would bring up card games, strange books and philosophers I'd find. She made me think and it was fascinating. The one comment that stood out to me was a comparison. She told me that my interest in philosophers whom judge others was like a grunge artist reading the book perfume because he was a hypochondriac.

It took me days to think about that comment, I had to ask her about the artist, I looked up their mindset. Every day I talked to her that comment came back to me and I all could think about was the hypocrisy and the Irony. I slowed down on reading about those kinds of books but eventually she told me it was normal for that kind of thing to exist. She would go and watch videos on monsters in crawlspaces and being stuck in rooms because it made her uncomfortable as well. I felt safe when I talked to her about topics. She was able to justify everything well and had such an open view to oppose my own more narrow thoughts.

Her thoughts and her openly caring and free personality drew me to her, I was absolutely baffled by the fact that I was magnetized, She boosted my mood like it was her job without fail. I was happy to see her in that tree each day smiling over to my bedroom window as my face was illuminated by the blue screen of my computer. I loved it because she couldn't see me well, she had thin glasses that she needed for reading emails so I knew she couldn't tell what I looked like, If even I didn't want to see my face I was happy that she couldn't see it. She didn't care and she never intruded, it was perfect for me. For a while at least.

She would wave to me from that tree in her yard from time to time and it was nice but one day she decided to surprise me. I hadn't talked to her that day because she said that she had a little extra work to do but I texted her when I got worried because she didn't climb out to the tree that day. she hadn't missed a single day since she moved in, for months and months she was in that tree without fail even if she was shivering and sick, but that day she decided not to get in the tree. My hope got a little higher when I got a small text that said what's that animal in your yard. When I looked out my window I saw what confused, scared, and excited me. There she was, just standing there at my back porch with the biggest grin on her face and a white toboggan over her autumn hair. I was happy she was smiling but she knew that I didn't leave my house, so why would she come to my back door?