Chapter 8

The next school days of Lorelei were filled with introductions, lectures, activities, more lectures, and today, a surprise quiz on the first meeting in one of their majors.

As soon as the professor left, the lecture hall was filled with protests and whining of the students. They can't get over the fact that, most probably, all of them flunked that surprise quiz.

"I can't believe the professor literally gave us a quiz on our first day in his subject! God, I should pray this isn't graded," grumbled Amari.

"Oh shut up, Amy. I know you aced it," Lorelei said and rolled her eyes at her best friend's complaint.

"You can't be too confident on that, you know!" Amari covered her face with her hands and said with a small voice, "I really hope this doesn't affect my GPA."

Lorelei sighed at the sight of her sullen friend. "C'mon Amy, I'm sure the prof won't record our scores. He'd be a total lunatic if he does."

At that moment, their phones suddenly dinged. Sam messaged their group chat complaining about how long are the two gonna take to go and meet him at the restaurant.

"Let's eat our lunch first, Amy. Our hearts might be heavy but we can't leave our stomachs empty!" Lorelei pulled Amari up to leave the hall and make their way to meet Sam at the restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, Sam stood up from his seat and signaled Lorelei and Amari to go to his table.

"What took you guys so long? The waiter kept on looking at me, waiting for my order," Sam was now handing them their utensils. "I just ordered whatever, is that okay?" he asked.

"Yup yup! Good thing you ordered immediately. I'm starving!" replied Lorelei.

"What happened to her?" Sam pointed to Amari who's still gloomy and looked lifeless.

"Ah. Our professor gave us a surprise quiz on our first meeting with him," Lorelei chuckled sarcastically, "isn't that great?" She faked a grin and gave him a thumbs up to show her sarcasm.

"Who the heck would do that?" Sam grimaced this time.

Amari looked at him. "Duh! Of course our professor," she replied and rolled her eyes. She was still not over that incident.

Their food finally arrived and they started eating immediately. Amari who seemed to not have an appetite earlier devoured the food in front of her like a lion who starved for weeks.

"Hey! Eat slowly, you greedy pig. You'll get indigestion if you put everything inside your mouth all at once," Sam swatted Amari's head lightly with his spoon.

"Aw! I'm just letting my stress out! What's so bad about that huh?!" exclaimed Amari with her mouth still full. "And besides, Lei was the one who said that our hearts might be heavy but our stomachs shouldn't be empty, you know!" she added.

"I said that but I didn't say you should gobble everything up!" Lorelei defended. Amari just ignored her friends' remarks and continued with her chewing.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Whatever you say," said Sam. "Here, eat more," he put some more meat on Amari's plate.

Amari looked at Sam with puppy eyes. "Sam," she blinked, trying to be cute.

Sam just grimaced at her face, "Don't give me that look. I swear to God if you ki--"

Amari kissed his cheek with her oily lips and beamed, "You're the best!" she said and gave him a thumbs up.

"You're so disgusting!" Sam was now wiping his cheek with a napkin, "And please stop kissing us! God, I could never get used to this." He shook his head in disbelief.

Lorelei cracked a laugh, enjoying the view of the two. Amari always does this whenever she's elated, and Lorelei and Sam were always her victims.

"Ah, right! I've heard from one of my classmates who took Professor Im's class that he made them do a term paper," Sam said after drinking from his glass.

"Gosh, really?" asked Lorelei while munching her food.

"Uh-huh. Probably he'll make us do the same," replied Sam.

"From what I know it would be done only by pair though. Do we get to choose our partners?" asked Amari.

"I think he'll assign the pairings. I just hope I'll get to have a cooperative partner," Lorelei put her hands together as if she's praying.

"Me too. I hope I don't get paired up with Sam, please," said Amari who's now praying as well with her eyes closed.

"Hey! I should be the one saying that!" complained Sam with a frown on his face.

"I hope I don't get paired up with either of you," Lorelei closed her eyes this time and said jokingly.

"HEY!" Amari and Sam replied in unison. Lorelei burst out in laughter. Amari smacked her arm.

"You'll regret saying this soon! I swear you're gonna do!" said Sam while pointing his spoon at Lorelei.

"I'm just kidding! You know how much I love to be with you guys," Lorelei winked at them. Amari and Sam just rolled their eyes.

"Speaking of History class, what's up with you and that cutie?" Amari asked. The two turned to her.

"Cutie who?" Sam asked back.

Lorelei grabbed a napkin from the holder and wiped her mouth, "Who are you talking about?"

"You know the guy you apparently yelled at and lost your temper to," retorted Amari.

Lorelei sneered, "Ew, that's cute for you? Heck, he doesn't even compare to Sammy!"

Sam laughed at Lorelei's comment, "Aw, you flatter me too much, Lei. But don't change the subject! What's up between you two?"

Lorelei was now swirling the ice of her drink with her straw, "We had a, hmm, small misunderstanding? Yes, that's all." She faked a smile after saying.

"You know you wouldn't react like that if it was 'SMALL,'" shot Amari back at her.

"Okay fine. He called me a stalker." Lorelei took a sip on her iced tea, "I mean, can you believe that? A stalker with THIS face? Heavens, if there's a stalker between us two, it would be him!"

Amari squinted her eyes while examining Lorelei, "Hmmph I doubt it though. With THAT face of his?"

"So you agree with him?!" Lorelei asked hysterically.

"No! It's not like that, silly!" Amari smacked her arm lightly.

Sam tried to cut in, "Anyways! He apologized, did he not?"

Lorelei nodded while sipping, "Uh-huh. He did but it was the most insincere apology I've ever received."

"Good-looking men are always like. Good thing our friend right here isn't one," Amari cracked up as she saw Sam's reaction to her comment.

"Really? You're saying that to me?" Sam pointed himself. "May I remind you Miss Amari Kim that YOU had a crush on ME!" he defended.

"What the heck, stop bringing up my hideous past!" Amari threw a napkin at Sam.

"Hey, hey, hey! Shush already!" interrupted the two. "Amy, why do you ask, anyway?"

Amari shrugged, "I'm just curious."

"I think he's the popular guy among the Computer and Information Science department. I've heard girls there are completely head over heels for him," shared Sam.

The thought made Lorelei shiver in disgust, "They should go and check their eyes. The guy's definitely a plain-looking ass!"

Amari chuckled at her response, "Definitely not." She shook her head and continued eating.

After eating their lunch and paying for the bill, the three went back to the university. They have their History class after their lunch which means Lorelei will see Jace again.