Chapter 19

"This is so random." Lorelei's gaze fell to the paper bag she was holding with her two hands before putting it on the dining table. She took the containers out of the bag while scanning what's inside them. Seeing the variety of side dishes, Jace's mom went all out in preparing these for sure.

She opened a container to get a clearer view of its content. "Oooh. Radish kimchi?" She smelled it and nodded with satisfaction. After putting all of it inside the fridge, her phone dinged. It must be Jace's reply.

"I swear if he doesn't send his part now, I'm gonna exclude him from the member list," she murmured to herself. She opened her phone. Luckily for Jace, he was just saved from being excluded. He sent a file containing his portion of the task which made Lorelei feel half relieved and half irked. Relieved because their presentation is now safe, and irked because it was her only chance to lowkey get revenge for Jace not giving her his bus seat the last time. And yes, Lorelei holds grudges but she thought maybe she should let it go this time after receiving all those homemade side dishes.

Lorelei typed in a reply saying thanks for sending the file and a couple of reminders about their presentation. "Oh gosh. Finally, I can sleep soundly tonight," she murmured. A smile formed on her face as she went to her room. Lorelei brushed her hair for the last time before crawling to her bed and getting her beauty sleep.

It was again a busy day for Lorelei. Their professor in a major course just gave them a ton of workload, so she and Amari decided to do it together. They headed to Lorelei's apartment to get started with those. Well, maybe not. Lorelei would probably be the only one working on her pile of tasks while Amari would probably just hang out in her place and cram hers a day before the deadline. As they say, smart people tend to procrastinate. And though Lorelei excels in her studies (except math), she is proud to say that she's not a procrastinator.

"Lei, has Jace sent you his portion already?" Amari asked while lying down on the couch.

Lorelei nodded as a reply, too lazy to utter a word as she read her readings.

"Hmm hmm. We're all set then. Now, all we can do is hope for Professor Im to give us high marks." Amari sighed. Heck, she really hates it when professors of their non-major courses tend to be pickier than their major courses.

"Just start reading these. I'm sure Jacey will do a good job," Lorelei murmured while her eyes are still stuck on her laptop.

Amari rolled to her side. "And you?"

Lorelei snorted as she took her eyes off her laptop to face her best friend. "Pfft. That's already given, of course." She grinned. Lorelei was never the type to belittle herself, and her not-so-humble words were not empty at all. She has the skills and she knows it better than anyone else. Why the hell should she not be confident over it? It's not like she's boasting. She's just acknowledging her capabilities, because who would if she wouldn't, right?

"Yas queen! I love that attitude!" Amari giggled while cheering. "You better nail it!"

Lorelei just chuckled at Amari's cheers. She threw a pillow to her realizing that she had changed the subject. "Are you not going to start working on our tasks? My gosh, don't you ever bawl your eyes out while finishing those on the due date. I swear I'll never lend you a hand again."

"Fine. I'll do it! But can't we eat dinner first?" Amari gave Lorelei her signature puppy eye look whenever she needs something.

Lorelei had no choice, of course. For sure, Amari will continue to pester her especially now that it involves her stomach. She rolled her eyes, admitting defeat. "Do I even have a choice when you're looking at me like that?"

"Cute, aren't I?" Amari wiggled her brows.

Lorelei grimaced. She could swear Amari did that just to vex her. "Whatever, Amy. Just grab anything from the fridge."

Amari got up in an instant and went directly to the kitchen. Lorelei heard the sound of the fridge opening.

"Where did you get all these?" Amarie queried. She pulled out all the containers with the side dishes from Jace.

Lorelei glanced at Amari but continued reading right after. "Oh, that? It's from Jacey. He said his mom asked him to give me some of those."

Amari nearly dropped the stack of containers she was holding. "From Jace's what?!"

"His mom, Amy. His mom," Lorelei rolled her eyes although she knows Amari couldn't see it.

Amari rushed back to her. She narrowed her eyes, examining her best friend shamelessly. "Tell me honestly…" she paused.

Lorelei couldn't help but turn her head and face her friend, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"Are you two a thing?" said Amari with eyes still narrowed.

Before Lorelei could even answer Amari immediately added, "I mean I am NOT against the idea of you two being together, okay? But aaaaah!" She squealed out of excitement and then shook Lorelei by her shoulders. "So, when did it start? Hmm? Hmm?" Amari asked, waiting for Lorelei to fill her up with the details.

Lorelei sighed. She doesn't get why Amari was so thrilled about this even though there's literally nothing she could tell her because there's nothing going on between her and Jace. "We're not dating! I just happened to meet his mom in the lobby last night," she pulled Amari's hands off her shoulder, "his mom must have thought I'm a friend though we're not that even close."

"Hmm," Amari was still narrowing her eyes, "you two are still suspicious." She rose from her seat and went back to the dining table in the kitchen.

"Anyway, if you two really happen to date, don't hesitate to tell me. Okay?" she beamed at Lorelei. "I like Jace for you."

Lorelei's face was nearly deformed from her grimace. "What the heck. Stop that!" Even the idea of dating Jace made her shiver. "More like you like to see me get riled up because of him."

Amari burst into laughter, "That's one thing but still, I think you two are a good match."

Lorelei just shook her head and didn't bother to refute Amari's words. For all she knows, nothing could ever make her like Jace in any way ever.