Carson walked up to the center battlefield and started battling Michelle. Mike looked at his 2nd badge. The floral badge was in the shape of a pink flower. Mike watched Carson's battle. Mike was surprised as Carson sent out Crabrawler. Mike didn't know that Carson had a Crabrawler. All Mike knew was that Carson just had a Wartortle. Crabrawler wasn't as strong because he hadn't trained with it. It was disappointing, but Michelle had defeated Carson. Carson was devastated. He started crying and ran out of the temple. Sandra ran out looking for him. Mike and Michelle decided to look for him in Migna City.
30 minutes later, Michelle found him crying in an alleyway. Michelle said that the Pokemon Gym Challenge wasn't an easy challenge to do and there would be some ups and downs. Michelle decided to tell Mike and Carson a secret only they would know. Michelle had trouble with her Gym Leaders Examination. It took her over 15 times, just to pass. She said that she would go to the exact alleyway and cry for hours at a time. Carson had stopped crying and was determined to battle her again and win. Michelle decided to treat the gang to some Japanese food for Mike winning his 2nd badge and for stopping Team Boom. They walked up and sat right in front of the chef making the food on the grill. The chef was highly skilled in making the Grilled Squid and Chicken. The Chef recognized Mike's face from somewhere.
The chef asked if Mike's dad worked for Team Boom. Mike said yes. The chef said that he was a former Team Boom Admin. It was around 16 years ago. The chef was kidnapped by a group of Team Boom Grunts for complimenting another woman's picture. It turned out his ex-wife's brother was a member of Team Boom. They beat him up and made him a Team Boom Admin against his will. Team Boom Admins would constantly torture him.
Mike's dad was a grunt at the time and was the only grunt in the gang that wouldn't beat him up. When the leader would send him out for a mission and came back unsuccessful, the other admins would beat him up. One day, when everyone was sleeping, he secretly escaped the base and went to Migna City where he got major Plastic surgery and was a chef at the Restaurant. Mike thanked the chef for some helpful information about his father. Michelle left the chef a 100 Pokedollar tip for all the trouble he went through. Mike said his goodbyes to Michelle and the gang continued on to Route 5.