
Private apartment, Roppo Street - Minato district, Tokyo.

There was one UA graduate sitting in the apartment who achieved a lot, but felt something he never wanted to experience. The most important person for him died. Having suffered a loss and having received a huge damage to the heart, he was now recovering, talking about many things. Today he took a step that will help him be better, a place where he can learn more and gain the experience he needs.

He decided to fly to America.

He didn't tell many people about it, but he made the mistake of not telling his best friend about it. He knew his character perfectly well and even though HE did not show it, he had a very kind heart. He knew that if the news reached HIM that he was leaving, HE would not leave him.

But before he could continue his thought, there was a very strong knock on his apartment, as if wanting to knock down this door.

- Open this door... - he knew perfectly well whose voice it was and hurried to open the door. - Toshi, you know that it won't be difficult for me to break down this door, so quickly.

At his possible speed, he ran up to the door and opened it and his friend appeared to his eyes, but before he could say anything, he said: "Toshi, you son of...", but before they could finish, they shook hands with all their might, which already caused a loud bang.

— Toshi, your head in place, all told, but I don't, huh?! — angry with his other hand they didn't let go and as usual they sometimes competed checking the grip of his powerful hand

— I'm sorry, Victor, but I couldn't tell you, I knew you won't let me go alone. — Toshi tried to calm him down, but it made it worse.

- Of course I wouldn't let you go, I'm your best friend, to leave you alone means to lose these fraternal ties that we formed after everything we've been through! - Victor showed a level of anger that Toshi had not seen before, this is the first time his eyebrows dropped so low from anger, and in his eyes he saw that evil light that he knew.

- Okay, I'm sorry, Victor, I should have told you first of all people. — at these words they let go of his hands and the anger of his best friend subsided a little

Toshi invited Victor to enter the house so that he could tell about his decision and his actions.


And while my best friend Toshinori Yagi, also known as the future "Greatest Hero", I will tell you a little about myself.

My name is Victor Yamaguchi (in the portal I wished my surname would be different, because in Japan it would be strange), I am 20 years old, I was born and live in Hokkaido, my mother is Russian, so my name is so, and the surname you know where, in my 4 years I had a quirk and I called her "The Logia of Light" (no one but me knows what Logia means anyway), I am 2.1 meters tall, unprecedented for the Japanese.

Exactly four months ago, I became a graduate of UA, like Toshi and another of our good friends Todoroki Enji, we all became the best of the best and became famous as the "Phenomenal Three". Toshinori's strength, my speed and Enji's all-burning fire, because of our trio, even the most famous heroes feared for their ratings

And so, passing through the corridors of UA (I had business there), I was able to hear from Grandma Chie's office (she's like my own, so I call her that), the news that Toshi decided to go to America.

Just sitting in front of him and listening to his story, I realized a few things, firstly, to leave to gain experience is quite an interesting idea, since the crime rate has decreased in Japan, and in America it is extremely high. Secondly, it became clear to me that my early anger does not make sense, but it still does not negate the fact that Toshi is an idiot. And thirdly, that he just won't let me go with him and it annoys me.

- Tell me the reason why I shouldn't go with you, unless, of course, it's personal? - I asked him a question

— There are no special reasons...Please, Victor, trust me, I think it would be better if I go there alone, or if you go with me, then Enji will completely lose it. - Toshi tried to give me a meaningful answer.

- You're lucky, I have things to do and meetings that I have to attend, but it's just this time, the next time you need help, I won't let you go.- at my words, Toshinori calmed down and slowly a smile appeared on his face, which I have not seen for a long time and which I am glad of.


After sitting down at the table, pouring a cup of tea and talking to each other for 2 hours, two friends did not notice how quickly time flew by, and it began to get dark outside.

Victor said goodbye and said that he would take him to the airport, left the apartment and headed back to his home in Hokkaido.

Victor had a two-story house, donated by his parents for graduation from UA, his father was the head of a large company for the production of electrical equipment and therefore they could afford it. It is noteworthy that his new home was closer to his parents. Well, you know, parental care and all that.

Returning home, he decided to call Enji for the night, drink a beer and just spend time.

An hour and a half later, there was a knock on the door, and his good friend Enji Todoroki was standing in front of the door.

Enji had a very short temper and a constantly frowning face, like Victor, Enji was 20 years old, 1.89 meters tall and very well built, despite his harsh appearance and almost "blazing" personality, was a fair and loyal person. Victor had one of the goals and it was to ensure that the current Enji did not become the same scum as his canonical version. And so far, in his opinion, he has coped well. The nonsense that he beat out of him to become number one, and only the passion for rivalry remained.

Enji was wearing a branded leather jacket and matching trousers, and he was holding a pack of beer under his arm.

- Well, will you let me go inside or will I go in myself? – Enji raised an eyebrow.

- Of course, I won't leave you alone on the street, although if you think so, you would easily survive there, you wouldn't have to worry about the cold anyway – Victor joked.

- Haha, very funny, let's go already, I can't wait to try a new variety of this beer.

After 20 minutes, they were sitting in front of the TV and watching football (a match that Enji was really looking forward to), beer and snacks were laid out on the table in front of them. While Enji was watching football, Victor asked a question.

- Hey, did you know that there will be a new director at UA?

Enji, without turning his head in his direction, answered in the negative, you see, football is more important to him.

— Do you know any freshmen? No? But I have some.– Without waiting for an answer, he continued. — I saw an interesting couple at the school gates, a kid who seemed to have not slept for a week and next to his friend, who drinks French press instead of tea in the morning, this is if anything the strongest coffee in the world. So the first name is Aizawa, and the second is Hizashi. I'll tell you funny guys, the second kid is very funny.

And while Victor was telling all this, Enji put all his attention on the TV, and not on his best friend.

- So, after their first day-…

— GOOOOOOAAAAAAL! – Enji's triumphant shout rang out throughout the house, interrupting Victor.

- Our team scored the first goal already in the tenth minute, that's my boys! - after he turned to Victor and asked, - Did you say something there?

- Oh, nothing. - he received an answer from Victor, after which he washed down with beer.