Chapter 2

Today's weather couldn't be more perfect. The skies are clear and bright. Such a great day to celebrate the end of a semester in college. Lorelei was watching the view outside the lecture hall's window as she waited for their professor to finally end his class.

"Your grades will be released next week, and I am quite amazed by your performance in your exams. You guys can expect not less than a B+ for it!" said their professor excitedly. All of them cheered at the professor's remark. "It was nice to spend this semester with all of you. I hope you learned a lot from me."

The class awwed in unison as their professor bid his last farewell to them.

"Now, now. Stop with that reaction. We can still see each other on the campus, plus, you can visit me anytime in my office." the professor muttered. "Class dismissed!"

Finally, the semester officially ended! Lorelei gathered her stuff. She stood up and grabbed Amari's hand to leave the hall.

"Amy, let's go camping this weekend! We can rent a camping car and go to the mountains!" she squealed in excitement.

Amari laughed. "Are you sure you can survive a day in the mountains? Heck, you can't even live without wifi!"

"Hey, you're rude! Excuse you, but I tried camping with my grandma during middle school you know!" Lorelei defended. "Anyways, do you have other ideas in mind? We can't just sit and do nothing during our break!"

"Oh that, let's discuss it later during lunch," replied Amari.

As they left the lecture hall, Lorelei's acquaintances greeted them. Some even exchanged hugs with her. This isn't something unusual for her. She's literally friends with everyone in their college. Everyone knew her, and it would be the rarest of the rare if someone doesn't.

"I'll see you guys around!" Lorelei said, waving her hands at them while walking back to catch up with Amari. She then wrapped her arm around Amari's as they strode the hallway.

Amari looked at her and asked, "My god, don't you find it exhausting?"

"Find what exhausting?" Lorelei replied, tilting her head to the side.

"Just, you know, all your socializing and stuff. Good lord, I can't imagine myself talking with all my acquaintances, strangers even, everywhere I go." Amari shook her head and massaged her temples. The idea of it makes her feel dizzy already.

Grinning, Lorelei replied, "Nope! Not at all!"

Lorelei was the type of person who would just walk up to anyone and strike a conversation. She's a social butterfly, but her looks and taste in fashion say otherwise though. She has this overly confident aura surrounding her, making other people feel intimidated at first. Plus, the fact that she dresses like those female leads in pink, chick-flick movies made her look like a bitchy queen b pacing the halls. People might have this prejudice against her but once you get to know her, she's actually the kindest person you'll ever know.

Her best friend, Amari a.k.a Amy (Lorelei likes to call everyone with a nickname ending in -y because it sounds cute, according to her at least) is an introvert unlike her. Compared to Lorelei, Amari's beauty screams elegance and innocence.

They have known each other since forever, and the two are inseparable. They grew up together, and their families are quite close to each other as well.

A notification popped up on their phones. It must have been a message from Sam to their group chat. Lorelei checked her phone while Amari just ignored it. She opened the messenger app and checked it.

Sam: [Meet me at the bleachers in the athletics stadium once you're done!! Let's eat together :pp]

"Amy, Sam said we should meet him at the bleachers." Lorelei informed Amari.

Amari clicked her tongue with an annoyed expression. "Ugh. Seriously, why at the bleachers?! He knows I hate it there. It's so dusty and the sun's heat is irritating" she complained.

Lorelei just grabbed her friend's arm and made their way to the stadium. She knows Amari's got no choice but to follow, and even without dragging her to go there, Amari would still go because of Sam.

Sam is their closest guy friend. Originally, he wasn't part of the picture but during their first year in high school, he transferred to their school. Upon transferring to their high school, everyone—literally EVERYONE, even the boys—admired Sam's appearance. His face and body are no joke. He is tall and his body, though slender, is lean. He had these long, sharp, icy eyes, like a cat's, that could pierce right through your soul. His lips are plump, and he had a tall nose perfectly complementing his heart-shaped face. Even Lorelei had a crush on him at first but just shrugged it away. Knowing Lorelei's natural extroversion, she immediately befriended him, and just like that, the three became friends.

At first, Amari did not like Sam hanging out with them. She would always find something about Sam to nitpick on, but Sam would never back down and do the same to her. The two would have endless fights whenever they're together. Not that they don't quarrel anymore but at least it's not as often as they did in high school.

After some time, their relationship with each other became peaceful in an instant like magic. Lorelei wondered if something happened between the two to become closer. It was sometime after prom so that's probably it. Well, that's not important now since they are now an unbreakable trio.

Just like Lorelei, Sam is actually not living up to his cold look. He is the biggest softie among them, and a crybaby at that. There was even a time where he cried after he and Amari fought.

Lorelei and Amari have arrived at the stadium. Students are playing soccer on the field. Some are seated on the bleachers. The two started to scan the bleachers, looking for their friend.

"Where the heck is he?" asked Amari.

"Wait, let me shoot him a message!" said Lorelei as she hurriedly opened her phone to message Sam.

Lorelei:[Sammy, we're already here!! Where are you? Which side are you seated on right now? >:(( ]

Sam had not replied yet so Lorelei tried to send a message again.


Lorelei couldn't finish typing as she was hit hard by a soccer ball in the head. She heard another thud which must have been a sign that another thing or worse, a person was hit by the ball. Lorelei fell to the ground on her butt while trying to support herself with her right hand. She noticed another person was on the ground as well. It was a guy wearing a cap and a plaid shirt.

"Hey watch it!" yelled Amari. She turned to Lorelei and helped her get back to her feet.

One of the students playing soccer approached her and apologized.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm fine." Lorelei muttered while waving her left hand to imply assurance.

Lorelei turned to the guy who was on the ground to check on him, but he was already gone. "He must have already left," said Lorelei to herself.