
𝙃𝙤𝙠𝙠𝙖𝙞𝙙𝙤, 𝙑𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚

A year and a half has passed, during which time nothing serious has happened. Of course, except that his ratings, like Angie, are rising at great speed. At the moment, they are in the top 70.

Over the time passed, Todoroki also opened his own agency, more precisely, quite recently. Kugo, like a real student, came to Victor's every day for training, it turns out Kugo lived in the same city as his agency.

His student's progress was enormous, thanks to the structure of his body, he was able to master Shigan and Tekkai during this time, which is quite commendable. At the moment, Kugo is studying Soru, it will be more difficult for him due to his quirk.

Victor told how the knowledge of Rokushiki would pass (through generations), and Kugo himself made it clear that he would be silent about this. There will be no training today, Victor has a meeting and it is taking place right now. Sitting in front of him is his returning friend, Toshinori.

Yagi returned two days ago, with the accumulated strength and experience, where his career began. The story of "All Might" reached both the Japanese government and the fact that he was returning, so his place in the top of the heroes did not give itself long to wait.

And so, Toshinori tells everything that he went through, Victor listens attentively and does not interrupt. After finishing his tales, Toshinori asked his friend about his current state, and he slowly everything that happened while he was gone, well, in general, nothing new.

He already knows about Rokushiki, and often uses it, but how do you think he flies? But the answer is, Geppo. Well, of course, Kizaru said that he took a student for himself and that he had already been able to learn Tekkai and Shigan during the time under his teaching, Toshinori whistled to this.

« Victor-kun, I it seems or have you become taller? » – asked Toshinori.

« When did you understand that our "smarty" ? When at the Airport you confuse me with a lamppost, or when I gave you a slap on the head, or when I noticed that the ceilings in the house are 5 meters high? Yes, I grew up a bit, it seems like 2.5 meters now, maybe the tea that I drink in the morning has expired? » – Victor replied with a calm face.

Toshinori laughed at that. Damn, how he missed the good old Victor, his constantly silly smiling face, his sense of humor, his " do not care "and much more. Yes, he definitely missed the whole atmosphere, but something is missing.

« Victor-kun, where's Enji? »

« Mmm, he's got a date with Rei. »

« Ooh, Rei, how is she? How is her family? »

« She's kind of good, her family is okay too, sort of. However, I want to tell you, just imagine ... they are going to get married »

« Getting married ?! How wonderful, they are simply made for each other! Enjo just needs a person like Rei, she can perfectly calm him down. »

« I agree, Rei is a wonderful woman. Toshi, have you found yourself a lovely lady? »

« No. »

«You answered quickly, but don't worry, I will find the one and only beautiful one for you. »

« Uh-huh ... » Toshi just nodded.

« Maybe for the sake of etiquette, ask me, did I find someone? » - said Victor.

« Huh? Of course, so you- »

«Yes, found, Nemuri's name, beautiful girl, etiquette, she uses manners, her entertainment is ... In short, pretty. »

« Entertainment? Well ... if you say so, good luck with that. »

Toshinori looked at his watch and realized that he had to go, he had a lot of things to do, how did he know that for his own agency you need 𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙝 work.

« Victor-kun, it's time for me, the documents won't sort themselves out. » - Toshinori said standing up.

« Agency? », - Victor asked, to which Yagi nodded sadly. - « Well, well then, if something happens, let me know, I will help in any way I can. »

After receiving a happy nod and his trademark smile, Toshinori went about his business, and Victor was left home alone.


Scrolling the channels on the TV, through the radio which was given to him by one of the famous police stations, the voice of the police captain he knew, Tsukauchi Naomasa, came out.

«Kizaru ... this is Tsukauchi Naomasa, answer. »

« Kizaru's in touch, I'm listening, what's happening? » - going up to his suit and taking a portable radio from his coat pocket, Victor answered.

« Fukushima, the attack of the villain, holds hostages, asks for ransom, the quirk allows him to use the material absorbed through his hands as a basis for creating controllable creatures of humanoid form. Bullets pierce weakly, we will hold out as long as we can, it will not work out for a long time, the heroes who came to the rescue cannot cope, right now I will inform the All Might, we need help. » - the captain informed him.

« Got you, I'm moving forward. »

Victor quickly put on his uniform, jumped out of the house and used Geppo to pick up speed.

« 𝙂𝙚𝙥𝙥𝙤: 𝙃𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙞 𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙙𝙤» - said Victor, from behind gained speed, his body was divided into photons of light, after forming a beam of light, headed to Fukushima.


𝘾𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖, 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜

Policemen, special forces, heroes who have arrived. They all tried to stop the incoming army from running out of the building. They were creatures resembling humans in shape, but they had neither face nor organs.

