Number 115 *

Blake's POV

My heart was pounding in my throat as I raced through the city streets, desperate to reach the hotel where Alice was supposedly staying. The sound of my engine roaring drowned out all other noise as I pushed my car , definitely going over the speed limit.

When I finally arrived, I parked my car in front of the hotel and bolted inside. My eyes scanned the lobby frantically as I approached the reception desk.

"Excuse me, has a woman around 5'6 with brown hair checked in recently?" I asked the receptionist.

The receptionist nodded, her eyes widening in recognition. "Ah, yes, she arrived not long ago and booked a room. Can I help you with something?"

„Could you give me her room number?" my fingers tapping impatiently on the counter and ran towards the stairs as soon as she gave it to me quickly thanking her.

When I finally reached her door, I hesitated for a moment before knocking softly. Catching my breath I waited for a response, the seconds stretching out into an eternity.

"W-Who's there?" Alice's voice came from inside, and I felt a rush of relief flood through me.

"It's me, Alice," I said, letting out a long sigh.

There was a moment of silence, and then I heard her say, "Wait a sec!" I could hear shuffling from inside the room, and I wondered what she was doing.

Finally, the door opened, and Alice stood before me, her eyes wide with surprise. I breathed a sigh of relief, taking in the sight of her. She seemed okay, but as I looked closer, I noticed a nasty bruise on her knee.

"Are you alright?... besides the knee," I asked, concern lacing my voice.

Alice nodded, her eyes downcast. Without another word, I turned to look for the bathroom, hoping to find some supplies to help Alice tend to her injuries.

Alice's POV

He emerged from the bathroom with a small white box in his hand. "Sit down," he said, gesturing towards the couch. I obeyed, feeling a bit unsure of what was about to happen.

He took a seat in front of me on the coffee table and carefully placed my bruised leg between his. I watched in silence as he took out a small bottle and some cotton from the box. Without a word, he gently grabbed my leg under the knee as he started treating my wound, his movements precise and deliberate.

I winced at the sting of the antiseptic. He paused and looked up at me, a sense of understanding etched on his face. I nodded, reassuring him that he could continue.

"Thank you," I said softly as he finished bandaging my leg. He simply nodded and ran his thumb softly over the bandaid to make sure it was sealed.

„So.." he began "Can you tell me what happened?" Blake asked in a soft, calm voice, putting away the first aid kit. I hesitated, unsure of where to begin.

"It's okay, take your time," he reassured me, his warm eyes never leaving mine.

I let out a deep sigh and fidgeted with my fingers, trying to find the right words. "I was working late at the office," I started, my voice barely above a whisper. "And when I left, I noticed a car following me, and I remembered seeing it earlier that day. The driver asked for direction, the car had a Tokyo license plate so it was really weird"

I looked up at Blake, my heart racing as I recalled the fear and uncertainty I had felt in that moment. "I tried to make sure it was really following me by taking a few turns, but it was still there when I got to the main road. That's when I called you."

Blake stayed quiet, his hand resting gently on my bruised leg, allowing me to continue at my own pace.

"What about the cut in line? You gave me quite a scare there." he stated gently.

I winced at the memory, feeling embarrassed about the clumsy way I had fallen. "I... I tripped and fell, and my phone broke," I admitted, pulling the shattered device out of my bag that was placed next to me.

Blake took it from me and examined it, nodding in understanding. "I see," he said after a moment of silence, patting my leg gently.

"I'm going to go wash up," he said, standing up from the coffee table. "It's late, you should go to sleep. I'll give you a lift home in the morning."

I nodded with a soft smile on my face, grateful to him. "There are some spare clothes in the wardrobe, though I don't know if they will fit you," I said, eyeing his muscular, tall build. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest, and my heart skipped a beat at the sound of it. I'm sure my face was red at that moment.

"I will manage, thank you," he replied with a warm smile I didn't know he could make.

As he made his way to the bathroom, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I felt a sense of calm wash over me, knowing he was there, just a few feet away. I couldn't help but grin at the thought of him standing in the shower.

The rhythmic sound of the running water from the bathroom was calming me down, and I soon drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and secure. For once, I allowed myself to let go of my worries. And as I surrendered to the peaceful embrace of sleep, for some reason I knew that everything was going to be okay, as long as he was there.