See you soon *

The morning air was crisp and refreshing, the perfect start to a new day. At least, that's what Colin thought. But his peaceful reverie was abruptly shattered when Blake delivered some unwelcome news.


"Seriously? You've got to be kidding me!" Colin burst out, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Blake's eyes locked onto Colin's, holding a gaze that spoke volumes. It was one of those looks that said, 'Do I look like I'm joking?'

Colin scoffed, "Blake, but why her?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Why do I have to go on a trip with her?!"

"Your avoidance has reached a point where crucial work is being neglected" Blake responded, sounding frustrated. "Just gather your things and give her a chance. It's about time you two made up."

Colin let out a deep sigh, knowing that his boss was right. He didn't want to work with Alice, but he couldn't keep ignoring her forever. Whenever they were alone together, an uncomfortable and awkward atmosphere seemed to linger, and Colin couldn't quite comprehend why. Ever since Alice discovered his true nature and the actions he had taken, he doubted his ability to face her with the same decency as before.

With a heavy heart, Colin reluctantly uttered, "Yes, boss," as he started to make his way towards the exit. However, just as he turned, his gaze collided with Alice's piercing eyes–curiosity and confusion etched across her face. He attempted to brush off her presence, yet her unwavering gaze bore into him as he walked past.

A surge of pent-up frustration and anger suddenly boiled over, causing him to clench his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, he couldn't afford to mess this up. The thought of jeopardizing her safety during this trip was unimaginable. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if anything were to happen to her.


Alice's POV:

I encountered Colin on my way to Blake's office, and the anger radiating from him was hard to miss. It seemed he had already been informed about the upcoming trip.

When I finally arrived at Blake's office, I walked in calmly and settled myself on my boyfriend's desk. His warm greeting filled the room. "Good morning, princess," Blake said, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Morning, love," I replied, a smile gracing my lips as he pulled me closer, resting his head against my chest. "I bumped into Colin on my way here," I shared, running my fingers through his dark hair. He let out a slight hiss learning about the encounter.

Curiosity tugged at me, and I inquired further. "Did you have a conversation with him about the trip? It seemed like he wasn't too thrilled," I probed, locking eyes with Blake.

His gaze met mine, "yeah, he questioned why it had to be with you."

A soft sigh escaped my lips, "it appears that Colin doesn't hold me in high regard, doesn't it?"

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions like that. Maybe he's just simply scared," Blake said, his hand gently rubbing my thigh in soothing circles, knowing it helps me calm down.

I scoffed at his remark, acknowledging the possibility, but considering it highly unlikely. "Thought you were the smart one here B."

Blake shot me a puzzled glance, and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It was clear he didn't have the energy to investigate further. Undeterred, he pressed on, "Well, whether you like it or not, you'll be stuck with him for two whole days. Eventually, he'll have no choice but to face the truth."

"Hmm, I guess you do have a point," I responded, meeting Blake's mischievous gaze. A sly smirk crept across his face, and I knew exactly what he had in mind. "No, no, nu-uh. I have work to do, so if you'll excuse me," I said, gracefully disentangling myself from Blake's embrace and heading towards the door.

"But you'll be gone for two whole days. We only have today," Blake whined trying to reason with me.

"Perhaps later, my love," I winked at him, leaving his office. I could hear his groan in response. Chuckling to myself, I returned my focus to the task at hand.




I arrived home, retrieving my bag and began the process of meticulously packing the necessary items. Dresses, skirts, shirts—attire suitable for the professional setting, along with a selection of comfortable clothes. I also made sure to include my shampoo, toothbrush, brush- do I really need this much stuff for two nights?

As I finished organizing my belongings, dusk had settled, and I heard the sound of the front door closing. It was Blake. I swiftly rose from my seat and rushed into the comforting embrace of my significant other's strong arms.

"Done packing, princess?" he inquired, his voice filled with affection. I could practically hear the smile on his face.

"Yeah," I replied, burying my head in the crook of Blake's neck as he lifted me gently. He guided me to our bedroom, placing me carefully on the bed, patting my head.

"I'm going to take a shower, and then get back to you, alright?"

I smiled, nodding in agreement. Just before he entered the bathroom, I couldn't resist adding, "Hurry up."

Chuckling, Blake disappeared into the shower. As I sat there, patiently awaiting his return, drowsiness gradually overcame me. The next time I stirred, darkness had blanketed the surroundings, revealing that it was already night. I discovered myself enveloped in Blake's comforting embrace. A warm smile adorned my face as I nestled closer and peacefully drifted back into slumber.




I awoke to the delightful scent of breakfast permeating the air, signaling that Blake was already up and about. Reluctantly leaving the comfort of the bed, I made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, love."

"Morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" he inquired, his eyes twinkling with affection.

"Yeah," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I returned his gaze.

We savored our breakfast, engaging in lighthearted conversation and enjoyed each other's company. Together, we tidied up and made our way to the company where the department meeting was scheduled.

Upon our arrival, I noticed Colin standing beside a sleek black car, deep in conversation with the driver. Blake was already out of the car exchanging a few words with both the driver and Colin, while I couldn't help but sense Colin's peculiar gaze fixed upon me.

After a brief conversation, the driver and Colin retreated into the car. I hugged Blake tightly, whispering, "I will miss you."

He embraced me in return, "Me too, princess. I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, my words punctuated by a tender kiss.

Just as I was about to step into my car, Blake gently grasped my arm. "Be careful, and call me once you arrive."

I met his gaze and smiled softly. "Of course," I assured him before he released his hold. As we drove away, I stole a final glance at Blake, holding onto his image until it faded into the distance.