Chapter 16: Team Boom Mischief

Mike and Carson entered the old gym. Just like Simon, Michelle wanted them to battle 2 trainers before her to prove their strength. Michelle called one of the trainers, who was a gardener at the gym. Mike sent out Dartrix, the gym trainer sent out Seedot. Dartrix used cut on the Seedot, then Seedot used razor leaf, which barely did any damage. Dartrix finished off the Seedot with a cut. The gym trainer was defeated. Michelle called up the last gym trainer, which was a plant waterer. Mike sent out Zorua and The gym trainer sent out Lombre.

Zorua used fury swipes, but Lombre was able to avoid it and hit Zorua with a water pulse. Mike ordered Zorua to use its newly learned night slash. Lombre looked like it was in pain, but Michelle ordered it to use Razor Leaf, Zorua was able to dodge it with ease. Zorua finished Lombre off with Tackle. Finally, it was time to battle Michelle. Michelle brought Mike to the main battlefield. The countdown started, until they heard an alarm going off in the gym. Michelle said there was an intruder entering the temple. Mike, Carson, and Sandra ran with Michelle to the Route 5 temple and found the door broken into. Mike decided to lead the way and climb up the stairs.

At the top, they saw 2 Team Boom Grunts and an Admin. Mike spotted them about to steal the Golden Jirachi. They spotted Mike and needed to battle to solve things out. The admin sent out the 1st grunt to battle him. The grunt sent out Sandshrew, Mike sent out Dartrix. Sandshrew attacked Dartrix with fury swipes. Then Dartrix was able to knock it out easily with a razor leaf attack. The grunt sent out his next Pokemon, which was a Growlithe, Mike sent back Dartrix and brought back Zorua. Zorua used night slash, then Growlithe used ember and burned Zorua. Zorua finished it off with a Scratch. Mike had defeated the first grunt.

The admin ordered the next grunt to battle him. The grunt sent out Vibrava. Mike sent out Dartrix. The grunt used Dragon Rage, which did half of Dartrix's health. Dartrix was able to use razor leaf, but it wasn't able to knock it out. Vibrava used slash, with left Dartrix weak. Dartrix finished off Vibrava with a Shadow sneak. The grunt was defeated. The Admin was disappointed with his grunts. Michelle healed up Mike's Pokemon. The Admin decided to take care of Mike himself...