Chapter 3: Mia Froster

Celeste saw a doll which reminded her of her mother. There were lots of cute

dolls in there but Celeste picked a blonde one.

"Avin…this doll is like the one my mother gave me!" she exclaimed with joy

"What happened to that doll?" he asked

"I lost her…along with my parents in an accident" she cried

"I didn't mean to remind you of their deaths" he sighed

"No, it's okay…is there anybody in this shop?" she asked

She started looking around but there was nobody except them and dolls. Then

she saw a strange doll sitting on the shopkeeper's chair, it seemed like it was

staring at them. She picked it up and started looking into its eyes.

"I'm sorry, that doll is not for sale" a girl came and said

"No…no I was just looking at her…are you the shopkeeper?" she questioned

"Yes, I'm the owner of this shop and this is my home…and that's my favourite

doll you're holding" she spoke

"Oh I see" she said and her gave the doll back to her.

"Well.. would you like to buy a doll?"

"Yes!... this blonde one" she uttered

"I'll pay for that" Avin decided

"But Avin!" Celeste argued

"Don't worry Celeste, they're just some dollars…I can sacrifice my life for

you" Avin said

"How sweet of you to say that to your beloved one…even more sweeter than

sugar and sweets" the shopkeeper said

"Ummm…thanks!" he thanked her

After paying for the doll, they were leaving but that girl stopped them saying:

"Can know your names?"

"My name's Celeste Grace and he is Avin White" she introduced

"I'm Mia Froster…you can come to my shop anytime…by the way when are

you getting married?" she introduced herself and asked.

Both looked at each other in surprise.

"Soon…but how did you know that we're engaged?" Celeste asked

"My doll told me" she answered

Again, both of them looked at each other, then Avin said:

"Well we should be going…"

Both left after saying this while Mia waved her doll's hand towards them as a

goodbye. When Avin was driving, he thought:

"Maybe she's mentally sick"

"Or maybe she just assumes that her doll talks to her…people who are isolated

often do that" Celeste thought

Then they reached home, Mr and Mrs Markov greeted them, they told them that

they're getting married in Sinking Town. All her friends got happy. Celeste

asked for their permission stay in their mansion till then. They permitted her,

then both of them went in Celeste's room. Both sat on the bed and Celeste

once again thanked him for doll.

"Thanks again Avin…I wish my parents were here on my wedding day…"

"I wish my parents could be here too…" he wished

"But don't be sad now!…you now I hate to see you sad" he scolded her

"I'm sorry…I just miss them…tell me will you love me this much when I'm

your wife?" she asked

"I would always love you this much sweetheart" he said with mesmerized look

in his eyes. He then kissed her.

"See ya! and love ya!" he said and left

"Love you too!" She exclaimed

Then she went to sleep. This time she didn't had a nightmare but felt


in her sleep as if someone was watching her. She woke up and found no one in

the room except the doll was staring at her while sitting on her a chair. She

didn't remember putting it there, she picked it up and slept with it. She slept for

a while. Mysteriously, the balcony door opened and cold wind started coming

through it. She felt cold so she got up to close it. She saw a lady in white was

standing in the balcony. She thought it was the Black Bride, she moved toward

her and tried to talk with her but before she could, the lady turned around. It

was her own mother, holding her doll.

"Mom?" she asked surprisingly

"Yes Celeste it"s me" she smiled and said, "I'm here to visit you from my afterlife…you're in danger Celeste, she'll kill you! Seek help" she advised

"Help? from who?"

"Mia…she'll help you" she said and gave her the doll "hurry Celeste you're

running out of time! hurry!"

Then she woke up panting, she realized it was only a dream but took her mother's warning seriously and later went to Mia for her help.