Chapter 16

"Mom, you don't have to drive me back," Jace said while watching his mom fix her hair in front of her vanity mirror.

His mom shook her head, "Nuh-uh. You can't convince me otherwise, darling," she was now putting on a baseball cap completing her overall attire, "And besides, I packed you a lot of side dishes! You'll have a hard time bringing those in public transportation."

"It would only be me and dad carrying those anyway," he retorted.

His mom just stuck her tongue out to tease him. Jace let out a sigh of defeat. He could never go against her, anyway. His mom is way too stubborn for him to handle.

Jace spent the rest of his weekend at their home. He played with his cats after finishing his part for their presentation, though he still hasn't sent it to his groupmates yet. He was planning to do so after arriving at his apartment.

It was a Sunday afternoon and the sun was about to set when he prepared himself to go back to his apartment. It would be too much of a hassle commuting if he leaves on Monday early in the morning.

His mom, however, wouldn't let him leave the house alone and empty-handed. So, she packed him food and decided to drive her son to his studio. She really didn't have to, though. She only wants to spend more time with her son. And because she doesn't want to go back home alone, she even dragged Jace's dad into her little scheme! Now, the two men are forced to accompany her. Not that Jace's dad dislikes the idea, it's just that his wife just drags him anywhere without even giving him time to prepare, just like now.

"My dears, let's get going! C'mon, chop-chop!" Jace's mom yelled at their front door. Jace petted his cats one last time before going out of their house. The two men then followed Jace's mom and hopped into the car.

The drive was a quick one. It barely took them thirty minutes to arrive at Jace's apartment. It was already dark when they reached their destination. Upon parking the car, they got off at once. Jace took the paper bags with containers of side dishes in them.

"You two go ahead. I'll just follow you and bring the rest," Jace's dad said in his baritone voice.

Jace nodded, "Miss Ivy, let's go." His mom snaked her arm around his and proceeded to his unit.


Lorelei was making her way to her apartment with an ice cream in her hand. She just finished eating and decided to buy ice cream at the nearby convenience store to cool her head. She was still bothered by the fact that Jace hasn't replied nor sent his portion of the task.

Just as when she was about to turn right, she saw Jace walking from the parking lot. 'Speaking of the devil,' she thought. She was about to call him but then she noticed a figure of a woman next to him. The woman was wearing a long white dress that ended near her ankle and a denim jacket layering over it. However, Lorelei couldn't see her face because of the woman's cap.

"What the. Is this what's keeping him busy?" Lorelei muttered to herself. The unfamiliar scene piqued her curiosity. She slowed down her pace and sneaked behind them.

They were now in the lobby, almost near the elevator when Jace suddenly turned in her direction. Lorelei, as if on instinct, hid behind the wall. 'What am I doing? And why the heck am I even hiding?!' she thought. She shut her eyes tight and quietly smacked her forehead because of her foolishness. Good thing Jace didn't check twice. Or so she thought.

"What are you doing there?" a familiar voice said.

In an instant, she opened her eyes because of shock.

"Were you following me?" Jace added.

Lorelei cleared her throat, "What are you talking about? I," she paused for a second to think of an excuse, "I live here too, you know! Can't I even enter the building now?"

Jace raised an eyebrow, "Really?," he scanned her surroundings, "Then why are you hiding behind that wall?"

Just as when she was about to answer, the woman accompanying Jace called him, "Darling, what are you doing there?" She went after Jace and suddenly popped up beside him and said, "Oh," with her hand covering her mouth.

"Who is she? Do you know her?" asked the woman.

Lorelei immediately scanned her, but she didn't make it obvious. The woman looked older than Jace but didn't look old enough to be his mother. She also looked like she knows how to dress seeing her clothes.

"No. Just someone who lives here," Jace said.

"Hm," the woman looked at Jace and Lorelei back and forth.

The woman clung onto Jace's arm, "Hi! Are you friends with my Jace?"

'HER Jace?' Lorelei thought. "Uh," paused and glanced at Jace, "I couldn't really say we are exactly friends." She gave the woman an embarrassed smile, "I mean, we just know each other. That's all."

"Hmm hmm," the woman nodded and raised a brow at Jace. "Well then. Still, it is good to know that Jace knows someone here. I hope you two get along, Miss?" the woman said, waiting for Lorelei to say her name.

"Ah, it's Lorelei. Lorelei Jung," Lorelei said and offered her hand.

The woman shook it and smiled, "Glad to make your acquaintance, Lorelei."

"Miss Ivy, let's go," Jace then dragged the woman by the arm.

"Sorry for his actions! He's not usually like this!" the woman yelled while being dragged away by Jace.

Lorelei remained behind the wall, still pondering until she came up with a silly assumption. 'Miss Ivy?' she thought. "Oh my gosh. I didn't take him to be the type who likes older women," she whispered to herself. "I mean there's nothing wrong with liking older women but isn't their age gap too big?" She craned her neck to check if they were still there, and when Lorelei was sure that they left, she let out a sigh of relief.

Lorelei continued on her way to her unit. It should be none of her business but she can't help but be bothered by the big age gap between Jace and his 'girlfriend'.

"Alright, self. Let's stop minding others' personal preferences," she muttered and took a deep breath.