Chapter 24

Lorelei couldn't get the burnt chicken out of her mind. She was still utterly lost for words for her stupidity but oh well, what's done is done. She didn't have any choice but to have her dinner delivered or else another catastrophe will set place again.

"Haaa. Time to get dinner," Lorelei shrugged and got her phone out to order some food to eat.

One could only wonder how she managed to live alone for almost four years. Surely, she has a knack for cleaning her apartment but her cooking skills are unimaginably awful.

She browsed for restaurants in the app, and then she just decided to go for some pizza, pasta, and chicken. Was it a lot? Definitely. Can she finish all of those? Probably not but she can just reheat those the next day and eat them. Wasting food is a big no for her after all.

If there's one thing that could relieve her stress right now, it would be food. It would be nice to drink some beer too but she didn't want to wake up with a bloated face, more so because she has plans with her friends the next day.

After ordering her food, she decided to clean up her kitchen and wash the cookware she used just moments ago. Lorelei couldn't help but sigh from time to time at the sight of her kitchen which reminded her of her clumsiness. Just as when she finished those, she heard her doorbell rang. It must be her food!

"Woah. That was fast of them," she rushed to open the door but instead of a delivery boy bringing her dinner, it was Jace again in the same clothing and bag as before.

"What are you doing here again?" Lorelei shot a brow up. The boy must have not gone home yet seeing his the same get up.

"Do I look like I wanted to be here?" Jace replied. "Here." He shook the small plastic bag he was holding in front of Lorelei which she wouldn't have noticed if Jace didn't wiggle it.

Lorelei took a step back to make some distance from the plastic bag because it was too close. She wrenched it away from Jace's grip. "What is this?" she asked as she opened it to check what's inside.

"Some ointment. Put it on your burn, it would probably swell if you won't," Jace retorted.

"My burn?" Lorelei's brows met, confused by what he said.

Jace just pointed her hand which was still in a bright red color. Lorelei didn't know what else to say so she just let out an "Oh." She didn't quite expect that Jace would offer her an ointment to treat her burn when she herself didn't even seem to pay attention to it.

"I'll get going now then," Jace said, ready to take his leave. He fixed his grip on his backpack and then walked away.

Lorelei didn't know what has gotten into her when she suddenly called him. "Jacey!"

Jace stopped midway in taking another step as he heard Lorelei call him. He whirled around to face her again. "What?" he said loud enough for her to hear him from where he was standing.

Lorelei gave him a beckoning motion.

"What now? Whyyy?" he said loudly again, too lazy to come back to her place.

"Stop yelling and just come here! You're disturbing our other neighbors with your shouting!" Lorelei shot back.

He groaned at her statement while rolling his eyes. Hell, as if he's the only one yelling among them. He stomped his feet as he made his way back to Lorelei's front door.

"What? What is it, huh?" he mumbled as soon as he was in front of Lorelei again.

The girl crossed her arms and looked away although she was trying to make eye contact with him. "Have you had dinner?" Lorelei said almost whispering.

Jace wasn't sure if he heard her right. Did she just ask him if he had dinner? "What did you say? I can't hear you clearly," he asked her for clarification.

"Have you had dinner?" Lorelei said again with more emphasis, this time she was able to look at him in the eye.

Jace looked at her with brows knitted together. He blinked a few times and then answered, "Nope. Why would you even ask?"

"Let's eat together," Lorelei replied.

Jace slightly tilted his head to the left. "Why would we eat together?"

Lorelei then raised her hand with the plastic bag Jace gave her. "For this."

"Ah, that. It's no biggie. I don't ask for anything in return. I'm just glad to help animals," he replied.

Lorelei looked daggers at him. "Animals?!" she scoffed. "I know I'm pretty cute at times but being called an animal?!" she growled. She flipped her hair, shrugging his insult, and shook the bag in front of his face. "Anyway! I still insist. I really hate being indebted to someone, you know." She now lowered her hand and said, "And who knows? What if you'll use this against me? I don't want that to happen."

"I told you I'm not asking for anyth-" Jace tried to reiterate what he said but Lorelei cut him off by flicking his forehead. Was she trying to get back at him for flicking her earlier?

"It's just dinner! And put your worries to rest, I won't drug or poison the food," Lorelei tried to convince him.

Jace gasped, pretending he was shocked at her words. "I never thought of that but thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt."

"Hey! Do I really look that vile to you, huh?!" Lorelei said, pissed at his reaction. "Anyway, come in!" She grabbed him by the arm, leaving Jace with no choice but to go along with her.

The two just sat in the living room with no one trying to strike a conversation. Jace observed the place. He didn't get to do so earlier since he was busy looking at Lorelei's messy kitchen. It was quite different from what he expected it to be. The overall interior was minimalist and has a theme of white and brown. It didn't seem like Lorelei actually owned the place since it was quite simple unlike his expectations of it being somehow sparkly and attention-grabbing.

His eyes then darted to the kitchen, which was surprisingly spotless compared to earlier. He suddenly thought about what would they have for dinner when Lorelei just burnt her food moments ago. "If we're having dinner..." Jace suddenly broke the silence, "where's the food then?"

As soon as she asked the question, Lorelei's doorbell rang as if it were the answer to his query.

"That's our food," Lorelei replied. She got up from her seat, proceeded to her door, and returned with a box of pizza and a couple of huge containers of food.

"What the heck. You were supposed to eat all of that even without me?" Jace asked, surprised by the amount of food Lorelei ordered.

"Why not? It's not like you're paying for it," she shot with sarcasm. "Where do you want to eat? Here or on the dining table?" she then looked at the dining table which was just a few feet away from her.

"Anywhere is fine," he replied nonchalantly.

Lorelei let out a long exhale. "Let's just eat here then." She opened the containers and then got some plates and utensils from her kitchen. She placed some in front of Jace. "You do you. I do me."

Jace just shrugged and picked up some pizza. The two got occupied with their food and though no one was talking, the atmosphere didn't feel awkward at all.

"Uhm..." Lorelei cleared her throat which made Jace look in her direction. "Thanks for the ointment."

"Yeah, whatever. You're welcome," Jace retorted as he put some pasta on his plate. "Thanks for the dinner too." Well, he has manners too so he thought he should thank her for the dinner as well.

"So, were quits now then?" Lorelei beamed at him.

"No, I don't think so." Jace was suddenly reminded of the extra fees he paid because of the overdue books. "You still owe me."

"What?!" Lorelei said, prepared to protest. "You gave me the ointment and I... well, I bought us dinner! Surely we're supposed to be even now!"

"I paid extra charges for the books. You didn't tell me they're due after two weeks," he replied.

"You should know that already! I mean, duh?! It's the rules of the library!" Lorelei defended.

Jace put down his fork. "I don't borrow from the library."

"And how is that my fault now?!" Lorelei scoffed.

The two went on and on with their bickering and their once quiet and peaceful (was it?) dinner was filled with their petty squabbles.