Chapter 66

"I don't need any cheering from anyone, idiot," Jace jokingly punched Shane's arm.

"Ow!" his friend stepped back while rubbing his, "Who are you calling idiot?! And that hurt, you know!" Shane pouted to make his exaggeration more realistic. 

"That's a bit of an overstretch. I didn't even punch you for real," Jace shot back.

Shane suddenly jolted up, realizing something. "Wait. Hold up a sec… If you don't need any cheering, then…" He gasped as he covered his mouth with both hands. "Are you guys a thing already?!"

Jace punched his arm for real this time (but not to the point where it really hurt him). "Lower your voice! Damn it. You're disturbing the customers," he huffed before continuing. "And I told you, we're just here to eat after working on our paper. We don't have anything going on. And I don't have anything going on for her. That's why I don't need any 'cheering' from you," Jace added while making a face as he emphasized the word 'cheering.'