These creatures had different heights and different structures, the main part of the army consistedconsisted of concrete, brick and stone humanoids, it was a big problem to stop them, more difficult than those that consisted of a more durable material, but only worsened their number, this building was like a factory for their creation.

The whim of the villain who took over the building, known as the "Architect", when in contact with any material, a person could create anything from it, from sculptures that can carry out the orders of the owner, to a bunker.

This villain was previously tried, so the quirk was known. Naomasa requested large artillery in the form of Kizaru, Almighty and Prospector. They can handle this army.

A few minutes after his call. Kizaru arrived at the scene, he appeared next to Tsukauchi, he looked at him and nodded and Naomasa nodded in response, as if asking him to start.

Kizaru jumped high into the air and calmly said, as if not finding this whole situation difficult.

« 𝙔𝙖𝙨𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙣𝙞 𝙣𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙢𝙖 » - he crossed his arms so that his thumbs touched his forefingers.

After his words, a familiar sound was heard in the area and this there was a sound of light gaining a charge of energy for further eruption. Points of light began to appear on his fingers, they gained mass in a second and multiplied, after which they suddenly fell. They fell like rain, covering the entire territory in which the creatures were, actively destroying them. The photons of light passed freely through the bodies of the humanoids leaving only splinters behind.

Kizaru landed back and said:

« Ooo ~, how scary. »

As soon as he finished, Enji managed to come to the building, and in Toshinori's cases, to fly.

Victor turned to the two of them and gave a clear order using their heroic Names:

« Endeavor, destroy all emerging humanoids, Almighty and I will enter the building and neutralize the villain. » - Todoroki nodded and ran to the armed men and shouted:

« Get ready, at my command! »

« All Might, let's go, it's time to do your duty »


Kizaru and the All Might rushed inside at their possible speed, as expected Kizaru arrived first, while they remained in the hallway, while the villain himself was in the hall.

« Toshi, at my signal you will take all the hostages out of the building, I will distract this bastard by myself and you work.»

« Got it. »

Victor went to the doors of the hall, opened them and entered. Immediately he noticed people tied up, all with bruises and cuts, and he smelled blood, presumably one of the workers giving an SOS signal.

« Hero? Very good , have you done your part? »- came the old voice of a man standing in the middle of the hall and holding a pistol in his hands.

The man was about 1.80 meters tall, dressed in a black cardigan, black yellow and military shoes, he stood and he didn't move, he moved his fingers on his left hand, and there was a weapon in his right hand.

« Of course, but let's introduce ourselves, my name is Kizaru, what is your name, mighty sir. » - Victor began to play for time.

« Manners? I didn't expect it, and this is above all. My name is Gabri-EL, and now since we introduced ourselves, money please. » - Said the villain, stopping moving the fingers of his left hand and thrusting it forward.

« Of course I have them, right now one of my people will bring them, but first I'm interested in the question, Sir Gabri-EL ... Speed is weight. Have you ever experienced light-speed kick? »

« What ...» - but before he could continue his sentence, he was sent into the wall by a monstrous force with a kick in the face, the skull will clearly be out of order.

This served is familiar to Toshinori, since he, with the help of Soru, began to carry people out of the building, a few minutes later there was no one left in the building except Kizaru and Gabri-ale. Kizaru went to the wall that was pierced by the body of the villain, and there he found him, which is amazing in consciousness, maybe regeneration? Strange, but possible.

« Bastard ... you think I'm not prepared? This building is mined ... all people here will die ... » - taking big breaths said Gabri-EL, he clearly did not know that there are no people here anymore.

« Of course, blow up. »

« Wh-what ?! » - the villain was extremely surprised, he did not understand this.

« Explode, explode, but you will come with me. » - could not say anything else, because the villain lost consciousness


Victor understood where this sound came from, so he took the villain's weakened body in his hand, he used Sora and disappeared from the building. Running out, he shouted: « Get away from the building, it will explode now! » and like lightning, the police cars drove off just like the special forces.

The last second on the bomb passed and then, there was a huge explosion, affecting the nearest houses and apartments. He, All Might and Endeavor acted instantly, as they reacted faster than the rest of the heroes. Before the rest of the buildings had time to collapse, they pulled all the people out of there, they were all pulled out to combat vehicles that would have saved them from the fire, Toshinori saved the largest number of people.

« HA-HA- HA » - the mighty laughter of the All Might thundered, he held on his mighty shoulders a large number of people whom he had rescued from the building.

« He laughs! » - exclaimed someone from the crowd of rescued people, and someone wrote it down.

« Everything is fine. Why? Because I am here! » - he said loudly so that everyone could hear him, giving people hope.

" ...


Victor and Enji did not say anything until the first one spoke:

«This poser ...»