
Look away




Michael responds quickly and plays a low spin pass on to Luke. Luke breaks the momentum of the ball with his right foot and pushes it onwards.

Gotcha!! (Panting calmly)

Luke takes a quick scan and notices three defenders approaching him from the front. He keeps a calm posture and scissors a player to the left causing the defender to fall behind. The remaining two immediately set into his range with one sliding through his path. This makes Luke nervous as there's no space left to dribble through.

If I can't pass through, I would just have to barge into it with my (in his thoughts as he approaches the defenders)


Damien… (In his thoughts as he let's out a beaming smile) Finally!!

Luke passes kills the ball backwards with his heel as Damien approaches the line of the pass. Damien breaks it to his right creating a clear path from Luke and the defenders. He takes a stance for a shoot making everyone surprised and the coach nervous and frustrated.

What the hell does this brat think he's doing? He's in the defensive line!

Flashback- Two hours before the match.

Basketball court,

Luke smacks Damien at the back of his head with a notebook and places his arm around Damien's shoulder.

Seems like you suddenly got pain endurance against my attacks huh? (Trying to choke Damien with his arm but ends up hanging on Damien's back). Godamn it! Are you made of bricks or what? I bet that's why you are dumb enough not to know if someone likes you when they are just right before you.

Shut up Luke… (pauses for as minute) Are you Ga…

Don't make me bury you dimwit (grinning with anger).

I'm just joking, Hahahaha. Calm down will you.

Damien smiles as he strokes the hair of Luke. Luke releases Damien from his arms and walks to the nearby bench to rest. Damien joins Luke and picks out his cellphone to check up on his social media life. He makes a dull face as he comes across a video of the destruction which happened days ago.

Luke, I don't think I know who I really am. A lot happened recently, I died over two times already, bled like a freshly castrated dog, went to space… IT'S JUST MAKING ME GO ….

Crazy!! Did you just say space? And bleeding? man what in the world are you sitting by me if you are straight up dead. That's like being dug 6 feet down, dug up again, killed, and put into the freaking pit again.

Luke I am not joking! Sigh. It's easier to just show it to you.

Oh yeah… It's easier to just show me how dimwitted you a...

Luke pauses in fright as he sees Damien hovering in the air with a bright red energy around him. Damien approaches Luke whilst he tries crawling back out of the bench.

You a f**king ghost!!

Nope it's me alright.

Maybe I'm crazy, maybe you crazy, shit maybe we all crazy because why on earth will I be seeing a Ghost…

Luke if you don't shut it, I'm going to blast you through the earth I swear. (holding his fist up)

Tell me something only my best buddy knows…. (striking up a thug pose).

Oh Tracyyyy!!!

Okay okay. just shut it.

Dumbass, Hahahaha.

It's not funny (blushing with a red face). Damien…

What's it now?

What do you think about playing football? …you guessed right. Let's go kick some asses.

Current time…

It's time for a showdown Damien!!

Let's get this over with!!

Damien shoots the ball with a strong force which causes a wind rupture around the ball. The ball hits the bar of the pole and completely draws it out through the school wall and into a neighboring house. All the spectators stand in awe with no understanding of the current occurrence. Damien sneaks out of the park as all eyes are set on Luke. Luke smiles and raises his hands whilst walking backwards.

I will kill that idiot…. Damien!!(running away from the angry teammates).



Run!!!.... Arghhhhh…. Boom!!!

Mommy….!!! (crying loudly)

The cries of people are heard all around as they try to pick up their dead loved ones. Others also struggle to attach their torn limbs and other body parts out of misery. Some are also seen crawling in an attempt to escape the bloodbath. A man in a red leather suit with a black faded hair approaches the little girl and places his palm on her head. The blood painted floor stretches throughout the courts of the drifting flowers and soaks into his fine leather.

Mummy… (sobbing with red eyes)

Don't worry about mummy. You want to see her right?...

Yes…. (dead silence).

Join her then! Splash…

The blood of the little girl drips from his hand as the stull is seen in pieces and the remains of her eyes and brain are splattered on the blood drenched ground.

What a scene…I wonder if I should paint you read, or I should paint you blue? Or maybe as black as the night…...well it is my greatest pleasure to give you, A GREAT BOUNTIFUL HARVEST OF BLOOD!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Clap, Clap, Clap… well done blood king. That was such a beautiful theatrical performance.

A young boy approaches him and sits on a nearby rock as he plays with the flowers which are soaked red. The blood king turns to look at the young boy with claws lazily in amusement.

I guess it would be only you who's neither living nor dead to mess with my speech. Well, I appreciate you spectating but, I would love to paint you…. RED!!


The ear of the blood king falls off and the hand of the kid blows off. The hand of the king turns into blood and reattaches to his body as the hand of the kid regenerates.

I guess you have heard of the assignment.

Yes, I have, I really hate you for being a little cocky brat, but unfortunately your skills are much better than expected. Well, the subject is B312.

Dead or alive huh… I guess this will be a long trip.

Of course, it will, Afterall he's already our enemy. The rexon, Damien!

The end.

#XYREX. Lil_rexon.